Running with IT Band Syndrome: A Step by Step Approach to Treatment

IT Band Syndrome (ITBS) is one of the most common injuries in runners, especially in those new to the sport. The Iliotibial Band is a thick tendon that runs from the outside of the outer hip bone all the way down to the outer knee. Repetitive motions, such as in running, can overuse this area and cause inflammation. Read on to learn what steps to take whether you are just experiencing new symptoms or have been dealing with them for a long time.

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Wake Up Those Glutes! Why & When You Should Include Hip Activation Exercises

Struggling with knee pain or tired legs post-run? What about having a hard time improving your pace? The answer may have a great deal to do with your glute strength. Waking up these very important hip muscles with activation exercises and general strengthening should be a part of every runner’s program.

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