Runner's Fuel: What I Eat to Perform

If you’re looking to improve your running performance, neglecting the right diet can limit you. You want to make sure you are eating enough of the right foods and time your meals properly around your workouts. Read on to learn all about my fueling strategy on a daily basis while I train.

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Cheat Meals: They May Not Be So Bad After All

Consuming a diet that is 100% healthy food is not the easiest way to live. Although some people do just fine cutting out all of the “bad” foods from their diets, the majority have a hard time. Daily stress surges, cravings kick in, and the temptation of indulging in a whole pizza pie or bag of cookies becomes impossible to dodge. It is known that one of the best ways to even start a diet is not necessarily to go cold-turkey and cut everything out at once, but rather in a gradual manner over the course of weeks. It has been questioned whether including a cheat meal in a diet is harmful or not, but recent research has stated that it can be helpful in order to stick to your strict eating plan as long as you do it the right way.

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Not a Cheat “Day”

It is important to note that cheat meals are only helpful to a diet if they are left as that— meals. Often times dieters use an entire day to indulge at every meal and this can wreak havoc on your weight loss goals. Although a cheat meal can rack up to a few thousand calories, it will not undo any of your dieting from earlier in the week. But an entire day of feasting will double or triple those few thousand calories. Having more than one cheat meal may make it hard to get back into your normal healthy eating habits.


A cheat meal serves many purposes. Many times it is a source of motivation for someone on a strict diet. Eating plain chicken and vegetables day in and day out can get boring, but knowing that you have a night of burgers and fries or ice cream waiting for you at the end of the week can motivate you to keep strict. Cutting calories when trying to lose weight can lower overall energy levels, especially within the first few weeks of beginning a diet. One cheat meal will actually provide much needed energy to maintain a balance in the body.

Increased Metabolism

Consistently consuming a diet too low in calories will eventually slow down your metabolism, leading to slower weight loss. A cheat meal provides a boost in overall calorie consumption, which will cause a “shock” to the body’s digestion. This will increase your metabolism and help you burn more calories on a daily basis. It is hard to believe, but yes, a cheat meal will actually help you lose weight! There are diet plans that will fluctuate the number of calories you consume each day for this same reason.


The reason this works is because the seldom ‘jump’ in calorie consumption on one day will help regulate the hormones in charge of hunger and satiety. When on a weight loss diet we should be eating fewer calories than we burn, but over time our bodies end up adjusting to this new calorie amount. That is when we hit a plateau and stop losing weight. Adding in one day of a bit higher calories keeps the body in a burning state, helping with further weight loss. Leptin, the hormone in charge of controlling the sensation of feeling full dramatically decreases over time when on a low-calorie diet. Ghrelin, on the other hand, is the hormone that is responsible for telling you that you are hungry and will increase over time on a low-calorie diet. In order to keep burning calories, one should strive to keep the leptin hormone elevated and ghrelin on the lower end. A cheat meal assists with this regulation and aides in continued weight loss.

Keep the Balance

When choosing your cheat meal, it is best to not have the ‘all or nothing’ mentality. If you are going to splurge, make sure it is on something you actually care to eat. Do not waste calories on something that is not that satisfying to you. For example, when going to a restaurant and planning on having a big bowl of creamy pasta for dinner, stick to just that. Your date or party may order a few appetizers that are far from being on the list of your favorite foods, so do not even grab a bite! You will enjoy your pasta dish much more if you steer clear from giving into calories you did not care for in the first place.

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The best way to indulge in what you truly enjoy as a cheat meal, but not go overboard, is to cook at home. If you want pizza, make a homemade one—crust and all. This will ensure you know exactly what ingredients are going into every bite. If what you crave are a burger and fries, make your own at home using cooking spray rather than oil, whole grain burgers buns, and baked fries. You will most likely save about half the calories than eating this same meal at a restaurant or fast food joint. It is best to learn the most you can about healthier substitutions. You will be surprised as to how much you can still satisfy your cravings and not feel guilty when opting for healthier alternatives to those ‘bad’ foods.


Rita Coelho do Valea, Rik Pieters, and Marcel Zeelenberg, The Benefits of Behaving Badly on Occasion: Successful Regulation by Planned Hedonic Deviations, Journal, May 4, 2020.

READY, SET, GO... Miami Marathon Training in Full Swing

Here goes another marathon training season! I am already looking forward to my next full marathon—Miami Marathon in February 2020. My 20-week cycle starts today and I am fully prepared for what these next five months will bring! I use a longer training cycle than most because I am a high mileage runner, so I like to have more time to get to 100+ mile weeks. I make sure to stick to no more than a 10% increase each week, with a few lower mileage weeks in the mix. So far, throughout the summer, I’ve kept my mileage around 65 on average, but have had a more unstructured program. I’ve basically kept most runs easy, with some hills sprints every week or so, and some tempo miles when I’ve had to use the treadmill. Now the fun part begins—STRUCTURE!

My Plan

The difference between the on and off-season for me is not only the fact that I run more in the on-season, but I also eat a little better, stay more on top of my supplements, switch up my strength training to more calisthenics and body-weight exercises, and recover a whole lot more! For the next couple of months, my running program will look a little like this:

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Monday:          AM: Tempo + hill repeats

                         PM: upper body + core workout 

Tuesday:          AM: Easy/recovery run

                         PM: Easy run

Wednesday:    AM: Medium long run

                         PM: leg + core workout

Thursday:       AM: Easy/recovery run

                         PM: Easy run

Friday:             track workout + leg/core workout

Saturday:        long run

Sunday:           optional recovery run or other cross-training

I’ll increase my mileage for some of the easy runs and the long run of course. After a couple of months, my tempo and track days will get longer as well. 


No matter the time of the year, my diet looks pretty much the same. I eat relatively healthy overall, limiting “crap” food throughout the workweek and try to stick with one “cheat meal” on the weekends. I don’t stress about having a strict diet—I actually worry I am not eating enough sometimes! The biggest difference I make during marathon training is increasing my calories...if I were to count, this would probably be around 3000 calories per day. I focus on eating high-carb and protein, and moderate fats, making sure at least 85% of what I eat on a weekly basis is “quality” foods. Here is a sample of what I generally eat in a day:


Pre-run:    Either a clif bar or Maurten 160 or 320 drink (bagel with PB before long runs)

Post-run/breakfast:   Smoothie with protein, cherry juice, beta alanine, beetroot powder, banana, berries, and chia seeds OR oatmeal

Lunch:    Eggs & toast, sandwich with turkey or tuna, or oatmeal if I didn’t have it for breakfast

Snack/pre-workout:    granola bar

Post-workout:      protein shake

Dinner:     lean meat/fish/chicken with veggies and rice/potatoes/pasta (usually 2 servings)

Dessert:     Either cookie dough or Justin’s Peanut/Almond Butter Cups


I am good about taking my regular vitamins throughout the year, but try to be more strict about this during training, along with some additions. My daily dose of vitamins year-round includes: vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, fish oil, calcium, and iron. During training season I add in glutamine post-workout and beta alanine twice a day, evenly spaced out. Glutamine is great for keeping the immune system healthy and recovering the body. Beta-Alanine is used to help reduce lactic acid accumulation, which means less muscle fatigue. I’ll add in a blog post soon about these supplements!



This is my hardest part! Sleep should be a top priority if you want to run well, but it’s the biggest challenge I have. I am a light sleeper so just about any noise, movement, or light wakes me up. I also have a hard time falling asleep. I take melatonin when I remember, so that helps some, but my goal this cycle is to gradually start getting to bed earlier so I can have a little more sleeping time! I have been using the ResMed S+ sleep monitor and it has helped so much! I track my sleeping patterns, so I am able to pinpoint what is most likely causing my poor sleep. My other recovery tactics are little things I do throughout the day like rest with my legs elevated every couple of hours and use my Normatec Recovery boots one hour per day. This truly helps prevent swelling in my calves and feet and keeps my soreness to a minimum every day! They are pricey, but worth it! Here is a less expensive brand you can try.

 I am hoping for a smooth ride from here until February. I will be documenting as much as I can, which will not only help so many of my readers with their plans and motivation, but it keeps me accountable as well! I will keep everyone posted if I decide to add in a race or two this Fall as part of my training. I’m thinking about joining in on the Turkey Trot fun and race my first ever 5k and maybe squeeze in a half marathon in December. We’ll see! Stay tuned.