Heavy Lifting, Zero Bulk

Weight lifting is the number one way to build lean muscle, drop fat and improve at your sport (hello, runners!). Just like with any sport you want to get better at, building muscle takes a long time. Consistency, both in your exercise regimen and diet, is the key to getting your body to respond to your workouts. Read on to learn why you should be lifting heavy now.

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Low Back Pain in Runners: Prevention & Treatment

If you’ve dealt with low back pain, then you know how debilitating it can be to do even the simplest daily activities. Improving core strength, flexibility, and correcting poor body mechanics are the key to managing and preventing pain. Continue reading to learn the exact exercises I prescribe to my clients that lead to maximum relief.

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Wake Up Those Glutes! Why & When You Should Include Hip Activation Exercises

Struggling with knee pain or tired legs post-run? What about having a hard time improving your pace? The answer may have a great deal to do with your glute strength. Waking up these very important hip muscles with activation exercises and general strengthening should be a part of every runner’s program.

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