Overtraining Syndrome: Signs, Risks, and How to Get Out of It

As distance runners, we tend to lean towards the extreme forms of training. We try to run long, pack in one too many extensive speed sessions, and then try to carry out our regular daily activities and obligations. The term “overtraining” is a bit confusing in a sense, since the effects come more from insufficient rest for the particular performance load. Unfortunately the lack of balance between work and rest may actually be decreasing your fitness and risking injury and poor race outcomes. The good news is that there are specific signs you can look out for so you can switch up your program to get out of the rut!

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A Runner's Guide to a Healthy Immune System: COVID-19 Edition

The truth about the coronavirus pandemic is one that’s hard to believe. While this disease continues to spread, people all around the world are wondering how the massive changes are going to affect their lives. We are already getting a glimpse of the effects on society—closed restaurants, bars, and venues, canceled events, and limited interaction with friends and family. The effects on the economy don’t seem so big now, but as the pandemic continues to spread, the shut down of everything around the globe, including our very own jobs, is going to have a major impact on our individual incomes and economics as a whole. I mean, have you seen the stock market recently?!


As athletes, we should already treat our immune system as a priority to our health for two reasons: 1) We enter an immunocompromised state every time we train intensely, and 2) Getting sick keeps us from our regular training schedules. Most people don’t realize that it takes more than popping a vitamin C supplement every day to keep our immune systems healthy. Our sleep patterns, diet, training regimen, stress levels, and hygiene all play a big role in immune health. During a crisis such as what the world is going through now with COVID-19, we have to pay even more attention to each factor.


We all know how important a healthy diet is in general but it’s actually specifically linked to our immune function. Our immune system relies on white blood cells to create the antibodies that fight off bacteria and viruses and, believe it or not, certain foods can impair this white blood cell function. Studies have shown that a high fat diet can weaken the immune system. You may have read that a full-on plant-based diet is the way to go, but this is mainly due to the fact that plant-based diets generally have less dietary fat and more fiber—two factors that help improve immunity. You can still eat a high fiber, low fat diet and not specifically be plant-based. Loading up on fruits and veggies is also key to protecting immune health, since they are full of vitamins and minerals.


The immune system is pretty complex, and so is the link between its health and our sleep patterns. The basic premise is that with sleep deprivation, our T-cell development is diminished. T-cells are the soldiers of the immune system that attack bacteria and viruses, and help keep us from getting sick. On top of limiting T-cell growth, sleep deprivation increases inflammatory cytokines in the immune system, leading to the development of colds and flus from the viruses that could not be fought off by the T-cells. Sleep is also when we experience our highest fever during illness. We tend to think fevers are a bad part of being sick, but it’s actually our bodies way of fighting off infection. If we don’t get good quality sleep, we can end up with a longer dose of the flu or seasonal cold. Aim for 7-9 hours each night for a stronger immune system.



It is not absolutely necessary to take vitamins and other supplements every day in order to be healthy. If you regularly eat a wholesome diet—the right amount from each food group, then you most likely get all of the nutrients your body needs. The problem is the majority of people do not eat a wholesome diet, so taking a daily dose of the right vitamins is essential to good health and organ function. For immune function in particular, a good starting point is adding in vitamin C, zinc, and magnesium. One nutrient that is often overlooked by athletes is glutamine. This vital amino acid works directly with immune cells to fight off infection. Our body naturally produces it already, except that during times of stress, less glutamine is produced. This happens during both physical and emotional stress—intense training, sickness, cancer treatment, or even simply just being mentally stressed on a daily basis from work and family obligations. It can be helpful to add in a glutamine supplement after hard training sessions, especially during cold and flu season.

Training During the Outbreak

How many of us have had to change our training plans because either our local running routes have closed or our cities have gone on lockdown at this time? If the case is that you cannot run outside, then there are other options to get in your endurance training. Of course if you have an at-home treadmill, you are saved—you can keep your same training plan as if there was no crazy outbreak. Most of us, though, don’t have this luxury so we need to find another way. If you live in an apartment building, run laps through the parking garage. It’s not only a way to keep up your training program, but you get the added bonus of working on a hilly route!

If you are heading outdoors for your run, do your part and practice social distancing (6 feet apart from anyone!) and good hygiene. Here are some tips to follow to help keep you at low risk of catching and/or spreading any viruses:

✖️RUN SOLO - stay away from group runs, even if you think you are all healthy. Remember you can be carrying the virus around without knowing (zero symptoms!).
✖️Don’t drink from water fountains - they are rarely cleaned and you can’t count on absolutely no one having put their mouth on the spout, and some people even spit in the fountains too! Just deal with carrying your own bottle for now.
✖️Keep social distance - 6 feet away from every person! If you have to pass someone, try to hold your breath for a few seconds and look the other way.
✖️Wash your hands immediately when you get home and get out of your run clothes—you don’t know what has dropped onto you while running.
✖️Stay hydrated ALL DAY & keep a healthy diet—As stated above, this helps keep a strong immune system!

At-Home Workouts


If you can’t run outside, lack a parking garage, and don’t have enough space to jog around your home, it’s okay ! Don’t worry about losing fitness or getting out of running shape! There are plenty of exercises you can incorporate every day that will keep you in good form. You can make it a goal to maintain your endurance and strength as much as possible by combining a mix of moves. Thankfully you can still place orders online for workout equipment. My go-to tools are resistance bands and medicine balls. Click here to shop these and so many other options! To get the best out of your workouts, make sure to incorporate short rest breaks and keep your heart rate up as if you were running. Explosive moves such as plyometrics are extremely useful for runners and torch more calories than static moves. Try to keep your body moving for the same amount of time you usually run every day.

We are all hoping this virus will get under control within a matter or weeks, so it won’t be long before you can get out for a run again! The positive side of switching up your program for the time being is that you can give your body a break from the constant pounding of running and work different muscle groups. You’ll be surprised how much it will help with your form, strength, and pacing once you’re back out on the road! Endurance may lack bit when getting back into it, but it’s a part of fitness that quickly returns after just a few weeks off. The key is to keep your body moving!


  1. Berenbaum, F.; van den Berg,W.B. Inflammation in osteoarthritis: Changing views. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2015, 23, 1823–1824. 

  2. Rinninella E, Cintoni M, Raoul P, et al. Food Components and Dietary Habits: Keys for a Healthy Gut Microbiota Composition. Nutrients. Published online October 7, 2019

The Role of Glutamine in Recovery

Whether you are an elite athlete or a recreational runner training for long distances, you are at risk for developing overtraining syndrome and other ailments. Marathon training requires us to engage in multiple strenuous training sessions several days out of the week. More advanced runners train somewhat intensely every day! Prolonged and intense exercise can increase the risk of muscle tissue damage, inflammation, cardiac dysfunction, decreased immune function, and overuse injuries. PHEW! That’s quite a list of negatives, but don’t be fooled—there is a way to avoid all of these!


When deciding what type of marathon training plan is right for you, it is important to know that all plans can be modified based on your needs. Some athletes require more rest and recovery days than others. There is a reason that these easy days are scattered throughout the training weeks in every plan. It is meant to decrease the risk of developing the negative side effects of too much running.

There are important vitamins and nutrients athletes specifically need in order to stay healthy. Although a good balanced diet, preferably higher in quality calories, may be enough to obtain all of these essential nutrients, sometimes supplementation is necessary. Getting in everything we need for a balanced diet is difficult to do day in and day out, especially if you have a busy schedule to begin with. Many athletes supplement their diets with extra protein, usually in the form of powder. The reason for this is that protein is crucially important for the health of muscles, bones, skin, cartilage, and blood in the body. When deciding which protein powder to use, it is best to choose one that includes the important amino acids, which are the building blocks of the protein we need in order to function.



One extremely essential amino acid that gets depleted with hard training is glutamine. The depletion is said to likely be from the demand for glutamine from different organs exceeding the supply in the body after exercise. The role of this essential amino acid in the body is to assist with protein synthesis to build stronger muscles, support the immune system, and for the enhancement of hydration in the body. After strenuous exercise, the depletion of glutamine can last up to six days, which can greatly affect the recovery process of muscle damage. The low state of this essential amino acid is also what causes athletes to be more susceptible to illness, such as colds and the flu, following hard training. Glutamine may also be depleted with other conditions such as trauma, burns, muscular dystrophy, and any other conditions causing stress in the body.

Muscle Repair

Muscle tissue damage is almost inevitable in athletes. The breakdown of muscle, causing tiny tears, is what builds strength. But this strength is only built during the recovery and healing process. This means that your muscles aren’t actually getting bigger and stronger while you are weight lifting—it all happens when you begin your rest period. Of course, nutrition will also play an important role in these strength gains. It is always a good idea to eat after a workout, especially after a strenuous run. A carbohydrate and protein-rich meal or snack is ideal, since this will help speed up the recovery process. As mentioned above, choosing a protein powder that includes the essential amino acids as part of a recovery shake is a good option to replenish the possibly lost glutamine. Glutamine alone also comes in the form of capsules, so this may be a quicker option for some athletes.

Immune Function


Glutamine is essential to immune function as it assists with lymphocyte proliferation and the production of cytokines. What does this mean? Well, lymphocyte proliferation is basically cell production and cytokines are molecules the immune system needs in order to communicate when there is infection, inflammation, or trauma. Without these processes, immunity is weak and cannot properly fight against bacteria. Studies have shown that the inclusion of glutamine following surgery, medical procedures, and trauma, especially in patients with a compromised immune system, resulted in lower levels of infection and shorter hospital stays. In the case of endurance athletes, studies have concluded that there have been less episodes of illness following strenuous training or races with the intake of a glutamine supplement.

Muscle Hydration

Glutamine assists in the absorption of water and other nutrients to keep our muscle tissues hydrated properly. Prolonged and intense exercise causes extreme stress and dehydration throughout the body. Glutamine supplementation has been shown to improve the hydration process by way of enhancing electrolyte and fluid absorption in the muscles. It may be beneficial to opt for electrolyte drinks that contain this nutrient and other branched-chain amino acids, usually labeled “BCAAs”.

If you are a runner looking to increase your training time and improve your performance, it is extremely important to pay attention to your diet. Many people have the thought that since they are exercising so much they can eat whatever they want and not worry about nutrition. Yes, the body will burn a load of calories with the hard workouts, but it will only impede strength gains and performance improvements if the body is not taking in the nutrients and vitamins it needs to repair and build. With all of the calories burned, essential nutrition gets depleted as well. This will only lead to fatigue, illness, and/or injury. The best way to get as many of these important nutrients from your diet is to make sure you are getting in enough quality carbs, protein, and fats from nutrient-rich foods such as veggies, fruits, and whole grains.


Vinicius Fernandes Cruzat, Maurício Krause and Philip Newsholme, Amino Acid Supplementation and Impact on Immune Function in the Context of Exercise, Journal, Oct 28, 2019

Rohde T, MacLean DA, Pedersen BK., Effect of Glutamine Supplementation on Changes in the Immune System Induced by Repeated Exercise., Journal, Oct 28, 2019

Boelens PG, Nijveldt RJ, Houdijk AP, Meijer S, van Leeuwen PA., Glutamine Alimentation in Catabolic State, Journal, Oct 28, 2019