How "Running with Purpose" Helps You Stay on Track

Most avid runners have probably been asked the question “why do you run?” and have most likely answered something along the lines of “because it makes me feel good” or “I’m training for a race”. These are both very good reasons to run in general as part of your exercise routine, but having a purpose for each and every run you do is one of the most influencing ways to reap the rewards from the sport. The phrase “running with a purpose” means much more than most people think. It does not just mean to run for the purpose to reach a goal finish time or run for a charitable cause. Running with purpose simply means to work towards a specific outcome at each and every run.

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Whether it be an easy run, speed session, or long run workout, everyone should stay focused on their purpose for each. While warming up before every workout, you should ask yourself what the purpose of the run is. If you have one, it should be something that is included in your run log as well. This is a topic that should also be spoken about with your coach so you can get the most out of your planned training sessions. Once you make it a habit to have a purpose for each run, you will find running much more fulfilling and goals more attainable than ever before.

Easy Days

Many refer to easy runs as “junk miles”. This term sounds a bit negative, which is not what your easy runs are about. Although you are not trying to hit specific paces on the easy days, it does not mean they are meaningless or have less value than your other scheduled workouts. Easy runs are an important part of training because they help flush out toxins in the body from the hard sessions and keep your blood circulating, which is incredibly useful for limiting soreness and stiffness. Since easy runs should be performed at a comfortable recovery pace, it should be the least stressful run where you do not have to be constantly checking your watch for your split times. This means you can focus on other factors that require attention and will make you a more efficient runner.

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Easy runs are a good time to focus on form including posture and cadence, among other mechanics. This is probably the most useful purpose to have during these recovery runs. You can dedicate each mile to a different focus, alternating between working on taking quick steps while keeping your feet under you, keeping an upright posture while incorporating a forward lean, relaxing the shoulders and keeping the arms close to the body, and driving the toes up and concentrating on foot strike. These are just some examples of purposes you can have for easy runs. Another great purpose for one of your recovery runs is controlling heart rate, which can be done by working on a more relaxed running form and proper breathing.

Speed and Tempo Sessions

Heading out for a speed workout means you are about to enter into an intimidation zone. Speed workouts call for hitting intervals at specific paces, which can get a bit scary for some. The paces that should be prescribed are ones that are actually challenging for you. After all, if your goal is to beat your current PR at a race, it requires you to train to reach faster paces. Your purpose for these sessions is not only to hit your paces as prescribed but to work on your mental game as well. Distance running, such as racing half and full marathons require a strong mind as running on tired legs late in the race can seem physically impossible. During speed workouts, it is helpful to practice envisioning the faster paces as “easy” paces. Work on proper form, relaxed shoulders, and controlled breathing during these paces, and you will find that they will not seem so hard after all come race day.

Tempo runs are a great time to focus on pacing, meaning running as close to your prescribed paces as possible. At the beginning stages of training, you can set the purpose of these tempo runs as trying to stay plus or minus three to five seconds from goal pace for a segment of the workout, versus the entire time, and then work up from there.

Non-Running Purpose Runs


Some runners may think it’s a waste of precious running time to focus on something other than the run itself when you’re out there. Well, it happens to be almost the perfect time to get “out of your mind” and into the environment around you. I find it useful to use some portion of my easy and long runs to plan the day ahead—my work schedule, chores, and get my mind prepped for the rest of the day. Since I am already starting my days productively with a run, I definitely want to keep it going! I also plan out routes that I can enjoy the scenery, whether it be other people being active, or just nature! You can also make it a purpose to think about what you’re grateful for. 

You will find that running with a purpose tends to be easier to do on the hard workout days since there are already specific goals for those runs, to begin with. Practicing finding purpose on every run, though, will truly excite your passion for running. This is important because many runners get burned out during long training cycles and have a hard time staying on track towards reaching their ultimate goals for races and health in general. Even if you are not a marathoner, and are just running for fun and to get in shape, finding a purpose for every workout you do is just as important and will help you stick to your exercise routine as well.

You Can Be an Everyday Runner Thanks to the New Brooks Ghost 13

Sponsored by Zappos Running. All opinions are my own.



Running every day does not take any magic. It’s all about discipline and routine. Runners just getting into the sport often times get discouraged when they see the consistent daily run schedules of their more experienced friends. They have the desire to do the same but wonder if they will ever be able to get into that daily habit. As a running coach, I see this discouragement in most of my athletes at the beginning of their journeys, but it never lasts very long. Just a couple of months later they are running almost every day without it feeling dreadful, and there’s no better feeling for them than seeing their bodies transform into endurance engines in such a short time! The hardest part about getting to this point is understanding how much more goes into being an everyday runner than just running itself.

It takes strength, proper recovery, and ideal gear to get us to do this without burning out or getting injured. The first thing I advise my athletes is to make sure they are wearing the right shoes and rotating between two or three pairs throughout the week. This is important in order to balance out the pressure in the feet and joints higher up in the body and run more efficiently for different types of workouts. Brooks has done it again with their newest update—the Ghost 13. I got my pair from Zappos, where I get all of my running gear. As part of the rewards program, I get free expedited shipping, so my shoes came the very next day! Free returns for a year and only the best customer service are also part of the rewards program, so if you are not a part of it already, I highly recommend you sign up!

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Just Run

When stepping outside for your run, all you want to have to think about is the run itself. When we wear uncomfortable clothes or shoes, it becomes a distraction and can end up messing up our form and making us more tired and achy the rest of the day. Brooks Ghost 13 is made with light, soft materials that keep your feet feeling fresh even after long runs. As usual I wore these for a short run first to break them in, but it didn’t take long for me to know they are a great pair for any amount of miles. My second run was a 90-minute progression run and I was surprised to see how a shoe weighing around 9 ounces can feel just as light as my 6-ounce pair!


The extended cushioning goes beyond the heel and is made with DNA LOFT technology, which basically covers up to the forefoot with a soft cushion to guarantee a smooth landing. As most of you know I am an intense heel striker, so anything that can lessen the impact during my steps is highly beneficial for me. When shoes are too cushioned they end up feeling less springy and responsive, so as comfortable as they can be, they aren’t the best for faster running. The Ghost 13, on the other hand, is not only cushioned but also has BioMoGo DNA which helps combat that loss of responsiveness with the added cushioning. During my progression run, where I started at around 8:45 minute/mile pace and finished around a 7:10 minute/mile pace, I did not feel the softness of the shoe limit my desired speed.

The Need to Breathe

What I loved the most about the Ghost 13 is the fitted feel of the upper. When a shoe hugs my foot like a sock, I know I can count on it to keep everything in place. This means less rubbing and chafing and better compression. I run in maximum heat here in Miami and the humidity is over 90% every day so I also try to wear shoes that keep my feet as dry as possible. The mesh that wraps the upper of the Ghost 13 does a great job keeping my feet from feeling suffocated like they do in other pairs. They also did not soak up all my sweat, even after 12 miles, which usually makes shoes feel twice as heavy during a long run!


If you are looking for a neutral shoe for those everyday miles, Brooks has your back. They updated the previous Ghost model with the joy of running in mind. When you don’t wear a good shoe, that fatigue and achiness in the feet, and even in the rest of the body, can make your run feel miserable. We shouldn’t have to think about anything else while running besides just running. Brooks wants you to RUN HAPPY, and the Ghost 13 makes that possible.

My End-of-Summer Training Update

How is the summer almost over?! Kids are going back to school, we are hearing about Halloween already, and pretty soon it will be cold and flu season (so guess what that means?!). I know I’m not the only one who feels a little lost with my training plan right now, so I’m going to write about it today. Of course I’ve had seasons where I don’t have races for 6 to 8 months so I get on a base building program and I’m just fine with that! This time around, though, with races NOT around the corner, base building feels a little different. I’m less motivated and, to be honest, find myself following a random style of training that has me feeling frustrated most of the time.


A couple of months ago I got into the attitude of believing there won’t even be racing next year, which was the wrong way to think because it only left me dragging every morning when it was time to run. I saw so many runners on Instagram keeping up with their Chicago, NYC and other marathon plans even though the races got canceled, so I felt I should have done the same. More recently I’ve switched my mindset into preparing for January’s Miami Marathon no matter what. If the race doesn’t happen, then oh well, at least I got into really good shape anyway!

What I’m Doing Now


I know I said my training style is “random” right now, but since I’m strict about having a schedule with everything I do, I still have a certain structure I follow. Months back I made it my goal to focus on my tempo runs, since it’s my biggest weakness, so I make sure that workout is on the schedule every week. I was running every day during the beginning of the pandemic, but then truly missed my Sundays of sleeping in and getting to do other things without having my run fall in the middle of the day. I call Sunday my lazy day! I now take Sundays off for the time being. Once I start increasing mileage closer to my race I may add a few miles on Sundays rather then adding them to other longer runs during the week.


Other than my tempo run, my running schedule is full of easy runs every day and an optional speed workout on Fridays. Lately I’ve been trying to focus on hill work, since it’s also a weakness of mine. For several weeks now, it gets put on the schedule on Fridays, and if I feel good and not too sore from previous workouts, then I go for it! I’ll be happy if I can get two hill workouts per month right now, so I’ll keep you all posted! I encourage runners to keep some sort of speed session on their plans even when they are just base building and are not necessarily training for a race. You don’t want your body to forget what fast running feels like! It not only will help maintain your current race paces, but it also burns more calories than steady miles, so it’s a great way to combat any weight gain you may experience in the off season.


If you have been following along through my running journey, you know I’m not the type of runner that JUST runs. My fitness-focused lifestyle started out way back in high school with weight lifting, so I have always been a fan of it. Even deep into marathon training, when most runners are barely doing much strength work, I still get my sessions in every week some way or another. I’m taking advantage whenever I can to get to the gym and lift heavy, which is what I love, but it’s been limited this year due to the pandemic and awful gym reservation systems I’ve had to deal with. I was really focused on my home workouts with very little equipment and learned how I am still able to stay in great shape, challenge my body, and get even stronger just with one medicine ball and some resistance bands! I aim for at least three strength sessions per week right now.

Marathon Training

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Since I like to do a long(ish) training block for races, I will start my formal training on September 14th, to give myself a good 18 weeks of hard training and a two-week taper. Until then, which is only another three weeks, I’ll stick to my current mileage, around 60-65 miles per week, and keep practicing my tempo runs. I have a strong goal for myself to get to 60-minute tempo runs and actually feel somewhat comfortable with them. I’m at 30 minutes now and not feeling that great with it, so I have lots of work to do! Once my formal marathon training starts, I will go back to a more structured plan of one short, VO2 max speed session and one tempo session. The rest of my runs, as usual, will be easy and mileage will start increasing every week by 5 to 10%. I always take a “down” week every 4th or 5th week, where I cut my mileage by around 20% and prioritize recovery and sleep as much as I can. This is one reason why I like to plan a long training cycle for my races—I enjoy the high mileage but I increase gradually and schedule in those recovery weeks.

There’s no doubt 2020 has been stressful for most of us. Our work schedules have been all over the place, our travels and races have been canceled, and we feel limited with everything we do. As anxiety-driven these months have been, I’ve tried my best to remind myself that it is still possible to enjoy my days! I believe this time has taught us to be more grateful for everything outside of events and our nightlife—our health, planet, and boredom (something we forget to take advantage of this sometimes!). Since I can’t do anything about the situation right now, I’ve learned to enjoy what I AM ABLE to do, which is run, write, and inspire. Hopefully I can motivate you all to get up and MOVE as much as possible, so we can enter a brand new year feeling healthy and more energized for the better things to come once this situation is all under control!

Run at Top Speed with the New Saucony Endorphin Pro

Sponsored by Zappos. All opinions are my own.

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Are you in need of some motivation to already start preparing for your next PR? A brand new pair of shoes can do the trick! I am always in search of the next great pair of training shoes that will help my feet tolerate the endless miles I put in every week. What excites me the most is when I find the absolute best pair for racing. The marathon is probably the hardest to shop for when it comes to shoes, since the goal is to run the entire 26.2 miles at a fast pace, while respecting the fact that you are running for several hours! This means you need a good combination of supportive and lightweight technology.

I have been wearing the same racing shoes for the last couple of years thinking there was nothing better out there, but I’ve been wrong! Luckily I got my hands on a pair of the new Saucony Endorphin Pro from Zappos and I’ve fallen in love with everything about them. Zappos always has what I’m looking for and as a rewards member I can take advantage of several shopping benefits such as free expedited shipping and free returns for 365 days. They have the best customer service, too, so whether I need to make a return or I have a question on a product I want to purchase the staff is always knowledgeable and quick to respond!

Superhuman Results

I don’t like to encourage the thought that a shoe can “make you faster” because at the end of the day, it’s our bodies that have the talent and ability. We are the ones who put in the effort and energy into our paces and performance—not the shoe. BUT I do believe a shoe can make faster running feel a little more tolerable and help us more efficiently take advantage of the energy that’s bounced right back to us from the ground. My first impression of the Saucony Endorphin Pro was how lightweight they are—only a bit over 6 ounces! I pretty much forgot I had shoes on at all after a few miles of my first run!

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They are equipped with a few speedy features, such as the SPEEDROLL technology that is made to propel you forward with a quick response once you strike the ground. As a runner who usually intensely lands on her heel, I was impressed with how much softer my landing was in these shoes. The Endorphin Pro forces you to land more towards the mid and forefoot in a way, without tiring you out from the change in form. When it comes to faster paces during long races, you want to feel like you are propelling forward instead of bouncing up (which wastes energy by the way!), and these shoes do just that. With the addition of the carbon fiber plate, which provides that boost of power from heel strike to push-off again, fast running does not feel so hard.

The Ease of Maintaining Paces…

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This is every runner’s ultimate goal—to feel like they can sustain their marathon pace for the entire race. Although I have not run a marathon yet in my new Saucony Endorphin Pro, my longest run in them, 90 minutes, was enough to show me this superpower. For about two months now I plan out a 90-minute progression run on Saturdays. My goal is to run the last 20 to 30 minutes of this run at or around my goal marathon pace. These days with the intense heat we have outside, this goal is definitely not an easy one to hit. My effort is what counts, but I would love to see the numbers on the watch one day! Well, on my most recent Saturday run in my Endorphin Pro, I actually hit my goal without any difficulty at all! If you are a runner, these mini accomplishments can make your day! I will mention again: the effort and ability to hit these goal paces come from my body, but the shoes sure do make it feel easier!

Comparing these to my former racing shoes, I have to say the Saucony Endorpin Pro is significantly more supportive and cushioned. The PWRRUN cushioning makes long runs comfortable and keeps foot health a priority. So far I have not had any soreness in my ankles and feet as I normally get with my old pair. As I mentioned earlier, the combination of comfort and lightweight speed is the ideal shoe description for marathon racing, and the Saucony Endorphin Pro are equipped with the best of both worlds. In a nutshell: This pair is light, fast, and efficient—what every marathoner needs!

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Endurance Train Like a Pro with the Saucony Ride 13

Sponsored by Zappos. All opinions are my own.

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With zero races on my schedule and several months to play around with my training program, I decided these hot summer months are a perfect time to improve my endurance. This may sound crazy since it’s the most uncomfortable time of the year to be running outside for hours. Good thing I don’t mind the hot weather, but it does make running feel harder and less enjoyable sometimes! What helps is reminding myself of my purpose every morning before heading outside. Some days that purpose is for my mental or physical health, other days I run for a specific global cause, and other days I run for the views!

I’ve got several runs under my belt in my new Saucony Ride 13 from Zappos and I have to say I was surprised at the amount of cushioning they had, because when I took them out of the box they felt extremely light, similar to my racing shoes that have almost zero cushioning! I chose the Coral/Alloy color, but it was a hard choice since Zappos also has three other sleek color options that I’ll probably get my hands on as well! You can find almost anything you are looking for on Zappos, and as a rewards member, you can get anything you order in a day or two with their free expedited shipping. The other perk is the free return policy, which is for an entire year! So if you order something and don’t like it or it doesn’t fit right, you’ve got a long time to return. 

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Consistency is Key

Most of you know I get my runs in no matter what. Over the years, I feel this consistency is what truly built my tolerance for the marathon, and, believe it or not, my improved paces. Although I don’t recommend a high mileage program to everyone, safely increasing what you are doing now is beneficial for building endurance. The most important part of this is making sure you gradually and safely build up mileage. This means making sure you wear the right shoes for YOU. Marathon training requires longer runs than usual, so it’s vital to wear supportive and cushioned shoes so that you can prevent injuries and recover faster. Almost nothing feels worse than having sore feet and ankles for days because you chose to wear the lightest and least supportive shoes on a long run thinking it will make you faster!

Tough Runs Made Easier

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The Saucony Ride 13 is an ideal distance-training shoe since it is made with all-around cushioning—even the upper has a light, thin layer of compressive cushion. I felt the shoe had a more ‘fitted’ feel to it and kept my foot in place, even on my 90-minute run this week. A soft and responsive ride is what you want when you are running long and the flexible TRI-FLEXthat creates the outsole of the Ride 13 makes this happen. When I start to get tired in the second half of my runs I notice the pounding of my steps more on my joints. One aspect of this pair that helped soothe this impact is the sensation of the shock being distributed throughout the entire foot rather than just at the heel, where I normally land first.

Runners often get confused as to what ‘responsiveness’ really is and why it plays a role in our performance. It’s basically the way a shoe returns energy to your step. We put our energy into our foot strike onto the ground and a good shoe bounces that energy right back giving you a spring to your step, making running feel easier. This is ideal for summer running, since, as I mentioned at the start, running can feel hard during this time of the year!

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The Saucony Ride 13 is a great option for runs of any length, but I’ll be using these for my medium to longer runs. Since they truly have good shock absorption on top of their responsiveness, marathon paced miles will feel smooth, too! If you are looking for a neutral pair for every day runs, the Ride 13 is an excellent choice. The heel offset is 8mm, which is ideal for runners who are either returning from or prone to injuries. Don’t forget to check out the other colors and everything else Zappos has to offer. Their rewards program is waiting for you!

Fly High (And Fast) with Brooks Levitate 4

Sponsored by Zappos Running. All opinions are my own.

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Although running can sometimes leave us feeling depleted, it has the somewhat magical power of making us feel energized at the same time. If you are into running, like me, then you know how addicting the process is—working on improving performance through strict planning and dedication. We strive for that feeling of effortless miles at our goal paces. It’s fun to see and read about others in the running community setting new records in races or weekly mileage, but unless you are runner, you fail to see the hard work—blood, sweat and tears, that go into the process. Good thing we have tools around us that can help us stay motivated and feel our best during the grind.

One of these tools is running shoes. Runners are a bit obsessed over the newest gear and updated technology. Every year we see running shoes coming out with new ways of getting lighter, springier, and more supportive. I’ve been a fan of the Brooks Levitate series for the last couple of years. I’ve had the pleasure of running many miles with the Levitate 2 and 3, which both made running feel easier. My newest addition is the Brooks Levitate 4 from Zappos, where I get almost all of my running gear. I’m a rewards member so I get the best benefits like free expedited shipping, exceptional customer service, and free returns for an entire year! I always find everything I am looking for!

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Take Flight

In a nutshell, the Brooks Levitate 4 make me feel like I’m gliding through the air. It’s no wonder why they named this style “Levitate”. I was excited when I read one of the updates was a weight reduction by a whopping 20%. I really wanted to see what the shoe can do for my training, since it consists of mostly longer runs. I always take out new pairs for a short run before trying them out for anything too intense. My first impression was how comfortable the more compressive-like fit is, which I noticed just by walking around. I thought they would end up feeling tight after a few miles, since my feet normally swell during runs. I had zero complaints after my 40-minute session, as the materials ended up being stretchy so pretty much conformed to my feet and left me without swelling!

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For my longer run test, I went for 70 minutes in my Levitate 4. This is when I felt the light, springy update that made me feel that “flying” sensation. I kept it easy for the most part, except for a handful of 20 to 30 second pickups after the halfway point to see how the shoes responded to the faster paces. Since I was already used to the previous version’s ability to quickly react to a speedier cadence, I anticipated the same from these, and they did the job well! I’ve mentioned before about my excessive heel strike pattern and how firm shoes don’t work for me since I need an extra smooth transition from heel to toe. Thankfully this pair is flexible enough to make this happen.

A Shoe with Multiple Hats

Once the Brooks Levitate 4 passed the easy run and mini stride test, I took them out for next level trials—a tempo run. For me, this workout consists of easy running for 30 minutes, straight into 30 minutes at a hard effort, then back into easy running for 30 minutes. This session made the updates even more obvious, as the lighter weight makes sustaining faster paces easier. The only drawback I believe some runners will have is the narrow fit, which is more evident the longer you run. This was not necessarily an issue for me since the compressive knit that creates the upper part of the shoe helps me with controlling swelling and makes my foot feel a bit more supported than most other speed shoes. So, in my opinion, the “narrow” is there for a reason!


Given the 2020 circumstances, most of us have had to change our goals. Once I realized I probably won’t get to race this year, I chose to use this time to improve my running form, along with my endurance. Including Brooks running shoes into my rotation has been a game changer for both my mechanics and foot health. The addition of the new and improved Levitate 4 will help take my running to the next level throughout the rest of the summer, when it’s hardest to train. Zappos has several color choices for this style, so I’m looking forward to getting my hands on another pair soon!

A Long Run Shoe You Can Count On – The Under Armour HOVR Sonic 3

Sponsored by Zappos. All opinions are my own.

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If there is one thing I look for in a long run shoe besides cushioning, it’s flexibility. Nothing feels worse on runs over an hour than a stiff shoe. It leaves me with sore feet for days! Since I am prone to plantar fasciitis and have had a history of several foot and ankle injuries, I have to be a little picky about my running shoes. Most runners should be anyway, especially if they plan on training for a half or full marathon. After all our feet carry our entire bodyweight during any standing activity, so if you don’t take good care of them with supportive shoes, you will risk injuring another area in the body on top of limiting your performance.

I am happy I was able to get my hands on a pair of Under Armour HOVR Sonic 3 from Zappos. With their incredible selection of products, it’s always hard to choose just one pair, but this time I was in search of a good long running shoe and the Sonic 3 sounded perfect! As a Zappos rewards member I get free expedited shipping, so my shoes arrived the very next day after placing my order! Another great perk of the rewards member program besides the excellent customer service and speedy shipping, is the 365-day free return policy. If you haven’t joined yet, you are missing out!

Energy Saving

One of the key factors every runner tries to improve for distance running is endurance. It’s all about the way we teach our bodies to store energy and stay strong in order to last as long as possible. Shoes can have this ability, too, just in a different way. The lightweight technology of the Under Armour HOVR Sonic 3 helps transform the energy we put into our steps into energy released by the shoe for a more powerful and efficient stride. For a while, I made the mistake of wearing the wrong shoes for my long runs—shoes that felt light, yet stiff, and definitely not responsive at all. Switching to the Sonic 3 immediately made this energy-saving feature obvious from the start.

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As usual, I took my brand new pair out on my regular Sunday short, easy run to test them out. They really didn’t need much ‘breaking in’, and I was surprised at how flexible they felt since I thought the heel counter would make the shoe feel a bit stiff. The heel counter is a great addition to the shoe for me, personally, because it keeps my foot in place. I tend to get annoyed when my shoes get loose during my runs, and this feature made sure to avoid that problem!

Lasting Comfort

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As for long runs, this shoe does exceptionally well. First off, the materials are ideal for the intense heat and humidity I run through every day. The upper not only keeps my feet dry, but it provides a compression-like fit, which hugs my foot throughout my entire run—in the lightest way possible! It’s hard finding a shoe that not only feels light for high mileage, but also cushioned enough to keep my feet from getting sore in the days following. The Under Armor HOVR Sonic 3 is the perfect combination of these two features!

Running Tips Straight from the Gait

We rely heavily on the data from our running watches—cadence, pace, heart rate, etc. It’s a never-ending list that can get overwhelming when trying to improve our performance. What if I told you that your shoes can provide you with this information directly? Yes! The HOVR Sonic 3 are one of Under Armour’s connected gear that you can pair to your Map My Run App to get all of the insights of your gait pattern during different runs. The technology provides you with tips in real-time—like DURING your run, to help you correct faulty patterns that can lead to injuries. I’m constantly trying to work to improve my performance as a runner, so I’m excited to have this feature available to me!

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The Under Armour HOVR Sonic 3 is officially part of my long run rotation, with its flexible upper, cushioned and compressive fit, and lightweight materials. I highly recommend this pair if you are looking for a light, neutral shoe for daily runs. Zappos has you covered with 5 sleek color options and super fast shipping when you sign up for the rewards membership! You’ll be sure to find any shoes or gear you are looking for when you shop!

Summer Training Success: Featuring Asics GEL-Kayano 27

Sponsored by Zappos. All opinions are my own.

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Training during these hot summer months can definitely make even the strongest of runners feel so out of shape! The good thing is that the rumors are true—training in the heat helps build fitness. Every time I’ve planned a fall race, I end up dreading the fact that the bulk of the training and the most intense weeks will land on the hottest part of the year. This is coming from someone who lives in a warm climate year round! Miami is regularly warm, so you would think I am used to it even when summer comes around. But it is a different kind of heat from June through September—very high humidity and dew point and a “feels like” temperature of 100+ degrees almost every single day!

Sadly, we’ve had the majority of our races canceled for the rest of the year, so it can be tough to find the motivation to train at all, especially when it’s stifling outside. I mentioned before and I’ll say it over and over again—new shoes can do wonders to give us a push to get out the door! I’m on my fourth week of using my ASICS GEL-Kayano 27 from Zappos and I’m truly loving them for the bulk of my training. Since my focus is improving my endurance, I’m incorporating several longer easy to medium-paced runs and this pair has been perfect!

Keep It Light

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This goes for not just your summer training load, but also your entire outfit. The most comfortable way to run when it’s extremely warm out is with the lightest gear. You don’t want your clothes sticking to you, so make sure you wear light, breathable materials that keep you dry. This is especially important when it comes to shoes. You don’t want your sweat to keep you from reaching your pace goals! I, myself, am definitely not a fan of running shoes that absorb all my sweat and end up feeling heavy and sponge-like—no thank you!

The GEL-Kayano 27 have been the perfect pair for summer running since they are made with a mesh upper that allows air to flow through the shoes to help keep you dry. This is a bit of an update from the previous version, since they expanded the space in between the material’s fibers. Even the sock liner inside the shoe stays dry! By the way, the sock liner actually adds extra plush cushioning that I feel makes long runs much more comfortable! My feet tend to get sore, especially since I’ve had 12-years full of bouts of plantar fasciitis, so any extra cushioning that does not add weight is a plus.


I have a neutral running stance and normal arch height, so I generally don’t have to worry about finding a good stability shoe. What I’ve noticed when researching running shoes is that it’s hard to find a pair that works really well for both neutral and overpronating runners. Usually the stability aspect tends to feel stiffer along the outsole if you are a neutral runner, therefore not as comfortable for speedier runs. 

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The ASICS GEL-Kayano 27, however, is the best of both worlds! The DUOMAX support system helps limit the foot rolling inward (overpronate), but not at the cost of cushioning. It’s made with softer materials so from when the foot strikes the ground all the way to the push-off phase, it keeps the impact less intense, while providing the springiness we want to run at any pace. I noticed this the most when making turns on my runs—the shoe feels like it conforms to the shape of your foot like a foam mattress would, but kept my ankle secure as it rotated.

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All in all, I feel the ASICS GEL-Kayano 27 does a great job at protecting my injury-prone feet during my high-mileage training program. After trying them out for every type of run—easy, long, sprints, tempo runs, and hill running, I find they work well for each, but are truly the perfect fit for medium to long consistently paced runs. Since these have been my go-to pair for the bulk of my easy and recovery runs, I even bought a second pair! There are several colors to choose from at Zappos, so take a look for yourself and don’t forget about signing up for the Zappos rewards so you can take advantage of the many benefits, like free expedited shipping, points on every purchase, and a 365 day return policy! 

Periodization Training is Smarter Training

When researching for marathon training plans, you have probably come across the term “periodization”. Basically, the idea behind this training approach is breaking up a training cycle into blocks of about four to eight weeks in length that serve different purposes. It is tough to work on achieving all goals to be marathon-ready all at once, so periodization training has a focus on working on one or two goals at a time. This is most definitely a more realistic training plan for someone who either has limited time to begin with or has several months before their next race. Even elite and professional runners train this way year round. It not only keeps us sane and less stressed working on one thing at a time but also decreases the risk of injuries and burnout.

Periodization Phases


The first phase of periodization training focuses on building endurance, which is the foundation of any long distance running. This is the phase that builds up mileage using gradually increasing easy runs with only a few short speedier runs mixed throughout. The speed work during the base phase should include of 10 to 20 sets of 20 to 30-second strides at the end of a few easy runs each week. Strides are useful for working on proper running form and to prepare the body for faster running. Each set should be a gradual pick-up in speed to a controlled fast pace while working on increasing your stride length. Performing strides on grass decreases the impact on the body.

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Another addition of speed work during the second half of the base phase is the inclusion of mini tempo runs. Pick one easy run per week to include 15 minutes of running at around half marathon pace. This will begin introducing faster paced running so that the next phase of your training cycle will not be too shocking. Weekly long runs are the cornerstone of phase one and should always be done at conversational pace and build up to about 15 to 16 miles in length. Two to three days per week of weight training should also be included in this phase to build strength in important muscle groups such as the legs and core. Since the base phase is the easiest on the body, it can be anywhere from four to eight or more weeks in length.


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The second phase of periodization training focuses on building strength and speed with the inclusion of more specific speed workouts and hill sessions while maintaining mileage and weight training. In this phase, two easy runs per week will turn into two different speed sessions. The first speed session should be an increasing tempo run. Start with 15 minutes of your run at half marathon pace or slightly faster the first week and increase by 5 to 10 minutes each week until you are running 60 minutes at tempo pace. These workouts will help build strength in connective tissue and build muscle endurance to be able to get comfortable with running at your goal pace.

The second speed session can be alternated between shorter, faster repeats and hill workouts. Running on a track works best, but any uninterrupted road will do. After warming up for two to three miles, run intervals such as 4 to 8 repeats of between 1000 to 1600 meters at 5k to 10k race pace with short recovery periods of 1 to 2 minutes in between. Cool down for one or two miles. Every other week can include hill repeats of both uphill and downhill running at half marathon pace. Begin with four sets and build to eight to ten repeats by the end of the phase. Hill workouts are an excellent lower impact way to build strength and speed. Phase two will last about eight weeks in length.



The peak phase of periodization training is basically where your highest mileage and hardest workouts land. This is where you build confidence and tax your body the most while continuing to build fitness. With proper periodization, you should feel comfortable running at your goal pace for several miles during peak month. Continue with two speed workouts each week—one longer tempo run and shorter, faster repeats. Your track session will include double the repeats you were doing in the strength phase with distances ranging from 200 to 800 meters at 5k pace with one or two recovery minutes in between, for example. Form drills and strides should not be neglected during this phase, as it is a time to practice maintaining proper mechanics when fatigued.

Following the peak phase is two weeks of tapering right before your race. After this tough month of your hardest training, your body will beg for the taper weeks. Many runners usually dread these couple of weeks before a race because they feel they are losing fitness with the scaling back of volume and intensity. With proper phasing in training, you can push your limits during the peak phase and enjoy your taper, as you should. It is a time to let your body recover and focus on good nutrition and sleep to gather energy for race day. Periodization is a useful method to plan your training as it helps to gradually adjust your body to higher intensity and faster paces with a lower risk of overtraining or injuries. You are less likely to experience any setbacks during training using these cycles.


Trent Stellingwerff, Case Study: Nutrition and Training Periodization in Three Elite Marathon Runners, Journal, July 22, 2020.

Shoe Review: HOKA ONE ONE Clifton Edge

Sponsored by Zappos Running. All opinions are my own.

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Is heel striking really that bad for you? This is a common concern in the running community and has been a topic of debate for years. An extended amount of research has been done on foot strike patterns but has ultimately been inconclusive as to whether it actually is the cause of injuries and/or limits performance in any way. Poor performance and injuries are usually caused by a mixture of things—overall weakness, history of other injuries, overtraining, and faulty form, all together are major culprits, among others. Believe it or not, wearing the wrong types of shoes for YOUR feet can be a primary cause as well. The good thing is many shoe brands are coming out with so many options that it’s actually not so hard to find a good pair—as long as you do your research!

I was lucky to get my hands on a pair of HOKA ONE ONE Clifton Edge from Zappos and was impressed from the moment I tried them on! First off, the color choices, although only two, are amazing, so I’ll probably make a purchase for the moonlit ocean color very soon! Zappos offers a free VIP membership program that comes with a package of benefits like free expedited shipping, free returns for 365 days, excellent customer service, along with their incredible selection of products.

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Running with Less Impact—Yes Please!

If you are a distance runner, you know the trauma that running all the miles can do to the body. I, myself, love a high mileage program. It’s worked for me for years, but only if I incorporate the proper recovery and take care of my body. The HOKA ONE ONE Clifton Edge has a visible extended heel that may scare some runners into thinking it will limit their pace or just feel uncomfortable, but my review on this feature is a positive one. It actually felt the opposite for me—it made the constant pounding feel much less impactful.

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I am a big heel striker, which used to make me anxious until I learned that it’s actually not directly linked to injuries after all. The problem with heel striking is that it shoots the pounding all the way up the joints. Within the first few steps of taking my Clifton Edge out for a short, easy run, I noticed the shoe actually promotes a more mid-foot strike pattern. This is a plus for me, because it made the transition into the push-off phase much smoother. In turn, I felt since the shoe created this mid-foot strike on impact, it allowed me to apply a slightly better forward lean, which is part of good form! Of course, any permanent form improvements are made by the runner, not the shoe! 

The Best of Both Worlds

An extremely lightweight shoe is usually not the most cushioned one. The HOKA ONE ONE Clifton Edge, although a narrower shoe, provides a comfortable ride compared to what you may think when holding the shoe by hand. The Women’s shoe weighs about 8 ounces, which is on the lower to medium end of most supportive shoes. Instead of feeling tighter with the narrow fit, it felt more “fitted”—meaning the materials conformed to the shape of my feet as to support them. It has just enough cushioning to protect my feet during long runs, but not so much that it compresses my foot when I want to go fast. I have a neutral foot and gait pattern so this stability pair was perfect for me for runs of any distance.

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So far I’ve taken my Clifton Edge out on a short 45-minute easy-paced run and a 90-minute aerobic run and they felt just right! I’m looking forward to trying this pair out for race-paced workouts and hill sessions, since the comfortable ride and smoother heel-to-toe transition are more ideal for fast and higher impact running. If you are a neutral runner looking for a lightweight shoe that’s also super good-looking, I highly recommend the HOKA ONE ONE Clifton Edge from Zappos. Don’t forget to sign up for the VIP membership and take advantage of the many benefits!