My End-of-Summer Training Update

How is the summer almost over?! Kids are going back to school, we are hearing about Halloween already, and pretty soon it will be cold and flu season (so guess what that means?!). I know I’m not the only one who feels a little lost with my training plan right now, so I’m going to write about it today. Of course I’ve had seasons where I don’t have races for 6 to 8 months so I get on a base building program and I’m just fine with that! This time around, though, with races NOT around the corner, base building feels a little different. I’m less motivated and, to be honest, find myself following a random style of training that has me feeling frustrated most of the time.


A couple of months ago I got into the attitude of believing there won’t even be racing next year, which was the wrong way to think because it only left me dragging every morning when it was time to run. I saw so many runners on Instagram keeping up with their Chicago, NYC and other marathon plans even though the races got canceled, so I felt I should have done the same. More recently I’ve switched my mindset into preparing for January’s Miami Marathon no matter what. If the race doesn’t happen, then oh well, at least I got into really good shape anyway!

What I’m Doing Now


I know I said my training style is “random” right now, but since I’m strict about having a schedule with everything I do, I still have a certain structure I follow. Months back I made it my goal to focus on my tempo runs, since it’s my biggest weakness, so I make sure that workout is on the schedule every week. I was running every day during the beginning of the pandemic, but then truly missed my Sundays of sleeping in and getting to do other things without having my run fall in the middle of the day. I call Sunday my lazy day! I now take Sundays off for the time being. Once I start increasing mileage closer to my race I may add a few miles on Sundays rather then adding them to other longer runs during the week.


Other than my tempo run, my running schedule is full of easy runs every day and an optional speed workout on Fridays. Lately I’ve been trying to focus on hill work, since it’s also a weakness of mine. For several weeks now, it gets put on the schedule on Fridays, and if I feel good and not too sore from previous workouts, then I go for it! I’ll be happy if I can get two hill workouts per month right now, so I’ll keep you all posted! I encourage runners to keep some sort of speed session on their plans even when they are just base building and are not necessarily training for a race. You don’t want your body to forget what fast running feels like! It not only will help maintain your current race paces, but it also burns more calories than steady miles, so it’s a great way to combat any weight gain you may experience in the off season.


If you have been following along through my running journey, you know I’m not the type of runner that JUST runs. My fitness-focused lifestyle started out way back in high school with weight lifting, so I have always been a fan of it. Even deep into marathon training, when most runners are barely doing much strength work, I still get my sessions in every week some way or another. I’m taking advantage whenever I can to get to the gym and lift heavy, which is what I love, but it’s been limited this year due to the pandemic and awful gym reservation systems I’ve had to deal with. I was really focused on my home workouts with very little equipment and learned how I am still able to stay in great shape, challenge my body, and get even stronger just with one medicine ball and some resistance bands! I aim for at least three strength sessions per week right now.

Marathon Training

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Since I like to do a long(ish) training block for races, I will start my formal training on September 14th, to give myself a good 18 weeks of hard training and a two-week taper. Until then, which is only another three weeks, I’ll stick to my current mileage, around 60-65 miles per week, and keep practicing my tempo runs. I have a strong goal for myself to get to 60-minute tempo runs and actually feel somewhat comfortable with them. I’m at 30 minutes now and not feeling that great with it, so I have lots of work to do! Once my formal marathon training starts, I will go back to a more structured plan of one short, VO2 max speed session and one tempo session. The rest of my runs, as usual, will be easy and mileage will start increasing every week by 5 to 10%. I always take a “down” week every 4th or 5th week, where I cut my mileage by around 20% and prioritize recovery and sleep as much as I can. This is one reason why I like to plan a long training cycle for my races—I enjoy the high mileage but I increase gradually and schedule in those recovery weeks.

There’s no doubt 2020 has been stressful for most of us. Our work schedules have been all over the place, our travels and races have been canceled, and we feel limited with everything we do. As anxiety-driven these months have been, I’ve tried my best to remind myself that it is still possible to enjoy my days! I believe this time has taught us to be more grateful for everything outside of events and our nightlife—our health, planet, and boredom (something we forget to take advantage of this sometimes!). Since I can’t do anything about the situation right now, I’ve learned to enjoy what I AM ABLE to do, which is run, write, and inspire. Hopefully I can motivate you all to get up and MOVE as much as possible, so we can enter a brand new year feeling healthy and more energized for the better things to come once this situation is all under control!

Race Recap: Miami Marathon 2020

“Dear legs, give me a great race today.” This was exactly what I told myself when my corral was moved up to the start line. This was going to be my 8th marathon attempt and 12th time at the start line of the Miami Marathon & Half Marathon. Even having experienced the Boston and New York City Marathon, Miami is still my favorite race. It has so much to do with the fact that it’s my hometown and I know the streets like the back of my hand, but even the non-locals say it’s great for its amazing scenery, flat and fast course, and pretty comfortable weather. You can’t go wrong with the events surrounding the race either—it truly gets you in the mood to join the running community!


It was 71 degrees, which was probably too warm for everyone else, but it was the perfect racing weather in my book. Although the body has to work harder to keep a proper core temperature and avoid overheating, I have been so used to running in the heat. I had my hydration and fueling plan down-packed and my salt tabs ready. Everyone asks me how I carry these along with an entire 8 gels without a waist belt or armband. I literally stuff 4 in my sports bra with the salt tabs and the others tucked in my running shorts waistband. It’s easy to grab and you get used to just getting chafed and dealing with it for a week or so.

I tried something new this time around—racing with a partner. I actually had two race buddies, Frank, who I had the pleasure of getting in important long runs with throughout my months of training, and Kevin who decided to join in a couple of days before the race. This was the best thing I could have done for myself. To be honest, I had been so nervous to race this time. Well, I am usually a nervous wreck before races, but this time was worse and it was because I stayed away from racing for almost a year because of the miserable bout I had at the end of 2018 and beginning of 2019. This was a mistake. I was fine physically, but without some practice runs leading up to the big day, it messed with me mentally.

My usual self usually throws all of the pacing strategies I spend time creating for myself out the window and goes out way to fast and struggles in that last 10k. The best thing about my partners at this race was that they were so good at pacing so I just stuck with them and I never felt better. Our goal was to start off and run the first 5k around 7:00 min/mile, which is about 10-15 second slower than our goal pace. This first part of the race is the hardest since it includes a pretty long and steep causeway followed by another smaller one, all with a headwind. We averaged the 5k at a 6:59 pace.

miami marathon mile 10

 The next goal was to be in the 6:40s by the time we reached 10k. Unfortunately I lost Frank around mile 9 to an upset stomach. Thankfully he felt okay to stick it out and finish the half marathon with a decent time! I was determined to stick with Kevin for the entire race. After all I felt amazing hitting every single mile in the 6:40s, something I felt was going to be impossible to do these days. I was annoyed when my Garmin rang in mile 14 about 200 meters too soon, so from then on my watch was completely off—UGH! 

We made the turn into Key Biscayne during mile 15, and had a strong headwind again. It’s only one mile in and back out, but it feels like forever. For the first half of the mile in I struggled to stay behind Kevin—he could have blocked the wind for me, so I began to separate further and further from him. I ended up speeding up to try to close the gap, but realized halfway that I was going to lose energy so I slowed down and planned on worrying about catching up to him after making the turn to run back with the tailwind. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to catch up, so my plan now was to keep him in sight. I was still averaging 6:49 when I reached mile 18, although my Garmin was inaccurate so I really started to lose track. 

miami marathon mile 17

It was right before my watch rang for mile 20 that I felt a sharp pain in the left side of my right hamstring along with a snap. I sort of buckled but kept on trying to run. That lasted for only a few steps and I had to come to a complete stop, pull over on the side of the course and shake out my leg. This must have been at least a 30 second stop. Hoping it was just a cramp or something, I took a deep breath and went out again, to only last about 10 steps before the sharp pain was unbearable. It was at this time that I remembered that around mile 9 or 10 I felt a slight twinge in my hamstring, but it actually felt like my regular piriformis/glute nerve impingement-type pain I get most days. I even felt this in my left glute during my warm up but as always it went away and I was fine. I thought this hamstring issue was related, and I still do, so I ignored it at the time. I kept on feeling a twinge throughout the race once in a while, but it was minor and went away with a little adjustment in my posture and form.

The second time I had to stop was at least for another minute. At this point I had no idea if I was still on track, especially since my watch was completely useless. I eventually got back on the course and my mile 20 rang in at 7:47. From this point on the only way to avoid the unbearable pain was to take the shortest steps possible. I am a major over-strider so this felt so awkward for me but it was the only way to keep a decent pace. Mile 21 rang in at 7:01, so I felt there was hope to speed up again, but once I tried, the sharp pain came to life again. I was so frustrated, and still am, because overall my body felt super strong and able to run fast and the stupid pain just held me back. My endurance and non-existent fatigue felt great to keep with my plan of maintaining my 6:49 pace and speeding it up at the 35k point, but after 2 miles of struggling, I knew this plan was out the window.


Looking back at my paces now, I am impressed I was able to average 7:09 for the last 5 miles of the race, given the pain I was in. I ran well, raced the best I could have, and stayed positive the entire time. As upset as I was at the finish line that I did not reach that long-awaited sub-3 hour goal, I knew that I had it in me. I felt so strong at those paces for the first 19+ miles. It wasn’t a struggle at all to maintain the 6:40s for 2 hours, so that feeling alone has made me proud of the hard work I’ve done.

 I’ve got 7 months until my next attempt, and the goal this time is not just to break 3 hours, but it’s going to be an even bigger goal! Chicago can be tricky with it’s ever-changing weather patterns, but the course is flat and I hear the crowds are super engaging so I believe it’s going to be a good one for me! Bring it on!