Cleaning Up a Diet Without Restrictions

I catch myself saying the words: “new year, new me” every single January for years, and I get a little annoyed halfway through the month. It’s not that I feel there is anything wrong with the saying—I just think I don’t give myself credit for how good I actually am with most aspects of my life, particularly my health. I run six days a week, lift weights, eat pretty healthy, drink lots of water, stay away from smoking and heavy alcohol, and I wear sunscreen everyday. Besides working on time management this year, which has been a true failure for me since I became self-employed (this will be a separate blog post very soon!), I’ve been wanting to focus on specific aspects of my diet that I have been ignoring for years. I say out loud it is mostly about my acne-prone skin issues, but there are so many other symptoms that I feel are linked to annoying food sensitivities that I have been refusing to address.

As For These “Symptoms”…

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I don’t feel I have experienced many symptoms that affect my function on a daily basis, which is the reason why I’ve just ignored them for so long. The only thing that’s really bothered me during my adult life is my acne and melasma, which I feel and have been told is primarily hormone-related. I also regularly get bloating and less than regular digestive issues. Increasing fatigue over the last couple of years has more recently been my main concern, since that specifically has been affecting my strength, running, and daily concentration on my work. Just a few months ago I was diagnosed with borderline hypothyroidism, which is definitely related to these symptoms, but diet can play a large role in managing the condition and keeping my symptoms at bay. My goal is to try and delay the need for long term hormone replacement for this health problem.

Restrictive is NOT the Way to Go…

At least not for me. Last year I went ahead and took advantage of a big discount that was going on for Everlywell—the at-home lab test. I was interested in seeing what food sensitivities I actually have based off of their kit. I know I shouldn’t take this as 100% accurate, especially after doing my own research and reading reviews about the discrepancies between these" “at-home” tests and real allergy testing. I kept in mind that this option was not testing allergies at all—just sensitivities I may have when consuming certain foods. I honestly thought my results would come out to maybe a couple at the most and it was a list of 22 foods! Now, one of the reviews I received from a handful of Instagram followers is that the case for some of these is that the test picks up foods I regularly eat, rather than something in my blood telling me I’m actually sensitive. Therefore I took the results with a grain of salt.

This long list of foods includes almond, wheat, chicken, eggs, garlic, potato, and oats, among others. Surprisingly the only dairy foods that were on the list were mozzarella and yogurt. For a few years now I have tried to stay away from dairy products after the recommendation from a dermatologist, and it made a big difference in my skin and digestive issues. I totally thought this would be number 1 on the list of food sensitivities! Regardless, the list was overwhelming for me so I did not do what was suggested which is an elimination diet. With that many foods on the list, it felt restrictive to me, and when I’ve restricted food groups in the past, it only caused me to have intense cravings and then binge eat. I feel I never minded restricting dairy all this time because I really didn’t care for it to begin with. I don’t like cheese at all, can live without yogurt, have never really been an ice cream fan, and with any recipe that called for milk I was perfectly fine using the alternatives.

Ticking Off New Year’s Resolutions


Okay, so one priority for me as far as goals go for this year is to learn something new every day. So far, I’ve been successful, and one thing I’ve learned this year is about what in milk is really the culprit of digestive issues. It’s the protein! I thought it was the added hormones some farmers use on cows or the lactose, but it’s actually specifically the A1 protein. My parents are very obsessed with A2 milk, which is made from cows that only produce the A2 protein. Once I learned all about this I decided to give this brand a try. As many of you saw on my Instagram feed, I jumped on board and took a challenge this month to switch out my milk, and I’ve been so happy about the results. No bloating, no stomach aches, and NO ACNE! I highly recommend this switch if you are sensitive to regular milk! Oh yea—and right now you can enter to win free a2 Milk for a year and a Peloton Bike + 1 year membership. Click here!

What About the Rest of My Diet?

Well, this post is the start of my goal—attempting to dial in to my current way of eating and pinpoint what is playing a role in my fatigue. I know I can be better about limiting my frozen food lunches and packaged snacks I have been eating regularly for the sake of saving time, so this will be the first thing I tackle (as I write this, I am eating plant-based air-fried chicken tenders). I also need to get back to a regular eating schedule—this will help with energy levels. I tend to get bogged down by projects and forget to eat. This will require me to make time for meal planning and being more creative with quick snack options for my work day.

Tackling this goal in 3, 2, 1… I’ll keep you all posted! Make sure to follow along on Instagram for the latest updates.

Tackling PRs and Stress During the Holidays

No matter what difficulty this year has brought, the wintertime can still be enjoyable and end on a productive note. The change in lifestyle we’ve all had to deal with during 2020 has sure brought about an immense amount of stress for everyone. The change to a work-from-home situation seemed like a less stressful option, but in reality most of us loss a sense of structure to our days. It also has not been easy dealing with having to be socially distant from our families and friends, but hopefully knowing we are doing this for the good of their health makes it a bit of an easier choice.

Will We Ever Race Again?

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That has been the question of the year for runners! It went from having our big spring races canceled to basically being without in-person races the entire year. It looks like the beginning of 2021 won’t be any different, so the near future planning of running goals is making most of us unmotivated to get in our training runs every day. During this season of the year, it will be most important to work on mental strength more than anything. It will take effort, but trying to put aside all of the stressors that we cannot control, is the key to getting back into the rhythm of taking care of our bodies. After all, exercise plays a pretty big role in stress management and immunity—a big focus with the current viral pandemic.

Since I’ve had a very long base building phase this year, I had a vision of using it to improve my endurance and work on weaknesses. Six months passed and I realized the anxiety of the life changes made me less focused on these goals. One of the most unwanted side effects of stress is lack of energy, and it was what was affecting me the most. Thankfully I turned to MitoQ and I’ve not only had optimal energy all day, but after taking a good amount of time off recently, my fitness has returned much quicker than ever before! I’m sleeping better and feel I can focus much more on my work without a problem.

MitoQ is a powerful antioxidant that works to limit the damage in our cells’ mitochondria—the powerhouse of the cells, and keeps them fired up for any activity. By doing this, it helps improve our stress levels, energy, sleep quality, digestion, immunity and reduce recovery times after hard workouts, since these are all jobs of the mitochondria. All it takes is two capsules in the morning before eating and you’ve got a productive day ahead of you!

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Tips for Getting and Staying Healthy

Below are just a few of my go-to tactics when trying to remain focused and motivated to tackle my running and work goals. 

  • Move every day for at least 20 minutes.

  • Eat the rainbow! Keep a diet that has foods from every food group as many days as you can. But don’t deprive yourself—eating what we like every once in a while can be a stress-reliever!

  • Incorporate supplements in your diet where you need them, and make sure they are supplements that have been clinically studied, such as MitoQ.

  • Prioritize sleep and stress management: set aside time every day for yourself—to read, soak in the tub, or do some yoga.

  • Don’t let what’s going on around you make you anxious—control what you can control and let the rest be!

Are you interested in beating stress, improving your fitness performance, and keeping your body healthy from the inside out? Click here to learn more about MitoQ’s benefits and how easy it is to feel your best all day with this powerful antioxidant!

Sponsored by MitoQ. All opinions are my own.

Depletion Running: Should You Try It?

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right? Yes, of course, but there are times when it may be a good idea to skip it, or at least wait a little later in the morning to have it. Runners know how important it is to fuel their bodies for their runs, especially for those hard and long workouts. It is always advised to have the proper amount of calories and carbohydrates before long runs and races in order to supply the muscles with the glycogen it requires to be able to push through the run. During half and full marathons, as well as ultra races, mid-run fuel is also important to keep those energy stores as high as possible to keep us going. It is during the end of races that we feel the depletion in our bodies from lack of fuel, which creates that ‘zombie-like’ final 10K of the marathon, otherwise known as “bonking”.

What is a Depletion Run?

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The concept of depletion runs has grown to be quite popular, especially in the elite world. This is basically when runs are performed in a starved state. This will usually be in the morning after a full night’s sleep when glycogen stores are at its lowest. The reason some athletes do this is to train their bodies to use their fat stores so that come race day, they are able to last longer when energy is low. Many runners swear by this training method but also report it to be uncomfortable and make their runs much harder to get through. If you are willing to go through several runs feeling low on energy in hopes to not hit “the wall” during your marathon, then it may be worth a try.

The Science

When you run without fueling up beforehand, the body will rely on fat stores for energy. This energy, though, will not give you the same feel as the energy from glycogen, which we get from the carbohydrates we ingest. What this will train the body to do is use fat stores during as much of a race as possible and save the glycogen stores for when we really need it—the end of the race. The important thing to remember in order to keep from using any stored glycogen for the first half of your training run is to keep a conversational pace throughout the entire run. Any faster, and you will risk dipping into the glycogen you need to save.

The Method

It is important to have a decently large dinner the night before your depletion run, so that your body can store as much fat as possible overnight. The morning of your run, simply do not ingest anything except for water (although some runners also deplete themselves of hydration, which is a dangerous mistake). For long runs, where you would normally refuel mid-run with gels or chews, you will skip this part on a depletion run. Immediately after completing this run, it is extremely important to refuel with plenty of carbohydrates—at least 50 grams and around 25 grams of protein. An hour later you should have another carbohydrate-rich meal.

When to Practice Depletion

This type of training should not be done with every training run. It is beneficial to perform depletion runs 3 or 4 times for long runs early on in your training cycle when you do not have to worry about practicing your race fueling strategy. Short and easy runs are good times to practice depletion as well, but mostly for the sake of teaching yourself to get used to the ‘not eating’ part. Never try this for speed work or marathon paced runs because these harder workouts require glycogen in order to be able to be successful. If you attempt to run on an empty stomach for hard workouts you will not be able to push yourself as hard and therefore limit any performance gains.

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Morning runs are the easiest times to practice depletion since you have not used much energy and it is when you will feel the least hungry. Making sure to hydrate the night before and the morning of will help with any hunger and keep you from getting dehydrated during your run. Only experienced long-distance runners should try a depletion run. If you are not so experienced and want to give it a go, first try cutting your regular pre-run fuel intake little by little over the course of weeks.

Depletion runs are not for everyone, but if you normally feel the ‘bonk’ at the end of your races, it MAY BE worth a try. If you are not a fan of feeling hungry or weak on any type of run, then it most likely isn’t a training technique you should try. This method of training will not cause weight loss or make you a faster runner. It is simply to help with endurance, although there are other, more tolerable, ways to improve endurance. Training the body to rely on fat stores and save glycogen for those last six miles, will allow you to run longer at your goal pace.


Niels Ørtenblad, Håkan Westerblad, and Joachim Nielsen, Muscle Glycogen Stores and Fatigue, Journal, Dec 12, 2019.

Faster on Race Day Than During Training? Here's Why

If you are a long time regular distance runner, meaning you have had quite a few training blocks, you are probably familiar with that not-so-good feeling of never really hitting your goal pace during training runs. It is on all of the training plans: “Run at goal pace for X miles”. Some long runs call for “run the last 10 miles at goal pace”. To be honest, most runners have a hard time running even half of their long runs anywhere near their goal pace, but then manage to do it on race day THE ENTIRE TIME. The distressing feat trying to accomplish those fast paces in training runs can really mess with a runner’s mind. You may end up feeling like you have to change your goal, if not it is going to be unachievable.

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Many factors go into the faster race paces. The body is tapered and rested, fueling has been on point for several days leading up to the race, there are other runners around to compete against, and adrenaline is rushing. It sounds like it makes sense, but how do all of those factors really translate into faster paces? Some of it is physiological and others are mostly mental reactions to racing.


The point of the taper period, which is usually between one and three weeks long, is to give the body the rest it needs to feel fresh for race day. The months and months of training build up physical and mental stress and loads of fatigue on the legs. Throughout those months, we perform long runs and speed sessions on tired and sore legs, which is probably one reason why hitting paces during training is tough. When you gradually decrease mileage and intensity throughout the taper period, the legs are rested and feel light and strong come race morning. It is true that training hard on tired legs is a good method to build endurance and strength, but it also helps us enjoy how our legs feel at the start line of races—fresh and rested!

Proper Fueling

We are supposed to be properly fueling throughout our entire training program, but it is never really perfect. Our nutrition is one aspect we should definitely be focusing on during race week. Eating enough carbs every day, hydrating well, and timing our meals around our workouts are a few things we get right leading up to the race. The carb loading and proper pre-race fueling truly help us run stronger compared to the training runs where we may not eat enough or maybe eat too much of the wrong things. Mid-race hydration is also another advantage to our faster paces as aid stations are evenly spaced out. During long training runs, most runners plan their hydration around water fountains that they may or may not pass, or skip fueling altogether.


The body naturally releases this helpful hormone during times of excitement, stress, or fear. Adrenaline is the reason we feel extra energetic when we were just feeling tired. It also heightens our senses, which helps us concentrate on how we feel during the entire race. This spike in energy during racing may also be the reason why we are better able to tolerate pain than when we are training. When our legs feel extremely tight or we are getting that old twinge in the hamstring during a training run, we will most likely stop running or slow our pace to protect our bodies. Many runners will be able to run through these aches and pains and maintain their top speeds during racing. It is not encouraged, though, to run through any new or sharp pains, especially if they are negatively impacting your form.


These reasons combined with the fact that there are several other runners around us working towards similar goals are what push us to our limits. Studies have been conducted on the effects of training and racing in a group, and have shown that performance is positively impacted by this single factor. It makes sense to train in a group to reap these benefits every time we run, but even if you are a solo runner, this addition on race day is a bonus.

Besides having an extra jolt of energy on race day, competition, good nutrition, and rested legs, the months of cumulated training is the top reason we can do what we do on race day. Some runners focus on hitting specific workouts to decide if they can perform at their goal pace on race day, but the reality is that it is not because of those specific workouts. It is all of our training runs—the good and the bad ones together that make us strong and ready for a PR. And all runners will have a time where they just have an “off day” on race morning. And that is okay in the world of running. There is always another race.


Laura D. Wandner, M.S., Cindy D. Scipio, Ph.D., Adam T. Hirsh, Ph.D., Calia A. Torres, B.S., and Michael E. Robinson, Ph.D., The Perception Of Pain In Others: How Gender, Race, And Age Influence Pain Expectations, Journal, Oct 14, 2019.