A Case for Speed Work

Getting faster and lasting longer is every runner’s goal. If you are looking to improve your half or full marathon finish time, weekly speed sessions should be a priority. Keep reading to learn why fast workouts should be a part of your training plan, along with a few sample sessions to start incorporating into your routine.

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Shoe Review: ASICS GEL-NIMBUS 22

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All opinions are my own.

Constantly packing on miles every week means I am continuously rotating through different types of shoes in order to keep my feet healthy. It is not just our form that plays a role in our injury risk and performance, but our running shoes are an important part of the process as well. It’s hard to find a shoe that’s good for every type of run—some will be strictly for track work or fast speed sessions, others for long runs, and others for use on the trails. You really shouldn’t just wear one pair for everything anyways, but it’s good to have a pair that’s well-rounded for whatever workout you have planned.

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This is where the ASICS GEL-NIMBUS 22 comes into play. I was lucky enough to try out a pair from Zappos, which have a very large selection of shoes, so you can be sure to find anything you’re looking for! As a Rewards Member, you get free returns for 365 days, so if you’re not happy with the fit or just don’t like the style, you can return them without a problem. You can also always count on their 24/7 customer service. They are extremely knowledgeable about all of their products and are there to help you with all of your questions. You only win as a Zappos Rewards Member!

 All Around Support

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Most new runners will ask what to look for in a running shoe. This all depends on the type of running you do: sprinting, short distances like 5ks, or long distances such as half and full marathons. For the most part, one of the most important aspects to look for in a shoe is support. After all that’s what shoes are supposed to be doing anyway—supporting your feet. The ASICS GEL-NIMBUS 22 is created with rearfoot and forefoot gel technology, so basically the entire shoe cushions at every angle of the running cycle. The midsole has a specific foam called FLYTEFOAM technology that helps when running longer distances—I definitely noticed this difference comparing the NIMBUS 22 with my other long run shoes on a 15-miler over the weekend. 

The qualities of running shoes will also depend on your biomechanics and body features. Runners with a history of joint problems such as knee or hip surgeries, back pain, or arthritis definitely don’t want a minimally cushioned shoe made just for speed work. The NIMBUS 22 has you covered with pretty much perfect cushioning for these cases. If you pronate when you land (foot rotates inward), you should wear shoes that somewhat correct the pronation. The ASICS GEL-NIMBUS 22 are made for neutral runners, so won’t provide the correction you need if you overpronate.

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Fast Quality That Lasts

Most running shoes made for fast running and racing last for what feels like a second. It’s not uncommon for these significantly overpriced race shoes to be good to toss by 125 miles. That’s at least a third of the durability of most other running shoes. The reason for this is because fast shoes are made as light as possible, with the least amount of material, which wears away quickly. The GEL-NIMBUS 22 are made with a rubber termed “AHAR”, or ASICS High Abrasion Rubber, along the outsole of the shoe, which reduces the overall wear. I was surprised that these shoes felt light for speedier miles, given the weight of the shoe is about 9 ounces.

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Giving the shoe an extra spring-like feel during push-off is the special FLYTEFOAM technology. I felt my foot bounced right off after landing, preserving energy to help me last longer at my paces. Although the shoe felt a bit stiff at first when walking around, the sole actually felt springy with every step while running. I was worried that stiffness would make my heel striking too impactful for my plantar fasciitis-prone feet, but the extra layer of gel cushioning along the rear sole definitely lessened the impact with every step and made for a soft landing!

All in all the ASICS GEL-NIMBUS 22 felt the best for every day medium to long running at an easy pace. As far as speed sessions, I feel these are the best for tempo workouts since they hold up well for long intervals at faster paces. Using this pair will save me from having to replace my sneakers so often, since they are much more durable than most of the pairs I normally wear. If you are looking for a shoe with max cushioning, but still on the light side, I highly recommend the NIMBUS 22. And don’t forget to shop them from Zappos