Understanding the Female Athlete Triad and How to Beat It

Generally, exercise is known to be a beneficial component to a healthy body. Most people begin an exercise program for the sake of losing weight, which is then coupled with lowering calories and restricting certain types of food. Over time, the weight comes off, you feel more energized, and the benefits of these changes are recognized. Hopefully for the most part these lifestyle habits continue in order to maintain the healthy bodyweight. In the world of sports many athletes, especially women, exercise and diet intensively in hopes to enhance their performance. When it does, the notion is to continue the intense regimen. Little do these athletes know that the long-term effects of these habits become risky, particularly in the female population.

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The Female Athlete Triad is a syndrome consisting of three symptoms: energy deficiency, menstrual irregularity, and bone loss. It is significantly common in the running population but can be found in many other sports. Most of these symptoms are ignored initially due to the fact that one is able to perform just fine. The majority will pay attention once an injury occurs. The syndrome usually begins with the intent to lose weight in order to improve performance. For runners, it is the same concept as wearing lighter running shoes—a lower bodyweight versus being overweight generally helps you run faster since your joints have less to carry. Once an athlete realizes the weight loss assists their faster paces, they want to continue getting lighter.

This pattern of dieting and intensively exercising is the beginning of the Female Athlete Triad. This eventually leads to developing eating disorders, menstrual problems and low bone mineral density, yielding a high risk of fractures. For women who were already at a low weight to begin with, the resulting outcomes are expedited. Of course, the end result of a devastating fracture is not something an athlete is seeking by adopting these habits, but in many cases it is inevitable. Although difficult to diagnose early on, this condition is most definitely preventable. The key is to be educated on and aware of the symptoms and what a true healthy body means.

Energy Deficiency

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The first and most common symptom of the Female Athlete Triad is energy deficiency. Originally the term used was disordered eating, but over the years, energy deficiency seemed more appropriate because extreme weight loss and poor diet compared to the extreme exercise can exist without an eating disorder in the picture. Younger females already have the pressure these days to be thin, and when sports come into play, the emphasis is much greater. As mentioned earlier, being thinner, rather than overweight, may yield faster finish times for runners. Coaches, teammates, and parents sometimes play a role in the encouragement of “being thin to win”. This along with society’s reinforcement of the beauty of thinness is what eventually leads to eating disorders in young girls.

Anorexia and bulimia are the most common eating disorders among women and are fast and true ways to lose weight. By no means, are these weight loss options anywhere near healthy, though. Restricting calories by extreme dieting and excessive exercise are symptoms that fall into the categories of anorexia and bulimia. The extreme diet will only lead to lack of nutrients, as well as fluid and electrolyte imbalances, that will eventually leave the athlete with very low energy, poor strength and endurance, impaired reaction times, and risk of injury. Initially these outcomes go unnoticed and the athlete is attracted to the improved performance in her sport. The negative outcomes will then arise once there is a significant amount of weight lost.

Menstrual Disorders


Following the poor diet and exercise habits mentioned arises the next component of the Female Athlete Triad. Excessive exercise and calorie restriction leads to extremely low levels of estrogen. Research shows that women in good health who train for marathons can lower their estrogen levels by over 50%. Given this data, it is clear that athletes who are at an unhealthy bodyweight with significantly poor eating habits and incorporate a high level of training, most definitely lower estrogen levels by a much greater amount.

Estrogen is responsible for the growth of reproductive organs, regulation of the menstrual cycle, and the protection of bones. Normally the body will compensate for a large calorie restriction by lowering metabolism in order to maintain body weight. The loss of the menstrual cycle, or amenorrhea, is a sign that the body is in an energy deficient state. Although amenorrhea as part of the Female Athlete Triad is brought about by energy deficiency, it is also linked to low body fat percentage, nutrient imbalances, and physical and mental stress.

Bone Loss

Poor diet and the loss of estrogen are the leading cause of low levels of bone mineral density. Exercise, mostly weight-bearing, is known to be beneficial to bone health. Therefore running should be a healthy sport for the bones. Several studies on the bone health of female athletes have been conducted and the majority conclude that the bone loss occurs in the cases where there are menstrual irregularity, particularly women with amenorrhea. One study even showed that these intense athletes have bone mineral densities comparable to women in their 80s! This low bone density puts females at an extremely high risk of fractures. Stress fractures are in fact more common in athletes who present with menstrual irregularities, due to low estrogen levels.

The cases who eventually gain weight to a healthier point, resume regular menstrual cycles, and get back to a healthy diet for their training improve their bone density levels. Research has indicated that if the negative symptoms of the Female Athlete Triad are not addressed early on there is a chance that some of the resulting bone loss is irreversible. It is crucial to be aware of this condition and the early signs including extreme dieting and excessive training for the means of dropping weight for performance. Although initially an athlete may perform better, the excessive training is not realistic for the long term and will only lead to burnout and injury among other medical problems.

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Steps to getting back the much needed energy, a regular menses, and strong bones start with lowering mileage and intensity, adding more calories to your diet, and regularly following up with your doctor, preferably one specialized in sports. It may seem scary to lower your running load and eat more, but taking these steps gradually can assure you get to and maintain a healthy weight and not alter your performance gains.

My Journey to Fast Running

Fast race times are not just for the pros. Anybody can train to improve their speed as long as they put their heart and soul into running and find the right plan for themselves. Some runners do better running every day or with high mileage plans, while others do best with minimal miles and more rest days. For me, it took some trial and error and lots of research to get faster. I am questioned almost every day on how I cut my race times in such a short period of time. It did not happen overnight. I put in a good amount of work and a part of my passion is to share my story in hopes that my tips help so many of you!

Once Upon a Time, I Ran ONLY for Fun

First of all, my initial BIG improvements had much to do with the fact that I was not focused on getting faster AT ALL during the years I was racing before I decided to make this my goal. I’d been a runner since 4th grade, participating in cross country and track and field on and off until I graduated from high school. I kept running in college only because I hated the cardio machines at the gym, and running was just something I knew how to do that was outdoors. A friend of mine suggested signing up for a half marathon, which I thought was crazy at the time, but she promised me that one day running 13 miles was going to feel like what 3 miles felt like back then. She was right. I signed up for the 2009 Miami Half Marathon and was hooked, but not how I am hooked now. I did not pay attention to finish times or pacing or anything that has to do with improving at the sport. All I cared about was staying in shape and the excitement of the races once a year.

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This is how I treated running up until 2016, when I randomly put on the Olympic Marathon Trials after reading about it in a Runner’s World Magazine. This was about 2 weeks after finishing my first Miami Marathon in 3:53. All of a sudden I got the urge to get faster—I figured, I actually like to run, I’m not bad at it, and the training plans I read in the magazines all seemed doable to me. A few weeks later I raced the Miami Beach Half Marathon and got my best time, 1:44, which I attribute to the motivation and adrenaline from my new found passion. That same week I bought a Garmin watch, new shoes, and signed up for the Ft. Lauderdale Half Marathon in November. Within those 8 months I spent hours researching training plans, advice and every amount of information I could to implement into my new venture.

More Miles Works

I went from running at comfortable paces 3 days a week to running 5 days, which included my long run and a speed workout that I would switch up every week. I believe it was the gradual increase in mileage and added speed work that got me a 9 minute PR in the half in only 7 months time! I was nervous to run more than every other day thinking I would get injured, but from everything I researched (and my research only comes from scholarly written studies, as I was taught in school—haha), I learned that as long as you SLOWLY add in the miles, keep it easy for the majority, and continue strengthening exercises, it can most definitely improve race times. This 100% worked for me. I ran the rest of 2016 getting up to an average of 75 miles per week.

I had already been a physical therapist at this point for 5 years, so I was super strict about injury prevention, recovery, and paying attention to my body. I raced the Miami Marathon in January 2017 and finish in 3:22—a whopping 31-minute PR! Of course, like the rest of us, I wanted more. After more research I decided to attempt the daunting 100-mile week before my next full marathon, but I knew this was going to come with some sacrifice. More miles = more sleep/downtime, more eating, and more recovery sessions. My baseline training over the summer that year was around 60-65 miles per week and I gradually added in more once the fall came around to hit 100+ miles for 3 weeks before I tapered for the race in January 2018. I cut another 16 minutes off of my PR that race. My half marathon PR came 3 weeks after that one where I cut 8 minutes from 2017.

After falling for the comments on how I wouldn’t be able to keep this up on my own, I decided to try out a coach, who initially kept me at decent mileage (although still 75% of what I was doing when I was at my best), and then dropped the milage down to 40 miles per week by the end of 2018. This actually got me out of shape and my streak was over. Since starting back up on my own this year I have gone back to my previous training plan, with much more updates, and finally feel back to my old self with even BIGGER goals!

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2015: 35 miles per week —> 3:53 full / 1:44 half

2016: 75 miles per week —> 3:22 full/ 1:33 half

2017: 100 miles per week —> 3:06 full/ 1:25 half

2018: 70/40 miles per week —> 3:14 full / 1:33 half

2020: 90 miles per week —> 3:03 full / 1:24 half

Varied Speed Work

I spent the summers incorporating short speed sessions—200-800 meter repeats and Fartlek runs. During my actual marathon training, my speed sessions varied every week. I alternated between mile repeats, continuous 200m on/off 10ks, Yasso 800s, and progressive ladder workouts at the track. I rotated between these workouts every 4 weeks and was able to see improvements in each once a month when it was time to repeat them. Since 2018 I’ve learned all about the benefits of longer intervals for distance running (which intimidate me!), so that’s what I’ve been incorporating these days with amazing results. My best seasons are those where I’ve managed to stick to one track session of shorter intervals and one tempo run each week. The rest of my running is all EASY paced. Click here to see a few examples of my go-to speed sessions.

LOTS of Eating

It’s a good thing I love to eat, because marathon training allows me to eat twice as much as I used to! When I was training early on, I believed I could eat whatever I wanted. That is the most untrue statement for runners. First of all, we don’t burn as much as we think—in an hour-long run I burn around 350-400 calories. That’s probably just about a slice of pizza! Second of all—if you want to improve your performance, you must think of food as fuel, rather than pleasure…at least 90% of the time. Following a high-quality diet of the right amount of macros and calories will keep your body at a healthy weight, help you last longer during any run, and help prevent injury. In my opinion nutrition plays a bigger role in performance improvement than anything else. Once I started increasing my calories, especially carbs, I saw a massive spike in energy, better sleep, and more strength during speed sessions. Mid-run fueling switched from an intake of 200 calories (a pack of PowerBar chews) during an entire marathon, to over 1200 calories! This was a game changer for long runs and races—I am never exhausted afterwards like I used to be.

Quality Recovery

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Recovery has many different sides. It includes sleep, elevating the legs, use of compression, icing, stretching, massage, physical therapy, foam rolling, and full rest days. It sounds like it requires so much time, and it does, but without these components, you risk being able to run more, hit paces, and recover from workouts quickly. This is probably my weakest area. If I skip something one day, it’s usually not my runs, strength training, or eating. I used to skip stretching, go to sleep late, and sometimes walk around too much on my complete rest day. Now, I am slowly learning to prioritize recovery—going to bed earlier, using my Normatec compression boots, getting a massage every few weeks, and stretching after every run. Since being more strict about this, I rarely get sore or feel fatigued legs on my runs—and I’m running around 90 miles per week right now!

Make Time for Cross Training

During the off season I was going to the gym 4-5 times per week for at least 45 minutes. Of course as I start to run more, I shorten my gym sessions, but make sure they stay high-quality and that I hit every muscle group. My workouts are mostly full body sessions, with a big emphasis on all core muscles, at least 3x per week. I NEVER skip the strength training—I remind myself of the time I was injured and how horrible it felt, and that is enough to get me to do the work. I also make time to go for walks and use the stationary bike—this will only be a couple times per week for 20-30 minutes.

This is MY Plan, Not YOURS!

As I mentioned in the beginning, adding in all of these components is totally doable for anyone. The only obstacle most people have is lack of time, but with a little sacrifice, and shifting of your schedule you can find time for each and every one of these components. The one thing you don’t want to sacrifice in order to add more miles is sleep—it is VITAL if you want to run well. You don’t need to run every day, and it’s actually okay to not have a full rest day. You just have to make sure at least 75-80% of your runs are easy. If you are stuck and unsure about how to structure your training to get results, a coach may be the answer—even if it’s just for one season. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or if you’d like to join my team and have me be your coach!

Tips for Eating Out at Restaurants

If only we all were gourmet chefs or at least have the time to create amazing dishes for every single meal of the day, we would probably always eat at home. The eating culture has shifted tremendously over the past few decades, with dining out increasing from 18% of daily intake to 33%. Most of us know how unhealthy many restaurant choices are, especially in the fast food world, but we continue to consume it more than we should. Even the “healthier” items on the menu such as salads and vegetable dishes are loaded with calories from the extra fat and sugar added to the cooking process to make them taste much better than home-cooked meals. The highly processed and fat or sugar-laden foods are what cause eating addiction, which is a reason why more people continue to crave restaurant meals.

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Studies have indicated that increased intake of foods eaten away from home is linked to a higher body mass index and poorer diet quality. Diet quality in these cases was described as the amount of fruit, vegetable, and processed food consumption. Most studies showed that women tend to make healthier foods choices at restaurants than men by choosing more fruits and vegetables with their meals. Unfortunately, even choosing these healthy foods does not equate to overall fewer calories and fat. By no means should these facts about restaurants keep you from going out for date night or an enjoyable evening with friends. There are several ways to stick with your diet while eating out without too much sacrifice.


If you are truly trying to stick to your healthy diet and have the opportunity to choose the restaurant when going out for a social occasion, it is best to take some time to research a few different places with a wide range of menu items. If the restaurant is already chosen, you can still look up the menu ahead of time and select a few dish options that fall into the healthy category. If the choices still seem high in calories, you can plan to eat much lighter meals throughout the day leading up to your outing to compensate. If you are willing to forgo an entree at the restaurant and instead order an appetizer as your main dish, then you will most likely save about half of the calories as long as you carefully choose a healthier option. To make sure that you are satisfied come meal’s end, have a small snack at home beforehand such as a few crackers and cheese, yogurt with nuts, or a protein shake.

Control Portions

This is probably the most difficult task for most people, yet the lack of this task is the reason why most Americans are overweight. At restaurants it is very easy to consume too many calories even with their smallest available portions, so the easiest way to downsize those calories is to choose low calorie foods to begin with. Unfortunately, side dishes such as potatoes, rice, and pasta do not fall into this category, unless you can be satisfied with only a couple of forkfuls worth. Vegetables and salads are the best choices, but it is important to keep in mind that most restaurants will cook the veggies in oil and butter to enhance the taste so they are not as low-calorie as you would think.

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Eating out will usually include many more courses than you would typically have at home. Bread will be served, followed by an appetizer, entrée, and dessert. If you choose to have the bread, simply pick just one piece out of the basket and limit the amount of butter or oil you use. Share an appetizer and dessert with your party rather than trying to portion out an entire one on your own. The highest calorie items that are best to stay away from are fried foods, fatty meats, cream-based soups and pastas, and those delicious-looking baked desserts. Opt for small portions of lean meats and fish, vegetable side dishes, and fruit for dessert.

Choose Intuitively

The best advice is to always think before you eat anything. If you truly do not care for something, do not waste your calorie bank on it. Most people end up eating whatever food is on their plate. If you crave meat more than the carb-loaded side dishes, then make sure to order your steak with green vegetables as a side so that you are not tempted to eat potatoes or rice. For those who have an extreme sweet tooth and look forward to dessert more than anything, it’s best to skip the bread, have a small appetizer as your main dish, and indulge in the dessert that you truly enjoy most.

Eat Slowly

You may have read before that eating alone without any distractions such as company, the computer, or television is a smarter way to keep track of portions and eat less overall. Conversing over meals causes us to not pay attention to how much we are eating or drinking. Teaching ourselves to eat our meals as slowly as possible takes some training. Some steps to practice are cutting food into smaller bite-sized pieces, savor the flavors of your food by chewing more times, putting down utensils in between bites, and eating with your non-dominant hand.

Beverages Count

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Whether you are into alcoholic beverages or sodas, calories can add up tremendously. A glass of wine equates to around 130 calories, so if you share a bottle with your significant other, you are adding about 300 to 350 calories to your meal. Light beer and hard liquor are lower calorie choices with about 100 and 70 calories per serving respectively. The drinks to watch out for are mixed cocktails and specialty beverage items. Some are mixed with soda adding double the calories, while others can get into the 700-calorie range if you choose a cream-based or sweetened one such as a margarita, pina colada, or a long island iced tea. If possible, stick to just one serving of your favorite lower-calorie drink and have two sips of water for every sip of other beverage you have.

When on a diet, going out to eat should not be eliminated. There are ways to be able to enjoy your time out with family or friends while sticking with your healthy meal plan. If you go off a bit more than you would have liked, do not be hard on yourself. One night of “bad” eating will not ruin all of the progress you have made. What is an issue with most people’s diets is dining out several times a week. Unfortunately, as much as we try to make the healthiest choices at restaurants, it is important to remember that we truly do not know exactly how the food is cooked, and most are cooked with butter, oil, extra sugar and salt to create those delicious flavors. Enjoy yourself as you dine, keeping these simple tips in mind, so that you can guarantee you will not undo all of that hard work you have put into getting and staying healthy.


Rebecca A. Seguin, Anju Aggarwal, Francoise Vermeylen, and Adam Drewnowski, Consumption Frequency of Foods Away from Home Linked with Higher Body Mass Index and Lower Fruit and Vegetable Intake Among Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study, Journal, Sept 2019