Staying Happy & Nourished During Isolation

featuring Atkins

Sponsored by Atkins. All opinions are my own.

Working from home has its positives—you have a flexible schedule, can spend the entire day in pajamas, and can usually pause your work to squeeze in an errand or workout without a problem. It also has its downsides, though, especially when you are not only stuck at home during the workday, but also at night and the weekends. This is the case for everyone right now during the COVID-19 crisis we are dealing with. It was hard to get excited about working from home a couple of months ago at the start of this pandemic since the death toll was continuously rising every day. At the same time many people found it hard to stay consistent with a schedule being at home almost 24/7.

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For me, it’s been a good eye-opener to be grateful for my health and the security of my family. I’m even more thankful now for the ability to run during this time, since gyms and other fitness classes have been canceled. Running brings me joy, but in order to run well and improve my performance in the sport, I need to eat well. Most of us know this does not come easy when you are home all day! I have a major sweet tooth and I’m living with family right now who love to keep desserts in the house, so you can imagine how hard it’s been to stay away from too many treats! Luckily I have gotten into the habit of managing my sweet tooth while still staying satisfied and nourished for my running goals.


Athletes know how important it is to get enough protein. It’s the nutrient that plays a significant role in muscle repair. Protein keeps you feeling full, too. It’s a good idea to include a serving at every meal, so you are less likely to overeat. The most important time to have protein is immediately after exercise. Hard runs call for my favorite optimal protein meal—a dark chocolate peanut butter smoothie! It’s a quick and easy recipe using my go-to shake from Atkins. The Atkins Dark Chocolate Royale is my favorite flavor but I’ve also made this smoothie with the Atkins Mocha Latte and Creamy Vanilla, and it’s just as satisfying! It just takes a handful of ingredients and a few minutes so you don’t have an excuse to skip out on your post-workout refueling!

How to Make the Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie


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·     1 Atkins Dark Chocolate Royale Shake

·     ½ ripe avocado

·     1 Tbsp creamy peanut butter

·     1 Tsp cocoa powder

·     1 Tbsp chia seeds

Mix all ingredient together in a high-speed blender with a few ice cubes, pour, and enjoy! 

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It doesn’t get easier than that! Most people find the use of an avocado in a smoothie to be weird, but since it’s relatively flavorless, it’s just meant to add thickness and creaminess. It basically replaces the use of a banana and makes it a perfect option if you are looking for a low sugar recipe. That’s the best part about this smoothie recipe—it’s low carb, so you can have it at any time of the day. It’s also a great option for those of us that crave something sweet late at night. Atkins shakes also have just the right balance of healthy fats, fiber, and key protein to keep you satisfied and your energy levels steady. I’ve been enjoying these shakes as part of my afternoon snack, but ever since adding them into my post-workout smoothie, I’m enjoying them even more! 

Quarantine Happy

The majority of people sitting at home are struggling to stay content with their day-to-day lives. You hear all over social media how this is a great time to find a hobby at home or start a new venture, but when you haven’t been succeeding at productivity, it brings on a sense of discouragement. This should not be the case! It is actually OKAY to not be coming out of this pandemic with a new sense of self. I believe we should be doing what we want whether we are in quarantine or not—if you want to just sit around and relax and not worry about productivity, that’s just fine!

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Rather than taking up a new hobby or starting a new project, I’m focusing on the aspects of my life I actually enjoy and do more of them with the extra time I have. This means I am following a more structured running program, getting in and sharing the workouts I love with my community, and cooking more every day. I can’t come up with any excuses to get out of my current and regular health routine, and I am happy to say Atkins truly has made meal prep, snacking, and refueling after workouts much easier and more enjoyable during this stressful time.