Miami Marathon 2024 Race Recap

After a 4-year hiatus, I finally found my training groove again and completed my 9th full marathon! What I am proud about the most with this one is how I kept up with 20+ weeks of structured training. I was so great with this before 2020, but had the hardest time staying dedicated to this type of training these last few years. Read on to learn all about my turning point.

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A Marathon Training Staple: The Saucony Triumph 18

Sponsored by Zappos. All opinions are my own.


We are quickly approaching the last quarter of the year. I’m sure I am not the only one who had these big goals for 2020 and felt somewhat derailed months ago when everything pretty much came to a halt in our lives. At least that’s what it seemed like. What really happened was life had to keep going, but with a bunch of alterations and limitations. For runners, the biggest change was the loss of racing this year. This, on top of being limited to solo running for a long time, has been the biggest block to staying motivated. I won’t lie—I got a bit jealous seeing some runners continue on their race training programs and smash their PRs with virtual races. 

Since I’ve never been into racing virtually, I used the summer to build a good base and keep things easy. I am happy I chose this route during these crazy times, because it helped me truly embrace my love for running and how having a more relaxed schedule can still keep me in shape, while staying sane at the same time! Well, now I’m on to the next chapter! The next race I’m signed up for is my hometown race, the Miami Marathon, at the end of January. My new kicks, the Saucony Triumph 18 from Zappos, came just in time to break them in during my first week of training. If you didn’t know, I get all of my running gear from Zappos. They have the largest selection of products and the best customer service. Plus—they offer free expedited shipping and free returns for a year when you are part of the free rewards program. I highly recommend signing up if you love to shop!

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Faster Than Ever Before

I’ve ran with the previous Saucony Triumph versions, including the 17s, which were just on the last tip of their lifespan, and I’m happy to say the Triumph 18 are a perfect update to what was already one of my favorite running shoes. I have been using the Triumph for a few years now for the majority of my easy and recovery runs. They have always been my most cushioned shoe, making my feet actually feel recovered after runs. Although most of my long runs have been done at an easier pace, I usually avoided using the Triumph since they felt a bit heavier than most of my other pairs. I was so happy when I felt the much lighter and flexible fit of the Triumph 18! The faster feel is definitely the most evident update.

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Thanks to the PWRRUN+ technology, the cushioning of the Triumph 18, is coupled with a lightweight outsole, which makes the shoe a good option for longer and faster runs. After running two easy 7-milers, I wanted to feel this for myself and used the Triumph 18 on my weekend 90-minute run. I threw in several sets of 1-minute pick-ups to test out the speed in the shoes, and I was pleasantly surprised at the springier, faster feel of this update.

Anti-Fatigue at its Finest

The main reason I loved my previous Saucony Triumph pairs is how much they helped with the recovery process after harder workouts. During marathon training, I schedule these easy recovery runs every other day and sometimes in the evening after running hard that morning, and the Triumph have always helped keep my feet and joints pain free. You’ve probably heard and seen me mention before how important the right running shoes are to help prevent injuries and keep you running long. Well, the Triumph 18 are the perfect pair to rely on for your race training. I am prone to plantar fasciitis and have problematic feet to begin with, so I used to train with extremely sore feet and this was a huge limitation to my progress. Yes, my feet still get sore after hard workouts, since I still sometimes wear the wrong shoes for me, but right after just one run in my Triumphs I’m already ready for my next workout. Keeping these shoes as part of my shoe rotation all this time has truly been one big reason why I have been able to avoid plantar fasciitis for a few years now and push harder during workouts.

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I’m excited to bring my Saucony Triumph 18 along with me for my marathon training this fall. I’m only on the first week of this structured training block, but I know it will be a good one! After months and months of dealing with this global crisis and feeling unsure about what the near future holds, I am ready to tackle my next big goals! Even if the race does not happen in January, I still want to give it my all for the rest of this year and try my first real virtual race, and shoot for a sub-3 marathon finish. The Triumph 18 is sure to help get me there. Now, go get yourself a pair from Zappos!

Race Recap: Miami Marathon 2020

“Dear legs, give me a great race today.” This was exactly what I told myself when my corral was moved up to the start line. This was going to be my 8th marathon attempt and 12th time at the start line of the Miami Marathon & Half Marathon. Even having experienced the Boston and New York City Marathon, Miami is still my favorite race. It has so much to do with the fact that it’s my hometown and I know the streets like the back of my hand, but even the non-locals say it’s great for its amazing scenery, flat and fast course, and pretty comfortable weather. You can’t go wrong with the events surrounding the race either—it truly gets you in the mood to join the running community!


It was 71 degrees, which was probably too warm for everyone else, but it was the perfect racing weather in my book. Although the body has to work harder to keep a proper core temperature and avoid overheating, I have been so used to running in the heat. I had my hydration and fueling plan down-packed and my salt tabs ready. Everyone asks me how I carry these along with an entire 8 gels without a waist belt or armband. I literally stuff 4 in my sports bra with the salt tabs and the others tucked in my running shorts waistband. It’s easy to grab and you get used to just getting chafed and dealing with it for a week or so.

I tried something new this time around—racing with a partner. I actually had two race buddies, Frank, who I had the pleasure of getting in important long runs with throughout my months of training, and Kevin who decided to join in a couple of days before the race. This was the best thing I could have done for myself. To be honest, I had been so nervous to race this time. Well, I am usually a nervous wreck before races, but this time was worse and it was because I stayed away from racing for almost a year because of the miserable bout I had at the end of 2018 and beginning of 2019. This was a mistake. I was fine physically, but without some practice runs leading up to the big day, it messed with me mentally.

My usual self usually throws all of the pacing strategies I spend time creating for myself out the window and goes out way to fast and struggles in that last 10k. The best thing about my partners at this race was that they were so good at pacing so I just stuck with them and I never felt better. Our goal was to start off and run the first 5k around 7:00 min/mile, which is about 10-15 second slower than our goal pace. This first part of the race is the hardest since it includes a pretty long and steep causeway followed by another smaller one, all with a headwind. We averaged the 5k at a 6:59 pace.

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 The next goal was to be in the 6:40s by the time we reached 10k. Unfortunately I lost Frank around mile 9 to an upset stomach. Thankfully he felt okay to stick it out and finish the half marathon with a decent time! I was determined to stick with Kevin for the entire race. After all I felt amazing hitting every single mile in the 6:40s, something I felt was going to be impossible to do these days. I was annoyed when my Garmin rang in mile 14 about 200 meters too soon, so from then on my watch was completely off—UGH! 

We made the turn into Key Biscayne during mile 15, and had a strong headwind again. It’s only one mile in and back out, but it feels like forever. For the first half of the mile in I struggled to stay behind Kevin—he could have blocked the wind for me, so I began to separate further and further from him. I ended up speeding up to try to close the gap, but realized halfway that I was going to lose energy so I slowed down and planned on worrying about catching up to him after making the turn to run back with the tailwind. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to catch up, so my plan now was to keep him in sight. I was still averaging 6:49 when I reached mile 18, although my Garmin was inaccurate so I really started to lose track. 

miami marathon mile 17

It was right before my watch rang for mile 20 that I felt a sharp pain in the left side of my right hamstring along with a snap. I sort of buckled but kept on trying to run. That lasted for only a few steps and I had to come to a complete stop, pull over on the side of the course and shake out my leg. This must have been at least a 30 second stop. Hoping it was just a cramp or something, I took a deep breath and went out again, to only last about 10 steps before the sharp pain was unbearable. It was at this time that I remembered that around mile 9 or 10 I felt a slight twinge in my hamstring, but it actually felt like my regular piriformis/glute nerve impingement-type pain I get most days. I even felt this in my left glute during my warm up but as always it went away and I was fine. I thought this hamstring issue was related, and I still do, so I ignored it at the time. I kept on feeling a twinge throughout the race once in a while, but it was minor and went away with a little adjustment in my posture and form.

The second time I had to stop was at least for another minute. At this point I had no idea if I was still on track, especially since my watch was completely useless. I eventually got back on the course and my mile 20 rang in at 7:47. From this point on the only way to avoid the unbearable pain was to take the shortest steps possible. I am a major over-strider so this felt so awkward for me but it was the only way to keep a decent pace. Mile 21 rang in at 7:01, so I felt there was hope to speed up again, but once I tried, the sharp pain came to life again. I was so frustrated, and still am, because overall my body felt super strong and able to run fast and the stupid pain just held me back. My endurance and non-existent fatigue felt great to keep with my plan of maintaining my 6:49 pace and speeding it up at the 35k point, but after 2 miles of struggling, I knew this plan was out the window.


Looking back at my paces now, I am impressed I was able to average 7:09 for the last 5 miles of the race, given the pain I was in. I ran well, raced the best I could have, and stayed positive the entire time. As upset as I was at the finish line that I did not reach that long-awaited sub-3 hour goal, I knew that I had it in me. I felt so strong at those paces for the first 19+ miles. It wasn’t a struggle at all to maintain the 6:40s for 2 hours, so that feeling alone has made me proud of the hard work I’ve done.

 I’ve got 7 months until my next attempt, and the goal this time is not just to break 3 hours, but it’s going to be an even bigger goal! Chicago can be tricky with it’s ever-changing weather patterns, but the course is flat and I hear the crowds are super engaging so I believe it’s going to be a good one for me! Bring it on!

My Journey to Fast Running

Fast race times are not just for the pros. Anybody can train to improve their speed as long as they put their heart and soul into running and find the right plan for themselves. Some runners do better running every day or with high mileage plans, while others do best with minimal miles and more rest days. For me, it took some trial and error and lots of research to get faster. I am questioned almost every day on how I cut my race times in such a short period of time. It did not happen overnight. I put in a good amount of work and a part of my passion is to share my story in hopes that my tips help so many of you!

Once Upon a Time, I Ran ONLY for Fun

First of all, my initial BIG improvements had much to do with the fact that I was not focused on getting faster AT ALL during the years I was racing before I decided to make this my goal. I’d been a runner since 4th grade, participating in cross country and track and field on and off until I graduated from high school. I kept running in college only because I hated the cardio machines at the gym, and running was just something I knew how to do that was outdoors. A friend of mine suggested signing up for a half marathon, which I thought was crazy at the time, but she promised me that one day running 13 miles was going to feel like what 3 miles felt like back then. She was right. I signed up for the 2009 Miami Half Marathon and was hooked, but not how I am hooked now. I did not pay attention to finish times or pacing or anything that has to do with improving at the sport. All I cared about was staying in shape and the excitement of the races once a year.

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This is how I treated running up until 2016, when I randomly put on the Olympic Marathon Trials after reading about it in a Runner’s World Magazine. This was about 2 weeks after finishing my first Miami Marathon in 3:53. All of a sudden I got the urge to get faster—I figured, I actually like to run, I’m not bad at it, and the training plans I read in the magazines all seemed doable to me. A few weeks later I raced the Miami Beach Half Marathon and got my best time, 1:44, which I attribute to the motivation and adrenaline from my new found passion. That same week I bought a Garmin watch, new shoes, and signed up for the Ft. Lauderdale Half Marathon in November. Within those 8 months I spent hours researching training plans, advice and every amount of information I could to implement into my new venture.

More Miles Works

I went from running at comfortable paces 3 days a week to running 5 days, which included my long run and a speed workout that I would switch up every week. I believe it was the gradual increase in mileage and added speed work that got me a 9 minute PR in the half in only 7 months time! I was nervous to run more than every other day thinking I would get injured, but from everything I researched (and my research only comes from scholarly written studies, as I was taught in school—haha), I learned that as long as you SLOWLY add in the miles, keep it easy for the majority, and continue strengthening exercises, it can most definitely improve race times. This 100% worked for me. I ran the rest of 2016 getting up to an average of 75 miles per week.

I had already been a physical therapist at this point for 5 years, so I was super strict about injury prevention, recovery, and paying attention to my body. I raced the Miami Marathon in January 2017 and finish in 3:22—a whopping 31-minute PR! Of course, like the rest of us, I wanted more. After more research I decided to attempt the daunting 100-mile week before my next full marathon, but I knew this was going to come with some sacrifice. More miles = more sleep/downtime, more eating, and more recovery sessions. My baseline training over the summer that year was around 60-65 miles per week and I gradually added in more once the fall came around to hit 100+ miles for 3 weeks before I tapered for the race in January 2018. I cut another 16 minutes off of my PR that race. My half marathon PR came 3 weeks after that one where I cut 8 minutes from 2017.

After falling for the comments on how I wouldn’t be able to keep this up on my own, I decided to try out a coach, who initially kept me at decent mileage (although still 75% of what I was doing when I was at my best), and then dropped the milage down to 40 miles per week by the end of 2018. This actually got me out of shape and my streak was over. Since starting back up on my own this year I have gone back to my previous training plan, with much more updates, and finally feel back to my old self with even BIGGER goals!

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2015: 35 miles per week —> 3:53 full / 1:44 half

2016: 75 miles per week —> 3:22 full/ 1:33 half

2017: 100 miles per week —> 3:06 full/ 1:25 half

2018: 70/40 miles per week —> 3:14 full / 1:33 half

2020: 90 miles per week —> 3:03 full / 1:24 half

Varied Speed Work

I spent the summers incorporating short speed sessions—200-800 meter repeats and Fartlek runs. During my actual marathon training, my speed sessions varied every week. I alternated between mile repeats, continuous 200m on/off 10ks, Yasso 800s, and progressive ladder workouts at the track. I rotated between these workouts every 4 weeks and was able to see improvements in each once a month when it was time to repeat them. Since 2018 I’ve learned all about the benefits of longer intervals for distance running (which intimidate me!), so that’s what I’ve been incorporating these days with amazing results. My best seasons are those where I’ve managed to stick to one track session of shorter intervals and one tempo run each week. The rest of my running is all EASY paced. Click here to see a few examples of my go-to speed sessions.

LOTS of Eating

It’s a good thing I love to eat, because marathon training allows me to eat twice as much as I used to! When I was training early on, I believed I could eat whatever I wanted. That is the most untrue statement for runners. First of all, we don’t burn as much as we think—in an hour-long run I burn around 350-400 calories. That’s probably just about a slice of pizza! Second of all—if you want to improve your performance, you must think of food as fuel, rather than pleasure…at least 90% of the time. Following a high-quality diet of the right amount of macros and calories will keep your body at a healthy weight, help you last longer during any run, and help prevent injury. In my opinion nutrition plays a bigger role in performance improvement than anything else. Once I started increasing my calories, especially carbs, I saw a massive spike in energy, better sleep, and more strength during speed sessions. Mid-run fueling switched from an intake of 200 calories (a pack of PowerBar chews) during an entire marathon, to over 1200 calories! This was a game changer for long runs and races—I am never exhausted afterwards like I used to be.

Quality Recovery

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Recovery has many different sides. It includes sleep, elevating the legs, use of compression, icing, stretching, massage, physical therapy, foam rolling, and full rest days. It sounds like it requires so much time, and it does, but without these components, you risk being able to run more, hit paces, and recover from workouts quickly. This is probably my weakest area. If I skip something one day, it’s usually not my runs, strength training, or eating. I used to skip stretching, go to sleep late, and sometimes walk around too much on my complete rest day. Now, I am slowly learning to prioritize recovery—going to bed earlier, using my Normatec compression boots, getting a massage every few weeks, and stretching after every run. Since being more strict about this, I rarely get sore or feel fatigued legs on my runs—and I’m running around 90 miles per week right now!

Make Time for Cross Training

During the off season I was going to the gym 4-5 times per week for at least 45 minutes. Of course as I start to run more, I shorten my gym sessions, but make sure they stay high-quality and that I hit every muscle group. My workouts are mostly full body sessions, with a big emphasis on all core muscles, at least 3x per week. I NEVER skip the strength training—I remind myself of the time I was injured and how horrible it felt, and that is enough to get me to do the work. I also make time to go for walks and use the stationary bike—this will only be a couple times per week for 20-30 minutes.

This is MY Plan, Not YOURS!

As I mentioned in the beginning, adding in all of these components is totally doable for anyone. The only obstacle most people have is lack of time, but with a little sacrifice, and shifting of your schedule you can find time for each and every one of these components. The one thing you don’t want to sacrifice in order to add more miles is sleep—it is VITAL if you want to run well. You don’t need to run every day, and it’s actually okay to not have a full rest day. You just have to make sure at least 75-80% of your runs are easy. If you are stuck and unsure about how to structure your training to get results, a coach may be the answer—even if it’s just for one season. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or if you’d like to join my team and have me be your coach!

READY, SET, GO... Miami Marathon Training in Full Swing

Here goes another marathon training season! I am already looking forward to my next full marathon—Miami Marathon in February 2020. My 20-week cycle starts today and I am fully prepared for what these next five months will bring! I use a longer training cycle than most because I am a high mileage runner, so I like to have more time to get to 100+ mile weeks. I make sure to stick to no more than a 10% increase each week, with a few lower mileage weeks in the mix. So far, throughout the summer, I’ve kept my mileage around 65 on average, but have had a more unstructured program. I’ve basically kept most runs easy, with some hills sprints every week or so, and some tempo miles when I’ve had to use the treadmill. Now the fun part begins—STRUCTURE!

My Plan

The difference between the on and off-season for me is not only the fact that I run more in the on-season, but I also eat a little better, stay more on top of my supplements, switch up my strength training to more calisthenics and body-weight exercises, and recover a whole lot more! For the next couple of months, my running program will look a little like this:

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Monday:          AM: Tempo + hill repeats

                         PM: upper body + core workout 

Tuesday:          AM: Easy/recovery run

                         PM: Easy run

Wednesday:    AM: Medium long run

                         PM: leg + core workout

Thursday:       AM: Easy/recovery run

                         PM: Easy run

Friday:             track workout + leg/core workout

Saturday:        long run

Sunday:           optional recovery run or other cross-training

I’ll increase my mileage for some of the easy runs and the long run of course. After a couple of months, my tempo and track days will get longer as well. 


No matter the time of the year, my diet looks pretty much the same. I eat relatively healthy overall, limiting “crap” food throughout the workweek and try to stick with one “cheat meal” on the weekends. I don’t stress about having a strict diet—I actually worry I am not eating enough sometimes! The biggest difference I make during marathon training is increasing my calories...if I were to count, this would probably be around 3000 calories per day. I focus on eating high-carb and protein, and moderate fats, making sure at least 85% of what I eat on a weekly basis is “quality” foods. Here is a sample of what I generally eat in a day:


Pre-run:    Either a clif bar or Maurten 160 or 320 drink (bagel with PB before long runs)

Post-run/breakfast:   Smoothie with protein, cherry juice, beta alanine, beetroot powder, banana, berries, and chia seeds OR oatmeal

Lunch:    Eggs & toast, sandwich with turkey or tuna, or oatmeal if I didn’t have it for breakfast

Snack/pre-workout:    granola bar

Post-workout:      protein shake

Dinner:     lean meat/fish/chicken with veggies and rice/potatoes/pasta (usually 2 servings)

Dessert:     Either cookie dough or Justin’s Peanut/Almond Butter Cups


I am good about taking my regular vitamins throughout the year, but try to be more strict about this during training, along with some additions. My daily dose of vitamins year-round includes: vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, fish oil, calcium, and iron. During training season I add in glutamine post-workout and beta alanine twice a day, evenly spaced out. Glutamine is great for keeping the immune system healthy and recovering the body. Beta-Alanine is used to help reduce lactic acid accumulation, which means less muscle fatigue. I’ll add in a blog post soon about these supplements!



This is my hardest part! Sleep should be a top priority if you want to run well, but it’s the biggest challenge I have. I am a light sleeper so just about any noise, movement, or light wakes me up. I also have a hard time falling asleep. I take melatonin when I remember, so that helps some, but my goal this cycle is to gradually start getting to bed earlier so I can have a little more sleeping time! I have been using the ResMed S+ sleep monitor and it has helped so much! I track my sleeping patterns, so I am able to pinpoint what is most likely causing my poor sleep. My other recovery tactics are little things I do throughout the day like rest with my legs elevated every couple of hours and use my Normatec Recovery boots one hour per day. This truly helps prevent swelling in my calves and feet and keeps my soreness to a minimum every day! They are pricey, but worth it! Here is a less expensive brand you can try.

 I am hoping for a smooth ride from here until February. I will be documenting as much as I can, which will not only help so many of my readers with their plans and motivation, but it keeps me accountable as well! I will keep everyone posted if I decide to add in a race or two this Fall as part of my training. I’m thinking about joining in on the Turkey Trot fun and race my first ever 5k and maybe squeeze in a half marathon in December. We’ll see! Stay tuned.