Understanding the Female Athlete Triad and How to Beat It

Generally, exercise is known to be a beneficial component to a healthy body. Most people begin an exercise program for the sake of losing weight, which is then coupled with lowering calories and restricting certain types of food. Over time, the weight comes off, you feel more energized, and the benefits of these changes are recognized. Hopefully for the most part these lifestyle habits continue in order to maintain the healthy bodyweight. In the world of sports many athletes, especially women, exercise and diet intensively in hopes to enhance their performance. When it does, the notion is to continue the intense regimen. Little do these athletes know that the long-term effects of these habits become risky, particularly in the female population.

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The Female Athlete Triad is a syndrome consisting of three symptoms: energy deficiency, menstrual irregularity, and bone loss. It is significantly common in the running population but can be found in many other sports. Most of these symptoms are ignored initially due to the fact that one is able to perform just fine. The majority will pay attention once an injury occurs. The syndrome usually begins with the intent to lose weight in order to improve performance. For runners, it is the same concept as wearing lighter running shoes—a lower bodyweight versus being overweight generally helps you run faster since your joints have less to carry. Once an athlete realizes the weight loss assists their faster paces, they want to continue getting lighter.

This pattern of dieting and intensively exercising is the beginning of the Female Athlete Triad. This eventually leads to developing eating disorders, menstrual problems and low bone mineral density, yielding a high risk of fractures. For women who were already at a low weight to begin with, the resulting outcomes are expedited. Of course, the end result of a devastating fracture is not something an athlete is seeking by adopting these habits, but in many cases it is inevitable. Although difficult to diagnose early on, this condition is most definitely preventable. The key is to be educated on and aware of the symptoms and what a true healthy body means.

Energy Deficiency

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The first and most common symptom of the Female Athlete Triad is energy deficiency. Originally the term used was disordered eating, but over the years, energy deficiency seemed more appropriate because extreme weight loss and poor diet compared to the extreme exercise can exist without an eating disorder in the picture. Younger females already have the pressure these days to be thin, and when sports come into play, the emphasis is much greater. As mentioned earlier, being thinner, rather than overweight, may yield faster finish times for runners. Coaches, teammates, and parents sometimes play a role in the encouragement of “being thin to win”. This along with society’s reinforcement of the beauty of thinness is what eventually leads to eating disorders in young girls.

Anorexia and bulimia are the most common eating disorders among women and are fast and true ways to lose weight. By no means, are these weight loss options anywhere near healthy, though. Restricting calories by extreme dieting and excessive exercise are symptoms that fall into the categories of anorexia and bulimia. The extreme diet will only lead to lack of nutrients, as well as fluid and electrolyte imbalances, that will eventually leave the athlete with very low energy, poor strength and endurance, impaired reaction times, and risk of injury. Initially these outcomes go unnoticed and the athlete is attracted to the improved performance in her sport. The negative outcomes will then arise once there is a significant amount of weight lost.

Menstrual Disorders


Following the poor diet and exercise habits mentioned arises the next component of the Female Athlete Triad. Excessive exercise and calorie restriction leads to extremely low levels of estrogen. Research shows that women in good health who train for marathons can lower their estrogen levels by over 50%. Given this data, it is clear that athletes who are at an unhealthy bodyweight with significantly poor eating habits and incorporate a high level of training, most definitely lower estrogen levels by a much greater amount.

Estrogen is responsible for the growth of reproductive organs, regulation of the menstrual cycle, and the protection of bones. Normally the body will compensate for a large calorie restriction by lowering metabolism in order to maintain body weight. The loss of the menstrual cycle, or amenorrhea, is a sign that the body is in an energy deficient state. Although amenorrhea as part of the Female Athlete Triad is brought about by energy deficiency, it is also linked to low body fat percentage, nutrient imbalances, and physical and mental stress.

Bone Loss

Poor diet and the loss of estrogen are the leading cause of low levels of bone mineral density. Exercise, mostly weight-bearing, is known to be beneficial to bone health. Therefore running should be a healthy sport for the bones. Several studies on the bone health of female athletes have been conducted and the majority conclude that the bone loss occurs in the cases where there are menstrual irregularity, particularly women with amenorrhea. One study even showed that these intense athletes have bone mineral densities comparable to women in their 80s! This low bone density puts females at an extremely high risk of fractures. Stress fractures are in fact more common in athletes who present with menstrual irregularities, due to low estrogen levels.

The cases who eventually gain weight to a healthier point, resume regular menstrual cycles, and get back to a healthy diet for their training improve their bone density levels. Research has indicated that if the negative symptoms of the Female Athlete Triad are not addressed early on there is a chance that some of the resulting bone loss is irreversible. It is crucial to be aware of this condition and the early signs including extreme dieting and excessive training for the means of dropping weight for performance. Although initially an athlete may perform better, the excessive training is not realistic for the long term and will only lead to burnout and injury among other medical problems.

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Steps to getting back the much needed energy, a regular menses, and strong bones start with lowering mileage and intensity, adding more calories to your diet, and regularly following up with your doctor, preferably one specialized in sports. It may seem scary to lower your running load and eat more, but taking these steps gradually can assure you get to and maintain a healthy weight and not alter your performance gains.

My End-of-Summer Training Update

How is the summer almost over?! Kids are going back to school, we are hearing about Halloween already, and pretty soon it will be cold and flu season (so guess what that means?!). I know I’m not the only one who feels a little lost with my training plan right now, so I’m going to write about it today. Of course I’ve had seasons where I don’t have races for 6 to 8 months so I get on a base building program and I’m just fine with that! This time around, though, with races NOT around the corner, base building feels a little different. I’m less motivated and, to be honest, find myself following a random style of training that has me feeling frustrated most of the time.


A couple of months ago I got into the attitude of believing there won’t even be racing next year, which was the wrong way to think because it only left me dragging every morning when it was time to run. I saw so many runners on Instagram keeping up with their Chicago, NYC and other marathon plans even though the races got canceled, so I felt I should have done the same. More recently I’ve switched my mindset into preparing for January’s Miami Marathon no matter what. If the race doesn’t happen, then oh well, at least I got into really good shape anyway!

What I’m Doing Now


I know I said my training style is “random” right now, but since I’m strict about having a schedule with everything I do, I still have a certain structure I follow. Months back I made it my goal to focus on my tempo runs, since it’s my biggest weakness, so I make sure that workout is on the schedule every week. I was running every day during the beginning of the pandemic, but then truly missed my Sundays of sleeping in and getting to do other things without having my run fall in the middle of the day. I call Sunday my lazy day! I now take Sundays off for the time being. Once I start increasing mileage closer to my race I may add a few miles on Sundays rather then adding them to other longer runs during the week.


Other than my tempo run, my running schedule is full of easy runs every day and an optional speed workout on Fridays. Lately I’ve been trying to focus on hill work, since it’s also a weakness of mine. For several weeks now, it gets put on the schedule on Fridays, and if I feel good and not too sore from previous workouts, then I go for it! I’ll be happy if I can get two hill workouts per month right now, so I’ll keep you all posted! I encourage runners to keep some sort of speed session on their plans even when they are just base building and are not necessarily training for a race. You don’t want your body to forget what fast running feels like! It not only will help maintain your current race paces, but it also burns more calories than steady miles, so it’s a great way to combat any weight gain you may experience in the off season.


If you have been following along through my running journey, you know I’m not the type of runner that JUST runs. My fitness-focused lifestyle started out way back in high school with weight lifting, so I have always been a fan of it. Even deep into marathon training, when most runners are barely doing much strength work, I still get my sessions in every week some way or another. I’m taking advantage whenever I can to get to the gym and lift heavy, which is what I love, but it’s been limited this year due to the pandemic and awful gym reservation systems I’ve had to deal with. I was really focused on my home workouts with very little equipment and learned how I am still able to stay in great shape, challenge my body, and get even stronger just with one medicine ball and some resistance bands! I aim for at least three strength sessions per week right now.

Marathon Training

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Since I like to do a long(ish) training block for races, I will start my formal training on September 14th, to give myself a good 18 weeks of hard training and a two-week taper. Until then, which is only another three weeks, I’ll stick to my current mileage, around 60-65 miles per week, and keep practicing my tempo runs. I have a strong goal for myself to get to 60-minute tempo runs and actually feel somewhat comfortable with them. I’m at 30 minutes now and not feeling that great with it, so I have lots of work to do! Once my formal marathon training starts, I will go back to a more structured plan of one short, VO2 max speed session and one tempo session. The rest of my runs, as usual, will be easy and mileage will start increasing every week by 5 to 10%. I always take a “down” week every 4th or 5th week, where I cut my mileage by around 20% and prioritize recovery and sleep as much as I can. This is one reason why I like to plan a long training cycle for my races—I enjoy the high mileage but I increase gradually and schedule in those recovery weeks.

There’s no doubt 2020 has been stressful for most of us. Our work schedules have been all over the place, our travels and races have been canceled, and we feel limited with everything we do. As anxiety-driven these months have been, I’ve tried my best to remind myself that it is still possible to enjoy my days! I believe this time has taught us to be more grateful for everything outside of events and our nightlife—our health, planet, and boredom (something we forget to take advantage of this sometimes!). Since I can’t do anything about the situation right now, I’ve learned to enjoy what I AM ABLE to do, which is run, write, and inspire. Hopefully I can motivate you all to get up and MOVE as much as possible, so we can enter a brand new year feeling healthy and more energized for the better things to come once this situation is all under control!

Staying Motivated During Uncertain Times

Sponsored by Zappos. All opinions are my own.

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We all start off the year with ambitions and more so this year, 2020, since it’s a whole new start of a century. Since January, though, there have been major circumstances that have gotten in the way of that “best year yet” feeling. For over a month now the world has been dealing with a never-before-seen pandemic—one that has caused most of everything around us to shut down, a significant drop in any economic gains, and even worse, causing many people to lose their lives. Although most of us are working from home with more flexible schedules, we are struggling to keep motivated to stay fit and healthy. Even runners, who are generally the most motivated of the bunch, seem to be having a difficult time sticking to any kind of training, since all races have been canceled. It almost feels like we are working towards nothing.

It’s time to turn the light switch on and change our mentality to the positive. Just because there aren’t any races on the schedule until Fall doesn’t mean we should put a halt to our training and goals. I know Fall is even uncertain at this point, but we should use this time to embrace running for everything it is, instead of being solely focused on completing a race or reaching a PR. Those things are great, but running does so much more for our lives than make us fast. It’s a good time to take a step back, reflect on what we should improve, and focus on self-care. It can make all the difference once these crazy times are behind us and life gets back to normal. Put on your best outfits and give your body what it needs during this hectic time—MOVEMENT! My new Mizuno Inspire 16 from Zappos is giving me a big pep to my step these days!

Keep a Routine

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The biggest struggle for those who are used to a set work schedule has been maintaining good time management throughout the day. Before when the workday started at 9AM, we were up at 4AM to get that speed work done and feel accomplished. Now almost everyone seems to be sleeping in, scattering work duties throughout a 12-hour day and leaving any training we were thinking of doing for the end of the day, which may or may not get done. Since our big goal races this Spring are not in the picture any more, runners don’t see the need to be so strict about their running schedules. Just for the mere fact that we can all use a little stress relief, running and exercise itself should actually be a priority these days. A little sleeping in is also good for us, but why not keep running on the schedule as the first task of the day? It will make you feel accomplished, refreshed and ready for a productive day. Keeping a similar routine as when you were at the office will also help with the transition of working from home to back to normal life again.

Add in Variety

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There is no better time to change up your workout routine than when you have months before your next race. I’ve personally decided to keep running every morning, but lower my mileage and add in a mix of exercises I’ve always wanted to fit in but skipped out on because I was too tired from running. Switching up to new workouts wakes up and strengthens weak muscles and improves our fitness even further—both very helpful for when racing season comes along again. Without a gym and tons of equipment, there are still plenty of options to switch up the program. Since running is still allowed, following social distancing guidelines of course, find a route that passes by a set of stairs and get in a few sets of bursts up in the middle or end of you run. After a month of including these climbs I can notice my legs feel more powerful when I run uphill, which has always been a struggle for me. The Mizuno Inspire 16 have been great for stairs and hills since the WAVEKNITupper is super flexible and helps push off the ground more comfortably than with other pairs. They definitely look and feel extremely light, so you would think they lack cushioning, but the midsole is very plush and gives a soft landing, something that not only makes running feel good, but also when adding in my jump roping, box jumps and the many other plyometric moves I’ve been incorporating these days. So, there you have it—three new exercises you can add in at home to give a boost to your fitness: stair running, jump rope, and plyometrics.

Run Love

As much as I love running, I find myself finishing my morning workout not even remembering anything I saw throughout the hour or two I was out. During marathon training we are always so focused on our pace, form, and hitting certain goals, we often forget to take in the environment around us. If we are lucky to find a quiet route where there are not many people, we should embrace our surroundings. I always talk about how pretty my side of town is, but it wasn’t until this past month that I truly paid attention to everything around me. I run by the ocean every day, which is probably my favorite thing in the world, and scoping out every part of it while running puts a smile on my face. I love easy to moderate long runs where I can relax into my pace, so I’m opting for these most days of the week, because I actually have the freedom now to do the workouts I love and only those if I want. Don’t get me wrong, speed work can be fun and is an important component to improving and reaching my race goals, but I don’t HAVE to be so strict about them right now. Running the way you LOVE can remind you why you started running in the first place and bring a whole new sense of self—less stress, more energy for the rest of your day, and a positive outlook on any situation. 

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The Mizuno Inspire 16 has been a great medium to long run option. They are cushioned enough to prevent sore feet from the constant pounding, but extremely light so they don’t weigh you down halfway through the run like most well-cushioned shoes. The upper material is also super breathable, which is a major help in the extreme humidity I run through here in Miami. You can shop these in so many other colors at Zappos, which is where I get most of my running gear. Being a Zappos Rewards member has amazing perks—free expedited shipping, free returns for a year, and the best customer service to answer all of your questions and resolve any issues. You can sign up for free and start a shopping list for when these crazy times are over and you can be ready to race your best this Fall!

My Current Training Schedule & Fall Race Plans

My decision to take a long break from racing has made my training schedule a bit foggy this summer. Since I haven’t yet decided on whether I will race anything more than a 10k this fall, I have been taking it easy, not worrying about skipping some days or not pushing myself as much. The fall is quickly approaching, though, so if I do decide to race a half or full marathon, I want to be ready to finish strong with a PR or at least a very good workout!  The last couple of weeks I have started a new, and steadier schedule, which I hope to keep for another month or two until my “real” training starts.

Strength Training


This is something I have been extremely strict about since my last race. I have always made time for the gym, but was doing pretty much the same workouts most weeks. I started heavier lifting this summer, splitting up body parts most days. Now I have been making sure to stick to four days of strength training, mixing up my routine every week. At least three of these days are at the gym using machines and dumbbells, and I’ll squeeze in another day of 30-40 minutes of resistance band and bodyweight exercises. Most of my workouts are my own, but I do get loads of inspiration from fellow Instagram fitness buffs! Consistent strength training has been what has kept my joints healthy and free from injury. If you normally experience back or knee pain, I suggest you start hitting the weights! It will make a huge difference if you want to keep up your running routine. 

My current training plan looks like this: 

Monday         AM: 10 miles (either with 3-4x1 mile hard OR 5-6 miles at tempo pace)

                       PM: 45-60 minute gym session – legs/biceps/shoulders/abs circuit

Tuesday         AM: 8-10 miles easy

                        PM: 3-5 miles easy

Wednesday    AM: 8-10 miles – 3 miles easy + 8x200m uphill/downhill repeats + 3 miles easy

                         PM: 45 min gym session – chest/triceps/back/abs circuit

Thursday        AM: 8-10 miles easy

                         PM: 3-5 miles easy

Friday              AM: 8-10 miles easy + 30-40 mins band/bodyweight legs/abs circuit

Saturday         AM: 13-16 mile long run + 30 mins full body gym session + lots of stretching

Sunday             OFF 

Of course, depending on my schedule I will have to switch things around at times. If I have less time one morning, I will run shorter and increase the miles on another day if I feel good. If I have somewhere to be on Saturday morning, I will do my long run on Friday. I am fortunate to have a flexible schedule, so I can get my training done without excuses!

Potential Fall Racing Plans


Since I have never raced a 5k (I know, crazy!), I am thinking of signing up for the Turkey Trot this year and have that race be my debut. I did not have a great 10k last year, so the short distance makes me more nervous than racing a full marathon! I am looking to stay local for any other race I plan, so my options will most likely be a half in Ft. Lauderdale in mid-November or West Palm Beach in December. These will be great workouts to prep for February’s Miami Marathon, which is where I plan on having an extra large PR. I do not want to get too comfortable going too many months without any races on the schedule, and I know signing up for races is a huge motivator to train hard, so I will most likely decide what I am doing within the next month or so. Stay tuned!