Running with IT Band Syndrome: A Step by Step Approach to Treatment

IT Band Syndrome (ITBS) is one of the most common injuries in runners, especially in those new to the sport. The Iliotibial Band is a thick tendon that runs from the outside of the outer hip bone all the way down to the outer knee. Repetitive motions, such as in running, can overuse this area and cause inflammation. Read on to learn what steps to take whether you are just experiencing new symptoms or have been dealing with them for a long time.

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Healthy Hamstrings for Fast Running

Weak areas of the body will show their deficits once there comes a task that the body is not used to—like those last few miles of a marathon. Hamstring injuries and pain are one of the most common complaints among distance runners. This group of muscles plays a vital role in the running cycle, yet many athletes do not prioritize hamstring strength during training. Read on to learn why this muscle group is so vital to the running cycle and how you can keep yours healthy.

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Overtraining Syndrome: Signs, Risks, and How to Get Out of It

As distance runners, we tend to lean towards the extreme forms of training. We try to run long, pack in one too many extensive speed sessions, and then try to carry out our regular daily activities and obligations. The term “overtraining” is a bit confusing in a sense, since the effects come more from insufficient rest for the particular performance load. Unfortunately the lack of balance between work and rest may actually be decreasing your fitness and risking injury and poor race outcomes. The good news is that there are specific signs you can look out for so you can switch up your program to get out of the rut!

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The 100-Mile Week: Should You Try It?

Training for a marathon requires more time and effort than most think. It is not all about just running. Getting your body to be able to reach 26.2 miles safely and injury-free requires several other components. The priority should be to make sure we can get to that 26.2-mile mark without getting injured, burnt out, or being zombie-like throughout the entire process. Besides running several days per week, training will require extra time for strengthening sessions, stretching and more sleep. Because of this, there are a variety of different training plans you may find that are a “minimalist” approach, which include the least amount of mileage per week that will get you ready for race day.

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On the opposite spectrum, there are those hard-core marathoners who have been training for years and attempt those very high mileage weeks without a problem. The most difficult part of this type of high volume training is the amount of time it requires. If you have a regular work schedule and a family to tend to, the hours remaining in your day will just be for training and sleeping. Evidently, you must be okay with the sacrifice. For the regular person, a normal training plan will usually consist of 50 to 60 miles per week at the most, whereas high mileage would be considered 75+ miles. Scattered throughout the week with some days including a morning and evening run, it can definitely be doable.


What about the elite runners out there hitting 130 miles per week? It sounds crazy but there is a science behind this extraordinary mileage. The classic 100-mile week is something even the everyday hard-core marathoners try to achieve. Some may say it is completely unnecessary, and that may be so, but if research shows a benefit to getting you to that next level, it may be worth a try. Fifty miles per week probably feels hard enough when first starting out, so considering doubling up your training will most definitely seem impossible. The key to getting to this point is to gradually and safely increase the workload. And no, this training approach isn’t for everyone OR the only way to progress in distance running.

Why 100?

Running Economy

Well, training to hit a weekly mileage of specifically “100” miles is merely just to get to the triple digits, because in essence 95 miles will provide the same benefit. Several studies have been done on high volume training and have concluded that there are many benefits linked to improving running economy. Basically, this means the more miles you run the less your body will have to work during the race, allowing you put that extra energy into faster paces. This is due to muscle and tendons training to adapt to prolonged running. These adaptations lead to increased elasticity of joints including the ankle, which in turn leads to a more forceful and less vertical push-off from the ground with each step. This will save a good amount of energy over time.

Aerobic Endurance

The goal of marathon training is to get our bodies to be able to run far, and if possible, fast.. The higher mileage programs essentially increase the amount of mitochondria and capillary density in the body, as well as hemoglobin and red blood cells. The growth of these factors leads to more and better oxygen transport through the blood cells to the muscles. This is why marathoners are eventually able to run farther and faster over time. Once you train to run more miles your body will learn to use fat as fuel and store more glycogen, which means more energy will be readily available for when you really need it, like at the end of a race.

Resistance to Fatigue


When you go from running 50 or 60 miles per week to 100 miles per week, the majority of those extra miles should all be performed at a slow, easy pace. The lower intensity, high mileage prepares not only our bodies for long races but also our minds. When you ask someone who is not a runner how they feel about running 26.2 miles, they will most likely think it’s a crazy idea. That’s because our minds become just as fatigued at the thought of running for so long as our bodies do. Many of the training runs in a 100-mile program will be 10-15 mile easy runs, where your body will undergo uncomfortable fatigue and soreness at times. It is during these long, slow runs that we get our mind accustomed to this sensation so that come race day, we can push through it.

Should I Try It?

Training to reach a weekly target of 100 miles is definitely not easy, but it is doable. The difficult part besides the extra time and sacrifice it will require is the high risk of injury it brings. More time on your feet means more chances of both accidental injuries as well as overuse-type injuries. It is important to gradually increase mileage every week. This means setting enough weeks in your training cycle to build up to 100 miles with no more than 5-10% increases per week and low mileage weeks built in every few weeks. The most important rule is to listen to your body not only for signs of pain but also for symptoms of overtraining and fatigue as well. Along with the 100 miles should also be at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night and 2 to 3 days of strengthening exercises. If these components are possible with your schedule then incorporating this extraordinary mileage program can be attainable.

Can Diet Help Speed Up Injury Recovery?

The worst part about getting injured as an athlete is the thought of the amount of time it will take to get back to our previous fitness level. In order to come back to your healthiest self in the shortest time frame possible, you may want to include a nutritious diet as part of your rehab program. Continue reading to learn why and how to quickly get back to into shape.

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Single Leg Exercises for Better Running

Strength training for runners does not have to be complicated, but it sure does need to be selective if you want to see results in your performance and lower your injury risk. Single leg exercises are the way to go. Continue reading to learn why and get some sample workouts to start incorporating today.

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Runner's Fuel: What I Eat to Perform

If you’re looking to improve your running performance, neglecting the right diet can limit you. You want to make sure you are eating enough of the right foods and time your meals properly around your workouts. Read on to learn all about my fueling strategy on a daily basis while I train.

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Low Back Pain in Runners: Prevention & Treatment

If you’ve dealt with low back pain, then you know how debilitating it can be to do even the simplest daily activities. Improving core strength, flexibility, and correcting poor body mechanics are the key to managing and preventing pain. Continue reading to learn the exact exercises I prescribe to my clients that lead to maximum relief.

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Wake Up Those Glutes! Why & When You Should Include Hip Activation Exercises

Struggling with knee pain or tired legs post-run? What about having a hard time improving your pace? The answer may have a great deal to do with your glute strength. Waking up these very important hip muscles with activation exercises and general strengthening should be a part of every runner’s program.

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Heart Rate or Pace: Which is Best to Use for Training?

In the running community, there is confusion around what numbers to focus on during training. It all depends on what type of run you are doing and what method is less stressful for YOU. Read on to learn why heart rate may be the best way to train if you want to improve your running performance.

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