The Role of Glutamine in Recovery

Whether you are an elite athlete or a recreational runner training for long distances, you are at risk for developing overtraining syndrome and other ailments. Marathon training requires us to engage in multiple strenuous training sessions several days out of the week. More advanced runners train somewhat intensely every day! Prolonged and intense exercise can increase the risk of muscle tissue damage, inflammation, cardiac dysfunction, decreased immune function, and overuse injuries. PHEW! That’s quite a list of negatives, but don’t be fooled—there is a way to avoid all of these!


When deciding what type of marathon training plan is right for you, it is important to know that all plans can be modified based on your needs. Some athletes require more rest and recovery days than others. There is a reason that these easy days are scattered throughout the training weeks in every plan. It is meant to decrease the risk of developing the negative side effects of too much running.

There are important vitamins and nutrients athletes specifically need in order to stay healthy. Although a good balanced diet, preferably higher in quality calories, may be enough to obtain all of these essential nutrients, sometimes supplementation is necessary. Getting in everything we need for a balanced diet is difficult to do day in and day out, especially if you have a busy schedule to begin with. Many athletes supplement their diets with extra protein, usually in the form of powder. The reason for this is that protein is crucially important for the health of muscles, bones, skin, cartilage, and blood in the body. When deciding which protein powder to use, it is best to choose one that includes the important amino acids, which are the building blocks of the protein we need in order to function.



One extremely essential amino acid that gets depleted with hard training is glutamine. The depletion is said to likely be from the demand for glutamine from different organs exceeding the supply in the body after exercise. The role of this essential amino acid in the body is to assist with protein synthesis to build stronger muscles, support the immune system, and for the enhancement of hydration in the body. After strenuous exercise, the depletion of glutamine can last up to six days, which can greatly affect the recovery process of muscle damage. The low state of this essential amino acid is also what causes athletes to be more susceptible to illness, such as colds and the flu, following hard training. Glutamine may also be depleted with other conditions such as trauma, burns, muscular dystrophy, and any other conditions causing stress in the body.

Muscle Repair

Muscle tissue damage is almost inevitable in athletes. The breakdown of muscle, causing tiny tears, is what builds strength. But this strength is only built during the recovery and healing process. This means that your muscles aren’t actually getting bigger and stronger while you are weight lifting—it all happens when you begin your rest period. Of course, nutrition will also play an important role in these strength gains. It is always a good idea to eat after a workout, especially after a strenuous run. A carbohydrate and protein-rich meal or snack is ideal, since this will help speed up the recovery process. As mentioned above, choosing a protein powder that includes the essential amino acids as part of a recovery shake is a good option to replenish the possibly lost glutamine. Glutamine alone also comes in the form of capsules, so this may be a quicker option for some athletes.

Immune Function


Glutamine is essential to immune function as it assists with lymphocyte proliferation and the production of cytokines. What does this mean? Well, lymphocyte proliferation is basically cell production and cytokines are molecules the immune system needs in order to communicate when there is infection, inflammation, or trauma. Without these processes, immunity is weak and cannot properly fight against bacteria. Studies have shown that the inclusion of glutamine following surgery, medical procedures, and trauma, especially in patients with a compromised immune system, resulted in lower levels of infection and shorter hospital stays. In the case of endurance athletes, studies have concluded that there have been less episodes of illness following strenuous training or races with the intake of a glutamine supplement.

Muscle Hydration

Glutamine assists in the absorption of water and other nutrients to keep our muscle tissues hydrated properly. Prolonged and intense exercise causes extreme stress and dehydration throughout the body. Glutamine supplementation has been shown to improve the hydration process by way of enhancing electrolyte and fluid absorption in the muscles. It may be beneficial to opt for electrolyte drinks that contain this nutrient and other branched-chain amino acids, usually labeled “BCAAs”.

If you are a runner looking to increase your training time and improve your performance, it is extremely important to pay attention to your diet. Many people have the thought that since they are exercising so much they can eat whatever they want and not worry about nutrition. Yes, the body will burn a load of calories with the hard workouts, but it will only impede strength gains and performance improvements if the body is not taking in the nutrients and vitamins it needs to repair and build. With all of the calories burned, essential nutrition gets depleted as well. This will only lead to fatigue, illness, and/or injury. The best way to get as many of these important nutrients from your diet is to make sure you are getting in enough quality carbs, protein, and fats from nutrient-rich foods such as veggies, fruits, and whole grains.


Vinicius Fernandes Cruzat, Maurício Krause and Philip Newsholme, Amino Acid Supplementation and Impact on Immune Function in the Context of Exercise, Journal, Oct 28, 2019

Rohde T, MacLean DA, Pedersen BK., Effect of Glutamine Supplementation on Changes in the Immune System Induced by Repeated Exercise., Journal, Oct 28, 2019

Boelens PG, Nijveldt RJ, Houdijk AP, Meijer S, van Leeuwen PA., Glutamine Alimentation in Catabolic State, Journal, Oct 28, 2019

Shoe Review: 361 Degrees Meraki 2

Sponsored by Zappos

All opinions are my own.

As a runner who loves to pack on the miles every week, I am always looking for shoes that not only help me run fast, but are also supportive and cushioned enough to protect my feet. You’ve probably heard all about how important it is to rotate through different types of shoes throughout your training, so you may have one pair specifically for speed work, one for long runs, and one for the rest of your miles. Well, it is actually hard to find a pair that is good for every type of run anyway. Luckily I was able to try out the 361 Degrees Meraki 2 from Zappos, because I absolutely loved them for every single type of run!


I know ordering shoes online is scary, because you may be unsure of the size and fit you are getting or if you even like them in person. The good news is that you don’t have to worry any of this when ordering from Zappos because as a Zappos Rewards member, you get to return them for free (with a 365 day return policy!) and then you can pick out another pair from their extra large selection of styles. Customer service is also 24/7 and they are very knowledge about their products so you can ask all about the shoes you want and be sure to get the right pair.

I am used to wearing a bulky, super cushioned pair of shoes for my every day mileage, and a very unsupportive, yet springy, pair for my track days and speed work. Although I feel protected in the bulky ones and fast in the light pair, I have always wanted to have an all-around shoe—and that’s exactly what the Meraki is about. So far I have tested them out for a tempo run, all of my easy runs, an interval session on the track, and my grueling Saturday 17-miler. Continue on if you are intrigued to know the outcome.

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Supportive AND Stylish

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Unfortunately, in my opinion, most supportive and cushioned shoes out there are heavy and unattractive—they make me look like I am wearing boats on my feet! Since I cap out shoe mileage very quickly I end up not caring as much about the look. Now that I know there is such a thing as cute AND well-cushioned shoes, I will never go back to an ugly pair again! The Meraki are made with a light, mesh upper that gives it a sleek fit, rather that using a ton of padding to “hug” the foot. The technology behind the fit includes Fitz-Rite both in the outer and inner part of the shoes, which is what secures the foot in place. My foot felt just has protected with this light construction than with any other bulky pair I have used in the past. 

Meraki is Fast

What is responsiveness? Well, it is basically when the shoe provides a return in energy when your weight is absorbed into them. The Meraki 2 uses a EVA rubber called QU!KFOAM, which gives it this responsiveness along with cushioning. This technology is made to last throughout the entire lifespan of the shoe, which is a plus, since most other pairs begin to wear out in responsiveness after just a couple hundred miles. The special foam grooves around the balls of the feet so that you can push-off with more ease for a speedier run. I truly felt springy during my speed sessions without the sacrifice of stability.

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I tend to normally have achy feet for the rest of the day after long runs, but surprisingly they felt great after last weekend’s 17-miler! I say ‘surprisingly’ because I especially have more soreness after wearing relatively new shoes, and this pair (which I only used for a week before Saturday) left my feet feeling recovered rather than wasted as usual. Since the best experience I had with the 361 Degress Meraki 2 was during my long run, and that’s the run that wears out my shoes the quickest, I think I will stick to making this pair my long run pair. The technology is made to last, and what I was using before gave me only a couple of months of use, so you can bet I won’t be going back to anything else! If you are looking for a shoe that gives you stability, cushioning, speed, and a lightweight feel, these are for you! Try them out, and if you don’t like them, you can blame me and then return them for free with Zappos! Happy Running!

Got Shin Splints? Learn How to Treat & Prevent This Annoying Injury

One of the most annoying, but significantly common, running injuries is shin splints. Well, this is the usual diagnosis from a doctor or other medical professional when you tell them you have pain in the front part of your lower leg, even without examining you first. Besides learning how to treat and prevent this issue, it is important for athletes to understand the symptoms and different diagnoses that are associated with shin splints in the first place, since there are other similar injuries that can be career (and life!) threatening.

“Shin Pain” Causes


The number one cause of pain in the shins is overuse. You will hear from many doctors and physical therapists that biomechanical factors—think: flat feet, heel striking and overpronating, are the main cause, but it actually has more to do with overloading in general. Yes, these factors contribute to pain and other problems, but without the “overuse” part, most injuries wouldn’t occur. When it comes to runners, those who skip strength training and run excessively are more prone to any overuse injuries. It can be difficult to keep up with other exercises when your mileage builds up and you have a life outside of running, but this is when it is most important.

Differential Diagnosis


A specific condition that often times gets overlooked when diagnosing shin splints is compartment syndrome. Although distance runners will have the less dangerous type—chronic compartment syndrome, it is important to note the symptoms of the acute version, which can be life threatening. This condition consists of increased pressure in the lower limbs from “trapped” fluid. It mimics shin splints in the sense that there is achiness in the shin bone and surrounding areas during activity. With compartment syndrome, this pain rapidly worsens during activity and almost feels like “congestion” in the lower limbs. If you are experiencing similar symptoms, DO NOT continue running and seek medical care as soon as possible!

Stress fractures are often times caused by prolonged shin splints due to the increased use of already inflamed muscles and weakening of the tibia (shin bone). This weakening is the result of degeneration of the bone from overuse. Proper treatment of shin splints can lead to a fast recovery, but it is not the case with a stress fracture. Training through shin pain to the point that it leads to a stress fracture will only delay your progress and cause you to sit out of running for months.

Treating Shin Splints

The first step to recovery is rest (as it is with almost every injury). Start by taking a few days off and icing the area of pain three times per day if you can. Initially it is best to figure out what caused your shin splits to begin with, which is usually a combination of tight calf muscles, weak lower leg and ankle muscles, and inefficient strength of muscles higher up in the body such as the knees, hips, and core. Once the pain is under control and any swelling has relieved, then a gradual progression of strengthening and flexibility exercises should be incorporated. Below are simple ankle exercises used to strengthen the muscles that run down the entire lower leg, as well as stretching techniques for both groups of calf muscles.

When easing back into running, it is a good idea to rotate between different types of shoes throughout the week. Alternating surfaces is also helpful. Try switching between the road, grass, treadmill, and track to relieve pressure in different areas of the feet and legs. For runners who overpronate, choose shoes that help correct your foot strike, or wean into a pair of orthotics that help align your feet. Of course, if any pain starts to trickle back into the picture, take a few days off, ice, and keep working on the exercises. You should always continue strengthening and stretching a few times per week, even if your treatment is successful, in order to prevent shin splints and many other problems in the future. 

Running After a Race: The Reverse Taper

After several months of dedicated training, race day finally arrives and it is time to showcase all of that hard effort by running 26.2 miles. You finish the race, refuel with the goodies provided at the finish line, and feel accomplished. But now what? Whether you have an amazing race and set a personal record or have a disappointing one, your body goes through the same workload. The biggest mistake most marathoners make is not giving their bodies enough recovery time after the grueling training months and a demanding race.


After getting used to running most days of the week, or everyday for some, it is not the easiest task to take time off. It ends up being unenjoyably miserable and creates a sense of not feeling like oneself even after just a few days. If you had an amazing race and set a PR, you will feel anxious to continue the streak and get back on the training wheel as soon as possible. On the opposite spectrum, if the race did not go so well, you may feel like you need to start harder training right away, or worse—feel like you don’t deserve much time off. But this break is a very important step to improve performance for the next race.

Why Do I Need Such a Long Break?

The marathon and all of those hard training sessions damage the body in so many ways. Of course, if you trained properly, gradually increasing mileage over time, taking rest days as they should be, and fueling properly, the damage to the body is reversible and not detrimental. You do not have to be an elite athlete training 100+ miles per week to get this damage. Since most plans go up to twenty miles at the most training for the marathon, the extra six miles completed at the race, with most likely faster paces, is enough to damage the body just on race day alone.

Muscle Damage

The most obvious damage is done to the muscles. The significant amount of inflammation accumulated in the body after hard training runs and races is a normal process. The temporary inflammatory response to training is necessary in order to improve different fitness components such as strength, stamina, and VO2 max, but only if proper recovery is included in the mix. If you do not let your body recover effectively after a hard workout, then the next hard workout will only pile on more inflammation. Eventually, this stacking on of inflammation will turn into chronic inflammation and lead to injury. The key is to recover properly from every hard workout, especially the hardest workout in the entire plan—race day.

Cellular Damage

There may be times where you run a race, and do not even feel sore afterwards. This is probably the most dangerous time because it will be more likely that you will return to harder running too quickly. Although one may not feel sore or fatigued following a race, it is important to note that the race still induced muscle damage. Creatinine kinase (CK) is a substance that is measured in the blood that indicates skeletal muscle and cardiac damage. Increases in CK in the blood are usually brought on by intense or prolonged exercise, especially in the case of eccentric-type exercise, such as running downhill. Some studies show that this increase can last 3-4 days post-race, while others show it can take longer than seven days to bring these levels back to normal. Given this information, it is important to make sure to not judge your recovery time on how sore you are from your race.

Immune Suppression


Yet another reason a good break after racing is recommended is the impact of hard training on the immune system. The tissue damage that occurs during training and racing leads to the production of cytokines, which are basically substances secreted by the immune system that affect other cells in the body. This development of cytokines then increases the lymphocytes responsible for suppressing immunity. This process is what makes athletes, especially endurance athletes, more susceptible to infections. Although you may not get sick right after racing, this bodily response to the months of hard marathon training will increase your risk of getting sick and having to put a break on your training plan later down the line.

Reverse Taper

A good method to determine your plan to returning back to running after racing is to simply take your taper plan from before your race and reverse it. If your training plan called for a two week taper, then the reverse taper would also be two weeks in length. The few days leading up to your race were mostly easy, short runs, so the first few days back to running should be the same. A few speed sessions fall within these two weeks as well, but overall the mileage is much lower than peak mileage. The third week after the race is finally a good time to start weaning back into the type of running you were doing before. Of course if you follow this approach and your taper was longer, say three weeks, then this plan will take three full weeks until you are back to your prior training level.

It is a good idea to include some light strength training by week two to slowly begin getting your muscles used to exercising. It is important to keep these strengthening exercises similar to what you were doing before. Flexibility exercises and massage/foam rolling should begin as soon as possible to help keep sore and tight muscles flexible and circulated.

You Won’t Lose Fitness

During the reverse taper, runners feel they will lose fitness and get out of shape. There are several studies out there concluding that there is a minimal drop in fitness levels within the first couple of weeks of inactivity. VO2 max is a main indicator of fitness in athletes. It is the measure of the maximum amount of oxygen one is able to utilize during intense exercise. Within the first week of inactivity, there is an insignificant drop in VO2 max (up to 3%), and it will go as high as a 6% drop after two weeks. This is for athletes who decide to take the weeks off completely, instead of incorporating easy runs and other cross-training. Therefore, the drop is even less for those who get back into those easy runs within the first few days as explained above.

The reverse taper is an excellent strategy to use when recovering from a marathon. It lets you continue your running while giving you ample time to rest and incorporate other recovery methods such as massage and cross-training. Not planning adequate time after racing will only lead to overtraining syndrome and a higher risk of injury. It is important to listen to your body during these few weeks post-race and gradually increase mileage. A proper break from intense training will only lead to better performance in your next race!

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Hikida RS, Staron RS, Hagerman FC, Sherman WM, Costill DL, Muscle Fiber Necrosis Associated with Human Marathon Runners, Journal, Oct 16, 2019

Marianne F. Baird, * Scott M. Graham, Julien S. Baker, and Gordon F. Bickerstaff, Creatine-Kinase- and Exercise-Related Muscle Damage Implications for Muscle Performance and Recovery, Journal, Oct 16, 2019

Lakier Smith L., Overtraining, Excessive Exercise, and Altered Immunity: Is This a T Helper-1 Versus T Helper-2 Lymphocyte Response?, Journal, Oct 16, 2019

Faster on Race Day Than During Training? Here's Why

If you are a long time regular distance runner, meaning you have had quite a few training blocks, you are probably familiar with that not-so-good feeling of never really hitting your goal pace during training runs. It is on all of the training plans: “Run at goal pace for X miles”. Some long runs call for “run the last 10 miles at goal pace”. To be honest, most runners have a hard time running even half of their long runs anywhere near their goal pace, but then manage to do it on race day THE ENTIRE TIME. The distressing feat trying to accomplish those fast paces in training runs can really mess with a runner’s mind. You may end up feeling like you have to change your goal, if not it is going to be unachievable.

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Many factors go into the faster race paces. The body is tapered and rested, fueling has been on point for several days leading up to the race, there are other runners around to compete against, and adrenaline is rushing. It sounds like it makes sense, but how do all of those factors really translate into faster paces? Some of it is physiological and others are mostly mental reactions to racing.


The point of the taper period, which is usually between one and three weeks long, is to give the body the rest it needs to feel fresh for race day. The months and months of training build up physical and mental stress and loads of fatigue on the legs. Throughout those months, we perform long runs and speed sessions on tired and sore legs, which is probably one reason why hitting paces during training is tough. When you gradually decrease mileage and intensity throughout the taper period, the legs are rested and feel light and strong come race morning. It is true that training hard on tired legs is a good method to build endurance and strength, but it also helps us enjoy how our legs feel at the start line of races—fresh and rested!

Proper Fueling

We are supposed to be properly fueling throughout our entire training program, but it is never really perfect. Our nutrition is one aspect we should definitely be focusing on during race week. Eating enough carbs every day, hydrating well, and timing our meals around our workouts are a few things we get right leading up to the race. The carb loading and proper pre-race fueling truly help us run stronger compared to the training runs where we may not eat enough or maybe eat too much of the wrong things. Mid-race hydration is also another advantage to our faster paces as aid stations are evenly spaced out. During long training runs, most runners plan their hydration around water fountains that they may or may not pass, or skip fueling altogether.


The body naturally releases this helpful hormone during times of excitement, stress, or fear. Adrenaline is the reason we feel extra energetic when we were just feeling tired. It also heightens our senses, which helps us concentrate on how we feel during the entire race. This spike in energy during racing may also be the reason why we are better able to tolerate pain than when we are training. When our legs feel extremely tight or we are getting that old twinge in the hamstring during a training run, we will most likely stop running or slow our pace to protect our bodies. Many runners will be able to run through these aches and pains and maintain their top speeds during racing. It is not encouraged, though, to run through any new or sharp pains, especially if they are negatively impacting your form.


These reasons combined with the fact that there are several other runners around us working towards similar goals are what push us to our limits. Studies have been conducted on the effects of training and racing in a group, and have shown that performance is positively impacted by this single factor. It makes sense to train in a group to reap these benefits every time we run, but even if you are a solo runner, this addition on race day is a bonus.

Besides having an extra jolt of energy on race day, competition, good nutrition, and rested legs, the months of cumulated training is the top reason we can do what we do on race day. Some runners focus on hitting specific workouts to decide if they can perform at their goal pace on race day, but the reality is that it is not because of those specific workouts. It is all of our training runs—the good and the bad ones together that make us strong and ready for a PR. And all runners will have a time where they just have an “off day” on race morning. And that is okay in the world of running. There is always another race.


Laura D. Wandner, M.S., Cindy D. Scipio, Ph.D., Adam T. Hirsh, Ph.D., Calia A. Torres, B.S., and Michael E. Robinson, Ph.D., The Perception Of Pain In Others: How Gender, Race, And Age Influence Pain Expectations, Journal, Oct 14, 2019.

Taper Time: How to Train, Eat, and Rest the Right Way

There is a reason why runners call this time of the season the “taper crazies”. It simply makes most of us go nuts because we can’t tell if we are running too little or too much, eating enough, resting enough, and we are so nervous for race day that we end up not sleeping enough. This only makes us even more crazy, since sleep is vital at this time! We are officially closing in on the first of the Fall marathons— with Chicago up next on October 13th. It’s an exciting time for some big races, but it’s important to stay strict with your taper approach in the midst of the excitement.

How Much Should I Be Running?

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No matter what you feel your body is capable of, the amount of fitness gains that can be made during the last 2-3 weeks before a race are slim to none. All the work has been done at this point. The strategy I use for myself and my athletes is a full two-week taper approach where mileage and intensity is cut down gradually. By two weeks out of race day, a 25% cut in overall mileage is ideal to get the legs to start resting. Lowering intensity will naturally come from the drop in mileage, as you shouldn’t completely eliminate these workouts at this time. Instead, cut back a few reps from your track session and a few miles off of your tempo run. Keeping up with post-run strides continues to be important as this keeps good strength in the legs and helps maintain proper form.

The week before the race, mileage should be cut by 50%, with additional time spent utilizing recovery tactics. The very last speed session should be completed by Tuesday or Wednesday (at the latest), in order to get the legs rested. It's just fine to add in a few sets of strides after your easy runs later in the week, but the intense, longer workouts should be kept to a minimum on race week. It is also important to keep pace no faster than goal race pace for your speed sessions this week. The majority of mileage should be at a comfortable, easy pace and decrease each day. An easy shakeout run scheduled one or two days before the race will help keep the legs loose and well-circulated.

What/How Much Should I Eat?

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You should eat exactly the same as you always eat! The worst thing to do is to try to add in different kinds of food or drastically increase carbs to “carb load” and then be sick to your stomach on race morning. The most important thing to do is eat the foods you are used to. It can be tough when traveling for races, so choose menu items at restaurants carefully and as close to your usual diet as possible. Some runners opt to bring their own snacks along when they travel, which is especially good for race morning. It is not that hard to travel with a bag of bagels, single serving packets of peanut butter, granola bars, and gels.

Along with good and adequate nutrition, it is important to keep yourself from getting sick. The extra nerves and excitement add additional stress to the body, and since you are just coming off of the most intense part of your training, your immune system is a bit weaker. The easiest way to help prevent any illness is to stay hydrated. Drinking lots of water helps to flush out any toxins and bacteria in the body that can lead to catching a cold. You may also want to add in some extra vitamin C, zinc, and glutamine to keep your immune system as strong as possible.

What Else Can I Do to Make Sure My Body is Rested Enough?

We hear the word “recovery” and we think we are doing it right, but there is more to it than lowering mileage. This concept MUST be emphasized during the last two weeks before a race. The most important part of your recovery plans should consist of extra sleep. A good idea is to start getting to bed 10-15 minutes earlier every night starting at 10 to 14 days out from race day. It’s normal (and OKAY) to not sleep well the night before the race, which is when most people are nervous and anxious, but you want to get in the extra ZzZs for several days leading up to the big day. Down time throughout each day is another good way to recover. Since you are running and strength training less, you’ll have some extra time to fit in laying around with your legs elevated. Although massage is not a permanent fix for tight and sore muscles, it helps to get a couple of sessions during your taper period for the benefit of stress-relief and decreasing lactic acid in the body.


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Some runners make the mistake of laying around TOO much the day before a big race. Although resting should be emphasized, you can end up doing much more than you need, and risk being all stiff come race morning. This is why it is recommended to do a shakeout run—an easy 20-30 minutes of running at a slow, recovery pace. This will keep your legs loose. Throughout the day, add in a little bit of walking and stretching in between periods of relaxing and elevating your legs. Some runners opt for visiting the expo and other race event venues the day before. If you decide to do this, try to avoid walking and standing around for hours at a time. You want to save as much energy as possible for the race!

Following these guidelines during your taper period will help you be as prepared as possible for the big day. The key is to get a handle on the things you can control—your nutrition and hydration, resting your mind and body, and get your gear in place. Try not to worry about the factors that are outside of your control—such as bad weather. Keep your mind focused on staying smart and celebrating your hard work, and race day will most likely be a great day!

Beta-alanine & Exercise Performance

Runners, like many other athletes, are constantly looking for safe ways to improve their running performance. Whether it be training in certain environmental conditions like in the heat or at altitude, or changing their fueling methods, there are many strategies one can use to get faster and last longer. The key to seriously improve performance is to understand where you are lacking in the first place. Is it too little muscular strength that is holding you back from running with good form? Or maybe you are actually pretty strong but endurance is what is weak. In many cases performance is hindered by poor nutrition, especially before and during exercise. For some runs it may be just fine to go out on an empty stomach but if you want to run hard and for a long period of time fueling the body efficiently is important.

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It is common for athletes to supplement their diets with nutrients they may be missing out on in their regular meals. Runners supplement with electrolytes and other vitamins that are important for proper organ function and recovery from training. Protein powders are probably the most common supplement athletes consume, as it is essential for muscle repair and growth. The building blocks of protein, amino acids, are important in the diets of athletes since during hard exercise muscle fibers go through microscopic tears and require these essential amino acids for the repairing process. 


One amino acid that is actually considered a non-essential amino acid, called beta-alanine, is a commonly used supplement in the sports world. The reason it is considered a non-essential amino acid is because it is not involved in protein synthesis, as are the others. Beta-alanine produces carnosine, a substance that is stored in the muscles and reduces lactic acid accumulation. This lactic acid buildup is produced in the muscles during exercise and is the reason why our bodies require recovery time in order to be ready for another session. If less lactic acid is building up in the first place than recovery time will be shortened. This is the main reason why beta-alanine is being used to improve performance.

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During lactic acid accumulation, excess hydrogen ions are produced in the muscles, causing a drop in pH levels—meaning they are now in a more acidic state. This acidity blocks glucose breakdown, which is normally what fuels our muscles, causing less muscle contraction, and eventually fatigue. The carnosine produced by beta-alanine is what maintains a normal pH level in the muscles during this process, therefore lowering the risk of fatigue. This benefit of increased time to exhaustion helps runners and other endurance athletes last longer. 

How Does Beta-alanine Help Marathoners?


Studies have shown that these benefits are more evident in short bouts of high intensity exercise lasting between one and several minutes. This means speed session consisting of 400m to mile repeats can be greatly improved with the use of beta-alanine supplementation. Although marathon running is commonly looked at as a low to moderate intensity exercise, the fact that you have to run at a fast goal pace for several hours requires specific training at significantly high intensity. This is where those short bouts of intervals come into play for marathon runners. Strengthening those fast twitch muscle fibers through speed sessions that can benefit from beta-alanine supplementation will lead to maintaining that goal pace you desire on race day.

Diet, Supplementation & Dosage

Most people who regularly eat animal protein get a sufficient amount of beta-alanine. Beef, pork, chicken, and fish are the main food sources of this amino acid. Regular servings of these proteins will contain between 50 to 250mg of beta-alanine. Most research advises to have between 2 and 5 grams per day to reap the benefits of carnosine production. Over the course of 4 weeks, carnosine concentration can increase by up to 40-60%. Combining the supplementation with a meal has been shown to enhance the production further. After one month of supplementing with this amount, the dosage is then lowered to half. Beta-alanine does not have to be taken at a certain time in order to gain the benefit. Some athletes combine it with their pre or post-workout drinks, but it can be included with any meal.

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Supplementing with beta-alanine has been shown to be safe and effective at improving endurance and decreasing muscle fatigue during exercise. One common side effect that may be experienced is paraesthesia, which is a tingling sensation usually noticed in the face, hands, and neck. This effect is usually mild, short-lived and occurs during the first few times of taking the supplement. Carnosine production decreases by 15-20% from youth to adulthood, which suggests that beta-alanine supplementation may be even more beneficial for older athletes. As with any other supplement, it is advised to talk with your medical doctor before including anything new in your diet. Although beta-alanine is safe and shown to be effective, studies have not concluded its effects on athletes with any specific medical condition.


Ducker KJ, Dawson B, Wallman KE, Effect of Beta-Alanine Supplementation On 800-M Running Performance, Journal, Sept 26 2019.

READY, SET, GO... Miami Marathon Training in Full Swing

Here goes another marathon training season! I am already looking forward to my next full marathon—Miami Marathon in February 2020. My 20-week cycle starts today and I am fully prepared for what these next five months will bring! I use a longer training cycle than most because I am a high mileage runner, so I like to have more time to get to 100+ mile weeks. I make sure to stick to no more than a 10% increase each week, with a few lower mileage weeks in the mix. So far, throughout the summer, I’ve kept my mileage around 65 on average, but have had a more unstructured program. I’ve basically kept most runs easy, with some hills sprints every week or so, and some tempo miles when I’ve had to use the treadmill. Now the fun part begins—STRUCTURE!

My Plan

The difference between the on and off-season for me is not only the fact that I run more in the on-season, but I also eat a little better, stay more on top of my supplements, switch up my strength training to more calisthenics and body-weight exercises, and recover a whole lot more! For the next couple of months, my running program will look a little like this:

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Monday:          AM: Tempo + hill repeats

                         PM: upper body + core workout 

Tuesday:          AM: Easy/recovery run

                         PM: Easy run

Wednesday:    AM: Medium long run

                         PM: leg + core workout

Thursday:       AM: Easy/recovery run

                         PM: Easy run

Friday:             track workout + leg/core workout

Saturday:        long run

Sunday:           optional recovery run or other cross-training

I’ll increase my mileage for some of the easy runs and the long run of course. After a couple of months, my tempo and track days will get longer as well. 


No matter the time of the year, my diet looks pretty much the same. I eat relatively healthy overall, limiting “crap” food throughout the workweek and try to stick with one “cheat meal” on the weekends. I don’t stress about having a strict diet—I actually worry I am not eating enough sometimes! The biggest difference I make during marathon training is increasing my calories...if I were to count, this would probably be around 3000 calories per day. I focus on eating high-carb and protein, and moderate fats, making sure at least 85% of what I eat on a weekly basis is “quality” foods. Here is a sample of what I generally eat in a day:


Pre-run:    Either a clif bar or Maurten 160 or 320 drink (bagel with PB before long runs)

Post-run/breakfast:   Smoothie with protein, cherry juice, beta alanine, beetroot powder, banana, berries, and chia seeds OR oatmeal

Lunch:    Eggs & toast, sandwich with turkey or tuna, or oatmeal if I didn’t have it for breakfast

Snack/pre-workout:    granola bar

Post-workout:      protein shake

Dinner:     lean meat/fish/chicken with veggies and rice/potatoes/pasta (usually 2 servings)

Dessert:     Either cookie dough or Justin’s Peanut/Almond Butter Cups


I am good about taking my regular vitamins throughout the year, but try to be more strict about this during training, along with some additions. My daily dose of vitamins year-round includes: vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, fish oil, calcium, and iron. During training season I add in glutamine post-workout and beta alanine twice a day, evenly spaced out. Glutamine is great for keeping the immune system healthy and recovering the body. Beta-Alanine is used to help reduce lactic acid accumulation, which means less muscle fatigue. I’ll add in a blog post soon about these supplements!



This is my hardest part! Sleep should be a top priority if you want to run well, but it’s the biggest challenge I have. I am a light sleeper so just about any noise, movement, or light wakes me up. I also have a hard time falling asleep. I take melatonin when I remember, so that helps some, but my goal this cycle is to gradually start getting to bed earlier so I can have a little more sleeping time! I have been using the ResMed S+ sleep monitor and it has helped so much! I track my sleeping patterns, so I am able to pinpoint what is most likely causing my poor sleep. My other recovery tactics are little things I do throughout the day like rest with my legs elevated every couple of hours and use my Normatec Recovery boots one hour per day. This truly helps prevent swelling in my calves and feet and keeps my soreness to a minimum every day! They are pricey, but worth it! Here is a less expensive brand you can try.

 I am hoping for a smooth ride from here until February. I will be documenting as much as I can, which will not only help so many of my readers with their plans and motivation, but it keeps me accountable as well! I will keep everyone posted if I decide to add in a race or two this Fall as part of my training. I’m thinking about joining in on the Turkey Trot fun and race my first ever 5k and maybe squeeze in a half marathon in December. We’ll see! Stay tuned.

Running with Arthritis? Here's All You Need to Know to Stay Healthy

One of the most common complaints of pain for most adults is caused by arthritis. This condition can become extremely debilitating and limit the ability to enjoy even the simplest activities. It has been a common thought that running is harmful to joints and causes arthritis. Recent research has shown the opposite results. Running can actually help control the symptoms of arthritis. Early signs are often ignored as they are usually short-lived and infrequent and can mimic other conditions such as overuse symptoms and muscle soreness. If you are a runner or partake in other activities, it is beneficial to understand the causes, symptoms, and management options available in order to avoid requiring invasive treatment.

What is Arthritis?


According to the Arthritis Foundation, the condition is just a term used to described joint disease and includes over 100 different types. It is most common in adults, but many of these types of arthritis can be found in children, as well. The cartilage located in between bones, which acts as a “cushion”, is lost creating constant pressure during activities. The earliest symptoms include joint stiffness, pain, and swelling. As mentioned, these can last a short time and occur infrequently. Stiffness is usually felt the most after prolonged positioning such as sitting or when getting out of bed in the morning. When in motion, the stiffness is usually relieved. In more advanced stages of arthritis, significantly prolonged activities can make the pain worse. Over time, arthritis can cause visible joint changes such as enlarged knuckles. Other joint deformities are only visible with X-rays.

Unfortunately, arthritis cannot be cured, but there are several management strategies available that can allow you to live comfortably without sacrificing your desired activities. The most important treatment approach, especially in the early stages, is balancing aggravating activities with rest. The key is to control the buildup of inflammation in order to avoid extreme pain to the point where you must take too much time off. For runners, this means if you are beginning to feel symptoms during or after a 10-mile run or longer, than you should be cutting back to shorter runs and adding in other cross-training activities, including strength training.

Strength Training is a Must


The constant grinding of bones with arthritis is what naturally causes pain and swelling. Getting the surrounding muscles stronger can help relieve this pressure. Stronger muscles also mean you can tolerate activities for a longer period of time, such as getting back to those 10-mile runs and racing marathons. Yes, this is possible, but runners must understand that strength training needs to become part of their regular training regimen. It is also the best way for non-runners to help control their symptoms and possibly avoid worsening arthritis and requiring surgery.

For hip and knee arthritis, which is one of the most common areas affected, especially in runners, it is important to alternate between bodyweight and resistance exercises. Both offer strength gains but give the joints a break from too much impact. Exercises should incorporate the larger muscle groups such as the quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves, as well as smaller muscles that play a role in hip and knee stabilization. These smaller groups are the hip abductors and adductors, internal and external rotators, and the core muscles. Besides squats, lunges, heel raises, and step-ups, which all target the larger muscle groups, floor exercises for the lower body are an easy way to get in strength training at any time. Bridges, clamshells, and hip extensions are all great exercises that can be done with or without a resistance band. Core exercises such as planks and leg raises are also good additions.

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Management for Runners

Besides alternating runs with lower impact cross training, there are several other strategies to help relieve symptoms. Using hot packs before activities can help ease pain and stiffness and the use of ice afterward can help control inflammatory buildup from your workout. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications can also help manage symptoms. Below are other methods specifically for runners with arthritis.

  • Use a run-walk method during most runs

  • Eat a low-inflammatory diet. Examples of foods that help lower inflammation in the body include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans, and fish. Foods that can increase inflammation include fried foods, high gluten foods, processed and high-fat meats, dairy products, and foods with trans fats.

  • Run on softer surfaces. Consistent road running causes repetitive pounding on joints. Try alternating running on trails, grass, and the treadmill.

  • Warm-up properly. Getting right into running on stiff joints can exacerbate symptoms. Incorporate dynamic stretches such as leg swings, lunges, hamstring and quad pulls, and ankle rolls before every run.

  • Exercise consistently. Avoid taking long breaks in between workouts. Even if you do not have time for your training runs due to a busy work and family schedule, you can increase the amount of walking during the day by parking further from your destination, stretching while cooking dinner, or waking up 15 minutes earlier to add in a few exercises before starting your day.


Paul T. Williams, Effects of Running and Walking on Osteoarthritis and Hip Replacement Risk, Journal, Sep 2019

Ponzio DY, Syed UAM, Purcell K, Cooper AM, Maltenfort M, Shaner J, Chen AF, Low Prevalence of Hip and Knee Arthritis in Active Marathon Runners, Journal , Sep 2019

Arthritis Foundation, What is Arthritis?, Website, Sep 2019

Tips for Eating Out at Restaurants

If only we all were gourmet chefs or at least have the time to create amazing dishes for every single meal of the day, we would probably always eat at home. The eating culture has shifted tremendously over the past few decades, with dining out increasing from 18% of daily intake to 33%. Most of us know how unhealthy many restaurant choices are, especially in the fast food world, but we continue to consume it more than we should. Even the “healthier” items on the menu such as salads and vegetable dishes are loaded with calories from the extra fat and sugar added to the cooking process to make them taste much better than home-cooked meals. The highly processed and fat or sugar-laden foods are what cause eating addiction, which is a reason why more people continue to crave restaurant meals.

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Studies have indicated that increased intake of foods eaten away from home is linked to a higher body mass index and poorer diet quality. Diet quality in these cases was described as the amount of fruit, vegetable, and processed food consumption. Most studies showed that women tend to make healthier foods choices at restaurants than men by choosing more fruits and vegetables with their meals. Unfortunately, even choosing these healthy foods does not equate to overall fewer calories and fat. By no means should these facts about restaurants keep you from going out for date night or an enjoyable evening with friends. There are several ways to stick with your diet while eating out without too much sacrifice.


If you are truly trying to stick to your healthy diet and have the opportunity to choose the restaurant when going out for a social occasion, it is best to take some time to research a few different places with a wide range of menu items. If the restaurant is already chosen, you can still look up the menu ahead of time and select a few dish options that fall into the healthy category. If the choices still seem high in calories, you can plan to eat much lighter meals throughout the day leading up to your outing to compensate. If you are willing to forgo an entree at the restaurant and instead order an appetizer as your main dish, then you will most likely save about half of the calories as long as you carefully choose a healthier option. To make sure that you are satisfied come meal’s end, have a small snack at home beforehand such as a few crackers and cheese, yogurt with nuts, or a protein shake.

Control Portions

This is probably the most difficult task for most people, yet the lack of this task is the reason why most Americans are overweight. At restaurants it is very easy to consume too many calories even with their smallest available portions, so the easiest way to downsize those calories is to choose low calorie foods to begin with. Unfortunately, side dishes such as potatoes, rice, and pasta do not fall into this category, unless you can be satisfied with only a couple of forkfuls worth. Vegetables and salads are the best choices, but it is important to keep in mind that most restaurants will cook the veggies in oil and butter to enhance the taste so they are not as low-calorie as you would think.

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Eating out will usually include many more courses than you would typically have at home. Bread will be served, followed by an appetizer, entrée, and dessert. If you choose to have the bread, simply pick just one piece out of the basket and limit the amount of butter or oil you use. Share an appetizer and dessert with your party rather than trying to portion out an entire one on your own. The highest calorie items that are best to stay away from are fried foods, fatty meats, cream-based soups and pastas, and those delicious-looking baked desserts. Opt for small portions of lean meats and fish, vegetable side dishes, and fruit for dessert.

Choose Intuitively

The best advice is to always think before you eat anything. If you truly do not care for something, do not waste your calorie bank on it. Most people end up eating whatever food is on their plate. If you crave meat more than the carb-loaded side dishes, then make sure to order your steak with green vegetables as a side so that you are not tempted to eat potatoes or rice. For those who have an extreme sweet tooth and look forward to dessert more than anything, it’s best to skip the bread, have a small appetizer as your main dish, and indulge in the dessert that you truly enjoy most.

Eat Slowly

You may have read before that eating alone without any distractions such as company, the computer, or television is a smarter way to keep track of portions and eat less overall. Conversing over meals causes us to not pay attention to how much we are eating or drinking. Teaching ourselves to eat our meals as slowly as possible takes some training. Some steps to practice are cutting food into smaller bite-sized pieces, savor the flavors of your food by chewing more times, putting down utensils in between bites, and eating with your non-dominant hand.

Beverages Count

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Whether you are into alcoholic beverages or sodas, calories can add up tremendously. A glass of wine equates to around 130 calories, so if you share a bottle with your significant other, you are adding about 300 to 350 calories to your meal. Light beer and hard liquor are lower calorie choices with about 100 and 70 calories per serving respectively. The drinks to watch out for are mixed cocktails and specialty beverage items. Some are mixed with soda adding double the calories, while others can get into the 700-calorie range if you choose a cream-based or sweetened one such as a margarita, pina colada, or a long island iced tea. If possible, stick to just one serving of your favorite lower-calorie drink and have two sips of water for every sip of other beverage you have.

When on a diet, going out to eat should not be eliminated. There are ways to be able to enjoy your time out with family or friends while sticking with your healthy meal plan. If you go off a bit more than you would have liked, do not be hard on yourself. One night of “bad” eating will not ruin all of the progress you have made. What is an issue with most people’s diets is dining out several times a week. Unfortunately, as much as we try to make the healthiest choices at restaurants, it is important to remember that we truly do not know exactly how the food is cooked, and most are cooked with butter, oil, extra sugar and salt to create those delicious flavors. Enjoy yourself as you dine, keeping these simple tips in mind, so that you can guarantee you will not undo all of that hard work you have put into getting and staying healthy.


Rebecca A. Seguin, Anju Aggarwal, Francoise Vermeylen, and Adam Drewnowski, Consumption Frequency of Foods Away from Home Linked with Higher Body Mass Index and Lower Fruit and Vegetable Intake Among Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study, Journal, Sept 2019