Periodization Training is Smarter Training

When researching for marathon training plans, you have probably come across the term “periodization”. Basically, the idea behind this training approach is breaking up a training cycle into blocks of about four to eight weeks in length that serve different purposes. It is tough to work on achieving all goals to be marathon-ready all at once, so periodization training has a focus on working on one or two goals at a time. This is most definitely a more realistic training plan for someone who either has limited time to begin with or has several months before their next race. Even elite and professional runners train this way year round. It not only keeps us sane and less stressed working on one thing at a time but also decreases the risk of injuries and burnout.

Periodization Phases


The first phase of periodization training focuses on building endurance, which is the foundation of any long distance running. This is the phase that builds up mileage using gradually increasing easy runs with only a few short speedier runs mixed throughout. The speed work during the base phase should include of 10 to 20 sets of 20 to 30-second strides at the end of a few easy runs each week. Strides are useful for working on proper running form and to prepare the body for faster running. Each set should be a gradual pick-up in speed to a controlled fast pace while working on increasing your stride length. Performing strides on grass decreases the impact on the body.

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Another addition of speed work during the second half of the base phase is the inclusion of mini tempo runs. Pick one easy run per week to include 15 minutes of running at around half marathon pace. This will begin introducing faster paced running so that the next phase of your training cycle will not be too shocking. Weekly long runs are the cornerstone of phase one and should always be done at conversational pace and build up to about 15 to 16 miles in length. Two to three days per week of weight training should also be included in this phase to build strength in important muscle groups such as the legs and core. Since the base phase is the easiest on the body, it can be anywhere from four to eight or more weeks in length.


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The second phase of periodization training focuses on building strength and speed with the inclusion of more specific speed workouts and hill sessions while maintaining mileage and weight training. In this phase, two easy runs per week will turn into two different speed sessions. The first speed session should be an increasing tempo run. Start with 15 minutes of your run at half marathon pace or slightly faster the first week and increase by 5 to 10 minutes each week until you are running 60 minutes at tempo pace. These workouts will help build strength in connective tissue and build muscle endurance to be able to get comfortable with running at your goal pace.

The second speed session can be alternated between shorter, faster repeats and hill workouts. Running on a track works best, but any uninterrupted road will do. After warming up for two to three miles, run intervals such as 4 to 8 repeats of between 1000 to 1600 meters at 5k to 10k race pace with short recovery periods of 1 to 2 minutes in between. Cool down for one or two miles. Every other week can include hill repeats of both uphill and downhill running at half marathon pace. Begin with four sets and build to eight to ten repeats by the end of the phase. Hill workouts are an excellent lower impact way to build strength and speed. Phase two will last about eight weeks in length.



The peak phase of periodization training is basically where your highest mileage and hardest workouts land. This is where you build confidence and tax your body the most while continuing to build fitness. With proper periodization, you should feel comfortable running at your goal pace for several miles during peak month. Continue with two speed workouts each week—one longer tempo run and shorter, faster repeats. Your track session will include double the repeats you were doing in the strength phase with distances ranging from 200 to 800 meters at 5k pace with one or two recovery minutes in between, for example. Form drills and strides should not be neglected during this phase, as it is a time to practice maintaining proper mechanics when fatigued.

Following the peak phase is two weeks of tapering right before your race. After this tough month of your hardest training, your body will beg for the taper weeks. Many runners usually dread these couple of weeks before a race because they feel they are losing fitness with the scaling back of volume and intensity. With proper phasing in training, you can push your limits during the peak phase and enjoy your taper, as you should. It is a time to let your body recover and focus on good nutrition and sleep to gather energy for race day. Periodization is a useful method to plan your training as it helps to gradually adjust your body to higher intensity and faster paces with a lower risk of overtraining or injuries. You are less likely to experience any setbacks during training using these cycles.


Trent Stellingwerff, Case Study: Nutrition and Training Periodization in Three Elite Marathon Runners, Journal, July 22, 2020.

Running After a Race: The Reverse Taper

After several months of dedicated training, race day finally arrives and it is time to showcase all of that hard effort by running 26.2 miles. You finish the race, refuel with the goodies provided at the finish line, and feel accomplished. But now what? Whether you have an amazing race and set a personal record or have a disappointing one, your body goes through the same workload. The biggest mistake most marathoners make is not giving their bodies enough recovery time after the grueling training months and a demanding race.


After getting used to running most days of the week, or everyday for some, it is not the easiest task to take time off. It ends up being unenjoyably miserable and creates a sense of not feeling like oneself even after just a few days. If you had an amazing race and set a PR, you will feel anxious to continue the streak and get back on the training wheel as soon as possible. On the opposite spectrum, if the race did not go so well, you may feel like you need to start harder training right away, or worse—feel like you don’t deserve much time off. But this break is a very important step to improve performance for the next race.

Why Do I Need Such a Long Break?

The marathon and all of those hard training sessions damage the body in so many ways. Of course, if you trained properly, gradually increasing mileage over time, taking rest days as they should be, and fueling properly, the damage to the body is reversible and not detrimental. You do not have to be an elite athlete training 100+ miles per week to get this damage. Since most plans go up to twenty miles at the most training for the marathon, the extra six miles completed at the race, with most likely faster paces, is enough to damage the body just on race day alone.

Muscle Damage

The most obvious damage is done to the muscles. The significant amount of inflammation accumulated in the body after hard training runs and races is a normal process. The temporary inflammatory response to training is necessary in order to improve different fitness components such as strength, stamina, and VO2 max, but only if proper recovery is included in the mix. If you do not let your body recover effectively after a hard workout, then the next hard workout will only pile on more inflammation. Eventually, this stacking on of inflammation will turn into chronic inflammation and lead to injury. The key is to recover properly from every hard workout, especially the hardest workout in the entire plan—race day.

Cellular Damage

There may be times where you run a race, and do not even feel sore afterwards. This is probably the most dangerous time because it will be more likely that you will return to harder running too quickly. Although one may not feel sore or fatigued following a race, it is important to note that the race still induced muscle damage. Creatinine kinase (CK) is a substance that is measured in the blood that indicates skeletal muscle and cardiac damage. Increases in CK in the blood are usually brought on by intense or prolonged exercise, especially in the case of eccentric-type exercise, such as running downhill. Some studies show that this increase can last 3-4 days post-race, while others show it can take longer than seven days to bring these levels back to normal. Given this information, it is important to make sure to not judge your recovery time on how sore you are from your race.

Immune Suppression


Yet another reason a good break after racing is recommended is the impact of hard training on the immune system. The tissue damage that occurs during training and racing leads to the production of cytokines, which are basically substances secreted by the immune system that affect other cells in the body. This development of cytokines then increases the lymphocytes responsible for suppressing immunity. This process is what makes athletes, especially endurance athletes, more susceptible to infections. Although you may not get sick right after racing, this bodily response to the months of hard marathon training will increase your risk of getting sick and having to put a break on your training plan later down the line.

Reverse Taper

A good method to determine your plan to returning back to running after racing is to simply take your taper plan from before your race and reverse it. If your training plan called for a two week taper, then the reverse taper would also be two weeks in length. The few days leading up to your race were mostly easy, short runs, so the first few days back to running should be the same. A few speed sessions fall within these two weeks as well, but overall the mileage is much lower than peak mileage. The third week after the race is finally a good time to start weaning back into the type of running you were doing before. Of course if you follow this approach and your taper was longer, say three weeks, then this plan will take three full weeks until you are back to your prior training level.

It is a good idea to include some light strength training by week two to slowly begin getting your muscles used to exercising. It is important to keep these strengthening exercises similar to what you were doing before. Flexibility exercises and massage/foam rolling should begin as soon as possible to help keep sore and tight muscles flexible and circulated.

You Won’t Lose Fitness

During the reverse taper, runners feel they will lose fitness and get out of shape. There are several studies out there concluding that there is a minimal drop in fitness levels within the first couple of weeks of inactivity. VO2 max is a main indicator of fitness in athletes. It is the measure of the maximum amount of oxygen one is able to utilize during intense exercise. Within the first week of inactivity, there is an insignificant drop in VO2 max (up to 3%), and it will go as high as a 6% drop after two weeks. This is for athletes who decide to take the weeks off completely, instead of incorporating easy runs and other cross-training. Therefore, the drop is even less for those who get back into those easy runs within the first few days as explained above.

The reverse taper is an excellent strategy to use when recovering from a marathon. It lets you continue your running while giving you ample time to rest and incorporate other recovery methods such as massage and cross-training. Not planning adequate time after racing will only lead to overtraining syndrome and a higher risk of injury. It is important to listen to your body during these few weeks post-race and gradually increase mileage. A proper break from intense training will only lead to better performance in your next race!

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Hikida RS, Staron RS, Hagerman FC, Sherman WM, Costill DL, Muscle Fiber Necrosis Associated with Human Marathon Runners, Journal, Oct 16, 2019

Marianne F. Baird, * Scott M. Graham, Julien S. Baker, and Gordon F. Bickerstaff, Creatine-Kinase- and Exercise-Related Muscle Damage Implications for Muscle Performance and Recovery, Journal, Oct 16, 2019

Lakier Smith L., Overtraining, Excessive Exercise, and Altered Immunity: Is This a T Helper-1 Versus T Helper-2 Lymphocyte Response?, Journal, Oct 16, 2019

Faster on Race Day Than During Training? Here's Why

If you are a long time regular distance runner, meaning you have had quite a few training blocks, you are probably familiar with that not-so-good feeling of never really hitting your goal pace during training runs. It is on all of the training plans: “Run at goal pace for X miles”. Some long runs call for “run the last 10 miles at goal pace”. To be honest, most runners have a hard time running even half of their long runs anywhere near their goal pace, but then manage to do it on race day THE ENTIRE TIME. The distressing feat trying to accomplish those fast paces in training runs can really mess with a runner’s mind. You may end up feeling like you have to change your goal, if not it is going to be unachievable.

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Many factors go into the faster race paces. The body is tapered and rested, fueling has been on point for several days leading up to the race, there are other runners around to compete against, and adrenaline is rushing. It sounds like it makes sense, but how do all of those factors really translate into faster paces? Some of it is physiological and others are mostly mental reactions to racing.


The point of the taper period, which is usually between one and three weeks long, is to give the body the rest it needs to feel fresh for race day. The months and months of training build up physical and mental stress and loads of fatigue on the legs. Throughout those months, we perform long runs and speed sessions on tired and sore legs, which is probably one reason why hitting paces during training is tough. When you gradually decrease mileage and intensity throughout the taper period, the legs are rested and feel light and strong come race morning. It is true that training hard on tired legs is a good method to build endurance and strength, but it also helps us enjoy how our legs feel at the start line of races—fresh and rested!

Proper Fueling

We are supposed to be properly fueling throughout our entire training program, but it is never really perfect. Our nutrition is one aspect we should definitely be focusing on during race week. Eating enough carbs every day, hydrating well, and timing our meals around our workouts are a few things we get right leading up to the race. The carb loading and proper pre-race fueling truly help us run stronger compared to the training runs where we may not eat enough or maybe eat too much of the wrong things. Mid-race hydration is also another advantage to our faster paces as aid stations are evenly spaced out. During long training runs, most runners plan their hydration around water fountains that they may or may not pass, or skip fueling altogether.


The body naturally releases this helpful hormone during times of excitement, stress, or fear. Adrenaline is the reason we feel extra energetic when we were just feeling tired. It also heightens our senses, which helps us concentrate on how we feel during the entire race. This spike in energy during racing may also be the reason why we are better able to tolerate pain than when we are training. When our legs feel extremely tight or we are getting that old twinge in the hamstring during a training run, we will most likely stop running or slow our pace to protect our bodies. Many runners will be able to run through these aches and pains and maintain their top speeds during racing. It is not encouraged, though, to run through any new or sharp pains, especially if they are negatively impacting your form.


These reasons combined with the fact that there are several other runners around us working towards similar goals are what push us to our limits. Studies have been conducted on the effects of training and racing in a group, and have shown that performance is positively impacted by this single factor. It makes sense to train in a group to reap these benefits every time we run, but even if you are a solo runner, this addition on race day is a bonus.

Besides having an extra jolt of energy on race day, competition, good nutrition, and rested legs, the months of cumulated training is the top reason we can do what we do on race day. Some runners focus on hitting specific workouts to decide if they can perform at their goal pace on race day, but the reality is that it is not because of those specific workouts. It is all of our training runs—the good and the bad ones together that make us strong and ready for a PR. And all runners will have a time where they just have an “off day” on race morning. And that is okay in the world of running. There is always another race.


Laura D. Wandner, M.S., Cindy D. Scipio, Ph.D., Adam T. Hirsh, Ph.D., Calia A. Torres, B.S., and Michael E. Robinson, Ph.D., The Perception Of Pain In Others: How Gender, Race, And Age Influence Pain Expectations, Journal, Oct 14, 2019.

Taper Time: How to Train, Eat, and Rest the Right Way

There is a reason why runners call this time of the season the “taper crazies”. It simply makes most of us go nuts because we can’t tell if we are running too little or too much, eating enough, resting enough, and we are so nervous for race day that we end up not sleeping enough. This only makes us even more crazy, since sleep is vital at this time! We are officially closing in on the first of the Fall marathons— with Chicago up next on October 13th. It’s an exciting time for some big races, but it’s important to stay strict with your taper approach in the midst of the excitement.

How Much Should I Be Running?

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No matter what you feel your body is capable of, the amount of fitness gains that can be made during the last 2-3 weeks before a race are slim to none. All the work has been done at this point. The strategy I use for myself and my athletes is a full two-week taper approach where mileage and intensity is cut down gradually. By two weeks out of race day, a 25% cut in overall mileage is ideal to get the legs to start resting. Lowering intensity will naturally come from the drop in mileage, as you shouldn’t completely eliminate these workouts at this time. Instead, cut back a few reps from your track session and a few miles off of your tempo run. Keeping up with post-run strides continues to be important as this keeps good strength in the legs and helps maintain proper form.

The week before the race, mileage should be cut by 50%, with additional time spent utilizing recovery tactics. The very last speed session should be completed by Tuesday or Wednesday (at the latest), in order to get the legs rested. It's just fine to add in a few sets of strides after your easy runs later in the week, but the intense, longer workouts should be kept to a minimum on race week. It is also important to keep pace no faster than goal race pace for your speed sessions this week. The majority of mileage should be at a comfortable, easy pace and decrease each day. An easy shakeout run scheduled one or two days before the race will help keep the legs loose and well-circulated.

What/How Much Should I Eat?

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You should eat exactly the same as you always eat! The worst thing to do is to try to add in different kinds of food or drastically increase carbs to “carb load” and then be sick to your stomach on race morning. The most important thing to do is eat the foods you are used to. It can be tough when traveling for races, so choose menu items at restaurants carefully and as close to your usual diet as possible. Some runners opt to bring their own snacks along when they travel, which is especially good for race morning. It is not that hard to travel with a bag of bagels, single serving packets of peanut butter, granola bars, and gels.

Along with good and adequate nutrition, it is important to keep yourself from getting sick. The extra nerves and excitement add additional stress to the body, and since you are just coming off of the most intense part of your training, your immune system is a bit weaker. The easiest way to help prevent any illness is to stay hydrated. Drinking lots of water helps to flush out any toxins and bacteria in the body that can lead to catching a cold. You may also want to add in some extra vitamin C, zinc, and glutamine to keep your immune system as strong as possible.

What Else Can I Do to Make Sure My Body is Rested Enough?

We hear the word “recovery” and we think we are doing it right, but there is more to it than lowering mileage. This concept MUST be emphasized during the last two weeks before a race. The most important part of your recovery plans should consist of extra sleep. A good idea is to start getting to bed 10-15 minutes earlier every night starting at 10 to 14 days out from race day. It’s normal (and OKAY) to not sleep well the night before the race, which is when most people are nervous and anxious, but you want to get in the extra ZzZs for several days leading up to the big day. Down time throughout each day is another good way to recover. Since you are running and strength training less, you’ll have some extra time to fit in laying around with your legs elevated. Although massage is not a permanent fix for tight and sore muscles, it helps to get a couple of sessions during your taper period for the benefit of stress-relief and decreasing lactic acid in the body.


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Some runners make the mistake of laying around TOO much the day before a big race. Although resting should be emphasized, you can end up doing much more than you need, and risk being all stiff come race morning. This is why it is recommended to do a shakeout run—an easy 20-30 minutes of running at a slow, recovery pace. This will keep your legs loose. Throughout the day, add in a little bit of walking and stretching in between periods of relaxing and elevating your legs. Some runners opt for visiting the expo and other race event venues the day before. If you decide to do this, try to avoid walking and standing around for hours at a time. You want to save as much energy as possible for the race!

Following these guidelines during your taper period will help you be as prepared as possible for the big day. The key is to get a handle on the things you can control—your nutrition and hydration, resting your mind and body, and get your gear in place. Try not to worry about the factors that are outside of your control—such as bad weather. Keep your mind focused on staying smart and celebrating your hard work, and race day will most likely be a great day!

Three Weeks to Marathon #6

I am officially three weeks away from my 6th full marathon. The Miami Marathon is my absolute favorite race—not only because it is my hometown race and it’s where I train every day, but also because everything about the events that go on during the weekend, the race organization, and the course is so fun! I am looking forward to seeing all of the familiar faces from every year, as well as so many others I am going to get to meet. I will also be hanging out with the My Olympic Coach team at their booth at the expo both Friday and Saturday, so that will be pretty cool! Before all of this happens though, I need to really focus hard on getting in a few more quality sessions during my last peak week, as well as a proper taper.

I have a few workouts this week that have me feeling excited but nervous at the same time. Since I have had some not-so-good races this Fall, I am missing a bit of confidence to run the paces I need to run for my goal. The Turkey Trot in November, which was my very first 10k race, was the hardest race I have ever done (yes, harder than the marathon!). Most of you read in my recap post that the 10k basically leaves no room to makeup any lost time, whereas in the marathon, if you have a couple of slow miles, you have so many more to speed up on to catch up. I finished that race with a 6:34 average pace—slower than my best half marathon pace! A week and a half after the 10k, I ran a half marathon in West Palm Beach. Thankfully I went into that race with the mindset that I was just going out for a long tempo training run in prep for this month’s marathon. I ran a 1:30:58, which is over 5 minutes slower than my current half marathon PR. This really discouraged me at the time. Since then, I have had some pretty good training runs so I’m back to feeling more confident and I know those upsetting races landed on “off” days.

I am basically done with really, really long runs, so the rest of my workouts will be short to medium runs, with marathon-paced miles in the mix. My coach, Luis Orta, does such a good job planning my training with workouts that challenge my weaknesses. I have always had a hard time with long tempos and holding my goal pace for more than a couple of miles, so I have had plenty of these during this cycle. I’ll keep you updated as I get more of these completed these next couple of weeks.


Nutrition will also be a focus. I do well with my diet, but I tend to wait too long to eat after workouts and sometimes slack on getting in enough calories on my busier days when I am on the road working. I do my best running when I eat a high calorie/carb/protein diet. So, I will be eating A LOT now!

I am so thankful to everyone who has supported my training on Instagram! As much as many of my followers say I motivate them with my posts, it is all of them who truly motivate me to stay on track and keep pushing towards my goals. When I have had a few tough days and I dread my morning runs, all I have to do is log into Instagram and read a couple of posts of those who have gotten up much earlier than I have and accomplished an amazing workout. That pushes me right out of bed and inspires my whole day! So, thank you :)